Would God Send You To A False Prophet?
Jesus said that false prophets WILL COME and that they come to YOU. They are sent to you. Not by God but they still come to you. John 10:10 will settle everything!

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Last Updated on Sat September 4, 2021 @ 11:27 pm
“Would God send you to a false prophet?” This is the question that false prophets like to propose – as if it were valid reasoning that came with an obvious “No!”. This question is asked of people that believe that God has sent them with the intent to imply that they couldn’t be following a false prophet or false leader. It is actually a deceptive sleight of hand to get you thinking in the wrong direction. After all, every believer believes that they are where they are because they are on the path of God – that God has led them.
This reasoning that you couldn’t be following a false prophet or false leader should conclude that there are no false prophets to follow. Or that only false Christians follow false prophets. Since no one believes they’re false then we’re good here – right? They don’t want you to think past the point of your concluding that you wouldn’t follow anyone false. Therefore you don’t realize the absurdity of what their statement actually concludes.
Who Said That?
Who said that God does this sending anyway? This is their sleight of hand that has got you thinking in the direction of blaming this on God – and therefore justifying the prophet as true because God did it and God wouldn’t lead you wrong. This is a gaslighting trick so that you blame yourself or God, but never them. Who said that God sent you to them in the first place? God didn’t say that. Did you hear those words from someone perhaps claiming to be a prophet? Is that who put those ideas in your head in the first place?
God didn’t say that He sends you to a prophet. What God said was, Beware!… of prophets. That’s not a sending that’s a warning against those who will come in His name (Mt 24:5; 2Jn 1:7). Jesus’ Last Day’s Sign that He gave to the disciples in Matthew 24 was a warning that the sign would be – deceivers would come (Mt 24:4) in His name, saying that Jesus is the Christ (Mt 24:5). They will be false prophets (Mt 24:11), the Body of Christ is with them (Mt 24:23), in the wilderness (Mt 24:26), and they lead you into error by their great signs and wonders (Mt 24:24; Acts 8:9).
Jesus said that false prophets will come, and that they come to YOU. They are sent to you. Not by God, nor are you sent to them. But they will come to you. God didn’t say that they [people] would come to THEM [false prophets] but that the false prophet would come to YOU.
This is why false prophets will always tell you that “God sent you to me. I wasn’t sent to you.” They think that by saying it that way they can skirt this scripture that identifies them, and by putting it that way they blame God for the sending so as to place God’s seal upon it. Another deception!
A look at a good shepherd will show us that men of God do not lose any of those God sends (Jn 18:9; Jn 17:12; Jn 6:39). When a Prophet has lost over 99% of all that God has sent to him – that’s a bad shepherd, that’s a false prophet (Jn 10:10).
They “come to YOU in sheep’s clothing…” (Mt 7:15-20)
THEY appear unto YOU as angels of light (2Cor 11:14)
Why then would God let this be? Because God gave you instruction as to how to know them — by their fruits (Mt 7:15-20) (Deut 18:15-22). God gave you the tests for prophets and men of God. This is how God expects His people to know them. It has nothing to do with a ‘sending’ from God or some ‘spiritual’ mumbo jumbo – like a witness.
Wake Up, My People!
Not everything that comes to you is from God. Not everything and everyone you come across in your path is from God. “Test the spirits” (1John 4:1). Why would God tell us this if He only intends for everything that graces (or grazes) our lives to be from Him? It’s not! “Your adversary, the Devil” (1Pt 5:8) You have an adversary that is out to destroy you – if by any means. He’s bent on leading you into error and sending men of error into your life.
This is why God gave instructions for you to test them and all things that are within the situations of our lives (John 10:10) – especially things that present themselves as spiritual (1John 4:1). We are told to test the spirits that are on them! (1John 4:1) That doesn’t mean testing to see if we’re in the right spirit. That’s something a false prophet would tell you so that you don’t identify them (Matt 7:15-20).
The Primmer
The primary thing we all need to learn and use to filter everything in our lives with is John 10:10. It will settle everything! It will filter where everything comes from. Is it from God – or from Satan? John 10:10 will tell us. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy: Jesus came to bring us life, and life in abundance (John 10:10).
So which is it? Life or death? What is the fruit of anything and everything in your life? This test of John 10:10 will tell you the author of it.
Does God Send False Prophets?
No! But they run. “I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.” (Jer 23:21-31). And they will run into you. So beware of the false prophets (Mt 7:15-20). Nowhere did God say, ‘if you come across them then I sent them to you’. Those are the false prophets that are telling you that God sent them and He wouldn’t guide you wrong. That is certainly a false prophet moving his lips. Run!
And Yes… God Could Have
Scripture does show some false prophets that God sent. Jonah being the most prominent. Jonah’s prophecy didn’t come to pass, so according to God’s test in Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Jonah was a false prophet and Jonah knew that would be the case, that’s why Jonah ran from God.
He didn’t want to be a false prophet and he knew that once he spoke what God was intent on not doing then he would forever be a false prophet. There was also a spirit that went out that used a prophet (and made him a false prophet) with his false message, intending to deceive — and God allowed it (1Kings 22:22). Behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee (2 Chronicles 18:18-22).
Perhaps the greatest display of God sending you to a false prophet is found in of 2Thessalonians 2. God will send them a strong delusion to those that persist in believing lies (like the ones told by false prophets) and who don’t love the truth and seek the truth – no matter how much their prophet is against it (2Thes 2:11-12). If you’re buying into a leader or a prophet that is steering you away from seeking God for yourself and seeking the truth (even about them) at any cost. You’re dealing with someone who is a strong delusion that God has sent to you.
New Testament Prophets
The New Testament declares that there are two prophets at work in the Church today (Rev 2:14, 20). Teaching false teachings. These two prophets teach error and lead God’s people into error. You can see this today – unless you’re believing one of these false prophets that are telling you these Churches in Revelation are Ages and that they are passed. That’s a fine way to deceive people into looking over your identification in scripture.
Balaam is called a prophet yet there is no prophecy we have from him. What scripture tells us Balaam did was he taught. Balaam was a teacher that was known as a prophet. We can’t really call Balaam a false prophet either because he was careful to not speak anything that God would not bring to pass. He liked his prophet status.
Balaam might have called himself a non-prophesying prophet. Balaam was also not considered an Israelite. So his prophet claim was not from the God of Israel. Balaam was a prophet that taught God’s people to partake in sacrificing to idolatry. [Like some prophets we have today that ask you to give your goods and yourself to honor their calling that they have over you].
This prophet Balaam brought the teaching to God’s people that it was okay to commit sexual immorality and lewdness. He taught that they should give themselves up to sexual vice (Rev 2:14 AMP). Sound familiar? Balaam, therefore, trapped God’s people and cast stumbling blocks before them to entice them (AMP).
Jezebel is the spirit of one that calls themselves a prophet (Acts 8:9). The Jezebel spirit prophets teach misleading doctrines that lead God’s people into sexual immorality and idolatry (Rev 2:20). This spirit is noted as being one that is usurping authority where they have none – as Lucifer did. This is why Jesus emphasizes “that woman”. Don’t miss this point and go off looking for this spirit on a female. This is a point of usurping authority where you have none. A woman had no authority to lead the church. This is a person that calls themselves but does not have the authority to do what they are doing nor the calling they claim to have.
Here we see two New Testament prophets that are leaders, heads of the Church. Two witnesses. These prophets are easily known by the signs of their fruits (Mt 7:15-20). Sexual immorality and idolatry [exaltation of themselves], and their lack of repentance from their sexual immorality which they have been given time to repent of (Rev 3:32). They sinned away their day of repentance (Heb 6:6). What Jesus is most upset with His people here is that they tolerate and cling to the teachings of these prophets who teach them these lies (Rev 2:20, 14).
Both these prophets also exorcize what Jesus hates – hierarchy, they rule over the laity. The Nicolaitan doctrine (Rev 2:15).
So Why Would God Allow It?
God allows this because He gave you instructions on how to know them and test them (Mt 7:15-20; Deut 18:15-22; 1Jn 4:1; Jn 10:10). If you fail to do that, then you are allowed to be deceived by a false prophet. Don’t blame it on God. He gave you the ways and means to filter out the false prophets.
It’s simple – but you must do it. Test the spirits to see whether they be of God or not (1John 4:1). Why? Because you’re testing for false prophets (1John 4:1).
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
(1John 4:1)
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