Dinner Time Deception


Wondering what goes on in the Dining Hall that Brother Stair doesn’t tell his radio listeners about?

Overcomer Ministry Dinner Time (Pr 6:16-19)

Overcomer Ministry Dinner Time (Pr 6:16-19)

Last Updated on Mon May 27, 2024 @ 3:50 pm

Are you wondering why the Dining Hall talks that Brother Stair does almost every day are still done in a corner?  (Acts 26:26)

Brother Stair wants to be heard and since he has so much to say – then why isn’t he saying it to his radio listeners who he claims are the people of GodDoes Brother Stair not want God’s people to know what he’s talking about in the Dining Hall?  Does Brother Stair not want the Overcomers to have Ministry?  Or is he using these hidden secrets of God to entice outsiders to come and join to be one of the special ones that get the special deep secrets of God only available to those who get invited to his Dining Hall (Rev 2:24)?

If Brother Stair truly has nothing to hide then why not let everyone in on it?  Brother Stair has told his listeners many times that most of his preaching takes place in the Dining Hall.  Since his audience of God’s people in his all-important Radio Land are not allowed to hear this preaching, this begs the question, what is he saying in the Dining Hall that he doesn’t want the world to hear?  Is this where his secret sex talk takes place?  Where the touching of butts and breasts are done – wholesale?  Yes, many bear witness to these facts – Brother Stair himself alludes to these same sexual antics many times in his Sabbath Service preaching.  Do you see why he does not air these Dining Hall talks that are mislabeled preaching?

The Dining Hall Sessions

The problem is that the hundreds of us who have been in those Dining Hall sessions know that what is said would turn his financial supporters away from him.  The Dining Room talks are for the captive ones who are locked in and have no easy way to leave.  So indiscretion in his words and actions is not necessary once you’re locked in and have no more money to give and no way to easily run.

In 2019 Brother Stair got a wireless mic set up so that he could go on the air live from anywhere on the Farm.  He has used this on occasion from his porch and while walking around the Farm, only a few times has he broadcast from the Dining Hall – where he says most of his preaching takes place.  Why is that?  Again, why would he deny us of this important preaching?  What is being done in that corner, these things are hidden from us that Brother Stair does not want us to hear (Acts 26:26)?  He wants us to hear everything else – no matter how much rhetoric it is.  So why withhold what he claims to be his best preaching from us?  Can you imagine how bad it must be that he has to withhold it from being broadcast?!

Related:  Everything is Current

In Light of Examples

There are several examples of what we are saying here, how Brother Stair likes to keep things hidden and done in a corner (Acts 26:26).  There’s the excommunication of Brother Charles that we’ve spoken of.  There’s the most notable incident of Sister Andrea that Brother Stair didn’t intend to be aired – which Brother Stair didn’t want his radio listeners to know about.  There’s a whole article covering in much detail that incident and how it was intended to be done in a corner and covered up – see This is Worthy of Repeating.

There’s the example of the River Community that Brother Stair’s old friend Brother Chris was a part of.  This was a massive manifestation of the hidden fruit that Brother Stair had been cultivating for many years as he trained up Brother Doug’s young girls by giving them candy and special favors.  He was waiting for the day when he could reap (or rape) the fruit that he had attended.  He was already in the groping stages (hugs as he calls it).  It got so bad that his dear old friend Brother Chris had to confront him about it and told him to stop his coming to the River to grope the sisters.

This didn’t sit well with Brother Stair’s ravenous sexual appetite – so he excommunicated the River in hopes for them to repent of their righteousness and his sexual harvest would be restored to him.  But the story you heard over the airwaves was a different story from Brother Stair’s mouth.  He made them the bad guy and demanded their repentance.  This lack of repentance on Brother Stair’s part, to restore the River for their walking in holiness, was taken to the grave.

Then there’s the incident in the Kitchen (a hot spot of Brother Stair’s activities) with Sister Sandy where Brother Stair was groping her in front of her children.  Sister Sandy decked him and he went into the Dining Hall to talk against her.  She came out of the Kitchen and exposed his actions.  The saints realized that she was telling the truth and Brother Stair silently exited the Dining Hall.  That didn’t get retold over the air, did it?  (Prov 26:12)

There’s the sister that Brother Stair, in his Dining Hall talk, said was too fat.  She came back saying that You didn’t think I was too fat when you had your head between my legs.  That shut his mouth.  Most of the sisters are too timid or ashamed to tell of the wicked things he’s done to them – thus why he preaches submission.  Let’s not forget that he also preached in the Dining Hall that the sisters were to submit to rape – then it wouldn’t be rape.  Those were the days before 2001 when we all were brought to the realization of what he was after in that teaching.

How many times have you heard of Brother Stair jumping the fence to visit sisters that he had housed off the Farm?  Not something that he’s going to talk about, is it?  But Brother Stan has told you about it on The Final Witness.  These incidents were so bad that it was known among the neighbors.  This is the witness of the Overcomer to the world.  There are many more things like this that are well known to those of us who lived with Brother Stair – the half has not been told (1 Kings 10:7).

Related:  Despising God

If you have ears to hear, you would hear through what is being said that indicates these truths.  Brother Stair has acknowledged this in Service, ‘we’ve watched this happen with several women in this place, again, the same thing, with so many others – but you didn’t hear about those incidents, did you? (Pr 26:11)  His desire for these incidents to be hidden is expressed in the Service where he rebukes his brothers for allowing it to go out over the air (Acts 26:26). His trap is of his own making (Pr 6:2-3).  If the Word comes out of my mouth, then how could we or anyone attack It with the Word of God?  That’s not God’s Word that is coming out of his mouth.  When he’s whispering to the sisters to do sexual acts and tells them God will forgive – is that God’s Word out of my mouth?  What kind of a Sign is that?  It’s time we all answered that question.

Reasonable Reasons

Brother Stair needs to keep the ears tickled of his broadcast supporters in Radio Land (2Tim 4:3), feeding them with a palatable diet of his smooth ‘normal’ sounding messages.  Indicating to them that he is some great one without wrongdoing (Acts 8:9-10).  He also doesn’t want to shock his Radio Stations and have them drop him – again.  This is one reason Brother Stair replays old messages that are not compatible with his current state and his current teachings – but his current state of sin and his tweaked teachings are not the palatable ‘norm’ that will bring in the listeners and their all-important funds.

If his listeners only knew of the wickedness that goes on in his Dining Room…

Brother Stair is having the last laugh on this one.

Bro RG Stair Speaks Out on Craig Mack Documentary


[Update – Pastor Rice]

Pastor Rice having his brother's wife
Pastor Rice has his brother’s wife (Mark 6:18)

With the untimely normal death of Brother Stair – making him a lying deceived deceiver, according to his own testimony – we now have Pastor James Rice taking the leadership of the Overcomer along with Brother Stair’s concubine Rose at his side as his wife.  Fulfilling scripture as the leadership of Herod, unlawfully having his brother Dennis’s wife (Mark 6:18).  Thus following in the footsteps of Brother Stair sexually.

Relevant here is that Pastor Rice is following in Brother Stair’s steps with his daily Dining Hall talks.  Yes, he did this at Grace Community but he got it from observing Brother Stair when he visited.  But Pastor Rice takes it a step further so that he can gain his much-needed support both inside and outside.  Thus James Rice records and puts his daily Dining Hall talks on the Overcomer website – above Brother Stair’s messages.

Related:  The Two Witnesses

What we hear in these talks is the same rhetoric that we heard from Brother Stair, sans the gratuitous sex talk added in.  Yet the main emphasis of Pastor Rice’s messages is directed against those on the Farm who are not submitting to his authority or his casting aside of Brother Stair’s words manifesting.  Just like in Pastor Rice’s blasting after Brother Stair in Sabbath Services about those who leave when he stands up, he rages and scoffs at those who refuse his leadership.  This is done to set his followers against their own brothers and sisters – thus dividing Christ.  There is no reason for this nonsense as it spreads like gangrene, word will eat as doth a canker, this kind of talk spreads like cancer (2 TIm 2:17  BSB/KJV/NLT).

For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no gossiper, quarreling quiets down.
Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious person to kindle strife.
The words of a gossiper are like dainty morsels, And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.

One who hates disguises it with his lips, But he harbors deceit in his heart.

When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, Because there are seven abominations in his heart.
Though his hatred covers itself with deception, His wickedness will be revealed in the assembly.

A lying tongue hates those it crushes, And a flattering mouth works ruin.
(Proverbs 26:20-22  NASB)

The spirit Remains the Same

This has been his constant mantra, much like Brother Stair would harp on the same things and never change his methods to deal directly with the people he said he had issues with.  He would rather slander them before the whole congregation than actually deal with them and remedy the situation.  Brother Stair did this because he never wanted to fix the situations that he was harping about but rather he wanted to spew his anger and hatred so all might fear.  That’s the way of a coward.  He was never the troubleshooter that he claimed to be, he was the main troublemaker.

Pastor James Rice is doing the same thing, biting and devouring, dividing the Body of Christ.  Expect to witness him waxing worse and worse and perhaps even adding in the sexual elements to his talks.  In all this, we should ask ourselves, how is any of this perfecting of the saints, edifying of the body of Christ, bring about the unity of the faithor building them up in their faith (Ephesians 4:12-14; Jude 1:20)?

While that was occasionally Brother Stair’s rhetoric it was never his fruit (Matt 7:21).  Neither is it the fruit of Pastor Rice, who has now even departed away from expecting Brother Stair’s words to come to pass.  Why then is he there?  Why then is he in charge?  He no longer has anything to do with this Ministry since his denial of its Prophet in 2021.  He would be condemned and cast out by Brother Stair for his turning away.  Yet now he rules.  How is that?


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