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November 2021

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Leave your November 2021 notes and quotes below for the Overcomer Ministry Broadcast of the former Last Day Prophet of god Brother R.G. (Ralph Gordon) Stair.  Now under the leadership and control of the corporate President and Vice-President, Dennis and Rose Larivee.

Please include the day & time in (Eastern Time or GMT) of the related report.

If you have any thoughts or ideas on changes to the Form please let us know via email or post them in the Suggestions, Ideas, Improvements forum.

Thanks go out to all of those who support us and participate in this forum.

Jesus was to return last month in September at the Feast of Trumpets marking October 4th as the final date to mark Brother Stair's prophecy of the six months totally expired and false.  We had Brother Best (on the phone calls) surmising that it will be 30 days after Brother Stair’s six months (after his death) have passed that Jesus will come.  Thus attempting to delay and extend facing the truth that Brother Stair lied, with some kind of grace period.

Now we are in the month of November when the Broadcast was not paid up to.  Are we to expect that they will be going off the air soon?  Or will the Broadcast of lies continue founded upon another lie?  That one being told by Pastor Rice in thee Rosh Hashanah Service, that we don't need to go by Brother Stair's words any longer as actually factually taking place - since they obviously have failed in that regard - by to nearly take him meaning in the spirit of it.

Pastor Rice said, he still speaks.  Yet now says that what he spoke was a trap and we shouldn't hold him to it.  How many will be faithful to Brother Stair and how many will fall away?

Don't forget to take our Poll on these things to let the world know your views.

We have begun to see a big change brewing in the (former) Overcomer Ministry.  Pastor Rice's announcements have been replaced with a young man that is unknown to the listeners.  No explanation has been given as to their stand on any Last Time-ly manner.  Only the repetition of weekly unscreened phone calls gets out.  At least 16 have been released to date.

This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Admin

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WWCR's schedule update on October 31 appears to be valid for November with The Overcomer broadcasts looking unchanged.  The station would probably welcome an offer from Stan or any other of Stair's competitors to purchase some air time.

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Pastor Rice is heard in the evening Prayer Time, making himself heard after his illness.  Perhaps feeling it needful to counter any thoughts of his departure or removal.  His replacement announcements are still running though. 

Sadly he has not departed from the deception that is The Overcomer.

malahat reacted
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This morning (11/17) before Prayer Time we heard "Mark" (the current or an earlier one?) give the out-of-date phone number in German  to try to get some response to the broadcast from Monte Carlo.  He could have been useful communicating with Manfred from Vienna/Switzerland or whichever country he had wandered to but maybe Stair feared a hidden secret message if he were allowed to speak.   One noticed that Stair had an interpreter when he spoke in person in India and China but mysterious powers were not needed to make him understood when preaching over the air.


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@admin-rgstair I apologize that I haven't read fully on you article on Politics and Religion.

One thing hit me was in the United States Constitution it says the Government is not to form a "Religion". Definition of a Religion, to me it's more out there than Christianity. There is Islam, Catholic, Scientology, Muslim, and in the United States, Satanist claim to be a Religion.

On the night after this Kyle Rittenhouse Case in Kenosha, Wisconsin that has put America on edge, the BLM Protesters have hit the streets of places like Brooklyn, New York and Portland, Oregon, to name a few. I'm really starting to question, is BLM going to refer itself as a religion?

We know BLM is a Corporation, as BLM, Inc. It may use the phrase "Black Lives Matter", but I'm of the opinion that's not what is really for. If we really look, BLM supporters are Whites giving money to them. BLM does not care about "Black People's Lives, or Lives of African Americans" at all. With many of the young to middle age people in the country falling for BLM, now especially the white race, and it's marxist beliefs, can we now call BLM a Religion?

BLM founder Patrice Cullors has made millions out of BLM, pocketing the money and buying personal property and buildings in predominantly white areas. As I have looked at many people's bios on Twitter, they use the hashtag #BLM. These are ultra leftist that many are white and I know are Atheists.

I didn't mean to get into BLM, but like ANTIFA, which in my opinion is some sort of a cult, and not civilized like, for example, Scientology (I call them a religion) they are just way out of hand. 

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The half-hour lead into tonight's Prayer Service included items from (the late) J. Vernon Magee and WND regular Richard Rive.  Nothing from Pastor Rice.  There was also a 5-year old plaint about the lack of response to his midnight to 5 a.m. purchase of time on station KARI, broadcasting low-power to area farmers.  The signal rarely reached a metropolitan area.

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@malahat I really don't know what they are doing on that Overcomer Broadcast. I haven't listened in some time.

J. Vernon Magee is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I think he's been gone over 25 years, I guess. Last I heard, his ministry was still going and keeping his old broadcast on.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday with Family and Friends. Stay safe as our Country, the United States is being hit by this Omicron Variant.



This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Sheldon1560
This post was modified 3 years ago by Admin
