The Great Falling Away


Brother Stair taught that the Great Falling Away took place in the summer of 2001 when over half his followers left him.  The scripture says that this Great Falling Away is what identifies the Man of Sin.  It is the Sign that he is identified by…

Brother Stair the Man of Sin

Brother Stair the Man of Sin

Last Updated on Sat October 24, 2020 @ 9:37 pm

In early 2018, Brother R.G. Stair returned to talking about The Great Falling Away where he lost most of his followers at his Overcomer Ministry after his revelation of sin in 2001.  Now in 2018, he returns to the topic amid the loss of more followers following his 2017 arrest for which is awaits a trial.  Brother Stair does this to bring condemnation to those that left to generate fear in those still lingering so that they do not follow suit. 

This fear is also been recently spoken about by Brother Stair in saying that he does not rule with fear – thus he is not a cult leader.  Where he gets that conclusion from he doesn’t tell us.  I guess it’s all a matter of which side of the iron fist you’re on that you see it as fearful or not.

So we bring you back to an old article on this subject as a reminder, with some updates:

The Man of Sin Revealed

Brother Stair has identified himself as the Man of Sin.  Much like David Koresh proclaimed himself the Sinful Messiah.

Brother Stair teaches that the Great Falling Away began to take place in the summer of 2001 when over half his followers left him after his sexual sins were made known and there was no repentance from them.  His followers left him because Brother Stair’s sins were revealed, or that the Man of Sin was revealed to be Brother Stair, and thus many Fell Away.  That is the way Brother Stair put it at that time.

Many more would leave as more sins would be known, and the following year Brother Stair ended up in jail without bond awaiting trial for multiple charges of rape and mishandling of funds.  He was not acquitted of the sexual crimes but did manage to plea-bargain down to a lesser charge than what he was guilty of, to avoid trial and certain jail time.

Related:  Straining at Gnats – Swallowing Camels

Then again in 2017, we saw a repeat of Brother Stair arrested because of his sexual crimes.  This time more left him – he was nearly emptied out on his Farm and all his Radio Stations dropped him.  His cup of iniquity was being filled to the brim and it was brimming over for all the world to see on his YouTube video channel, from which he pulled all the videos.  You will be hard-pressed to even locate the Overcomer Ministry YouTube channel today.

Brother Stair the Man of Sin

Is this the Man of Sin?

What Kind of Man is The Man of Sin?

In 2nd Thessalonians 2  scripture says that this Great Falling Away is what identifies the Man of Sin.  He is identified by those who fall away from following him, because of his sin, as it is his sin that is his Sign, thus his title

According to scripture, the falling away is not to reveal those who fell away but to reveal the man of sin that they fell away from.  So we rejoice that this revelation of the man of sin as it brings us one step closer to the return of Jesus.

2Thes 2:4 has more Signs of this Man of Sin:

The Obvious

Let us not overlook that this would fall in line with the scripture waxing worse and worse as this is referring to men who are not “getting” worse but that their deeds are becoming revealed to us as to their true nature

Related:  The Passing-Over of Brother R. G. Stair

Just as the Moon does not get larger, in waxing, its appearance is coming into light revealing its true nature.  Thus their “waxing” identifies them in 2Tim 3:13 as to who and what they are, and what they do (Mt 7:20).

How long shall the wicked triumph?  (Ps 94:3)

Brother Stair believes he has Freedom To Sin


This is written from the viewpoint that the Falling Away is not to reveal those who fell away but to reveal the man of sin that they fell away from to juxtapose it to what Brother Stair teaches.  Unlike what Brother Stair teaches us, scripture teaches us that the falling away is not to reveal those who fell away but to reveal the man of sin, (perhaps that they fell away from).  The Falling Away happens first, then the Man of Sin is revealed.  The Falling Away is not revealing that those who fell away are sons of perdition, as Brother Stair teaches.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (2Thes 2:3)

While we believe the teaching of the Falling Away in 2Thessilonicans 2 to be the apostasy of the believers – the falling away of those who have professed to be Christians (as the Amplified version puts it).  Which is to take place before the Man of Sin is revealed – as the scriptures say.  We do not believe, as Brother Stair teaches, that those who leave him are the fulfillment of this Falling Away.   Nor do we believe that those who flee wickedness (as God commanded us to do) to be apostasy – as Brother Stair teaches. 

Related:  Phone Messages #7

We have presented this as a take on revealing the Man of Sin rather than revealing the error of those falling away from the wicked one because of Bro Stair’s viewpoint and false teaching.

And now, what about the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to meet him?  Please don’t be upset and excited, dear brothers, by the rumor that this day of the Lord has already begun.  If you hear of people having visions and special messages from God about this, or letters that are supposed to have come from medon’t believe themDon’t be carried away and deceived regardless of what they say.  (2Thessalonians 2:1-3  TLB)

Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
The man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
(2Timothy 3:13,17)

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