Feast of Trumpets 2020
The Feast of Trumpets 2020 is in full swing at the Overcomer Ministry Community in Canadys, SC. This is the...
The Feast of Trumpets 2020 is in full swing at the Overcomer Ministry Community in Canadys, SC. This is the...
And... We're Late Today we find Brother Stair having his 2020 Pentecost Gathering. It's a weekend gathering of services celebrating...
The lips of the righteous bring forth what is acceptable, But the mouth of the wicked, what is perverted (Proverbs...
Like Jesus, Satan also asks his ministers this question, "Do you love me?" (Jn 21:15-17; 2Cor 11:14-15). To their positive...
Membership Has Its Privileges Certain men (Jude 1:4; Acts 8:9, 15:1; Deut 13:13; Act 8:9) teach that they have certain...
A Narcissist's "Morality"... Morality is determined by your understanding of matters like integrity, character, and appropriateness. Narcissists might want you...
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ ... (2 Thessalonians 2:1) The topic of The Manifestation of the Man...
These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. (Jude 1:19 ...
"If a man comes in here sister, and he wants to rape you and you submit to him - he's...
For or Against Men that use God's Word to establish their own ministries and their own messages, do this to...
Richard Rives's video message is always relevant any time of year. Titled about someone we know here, Men Who Hold...
Paul tells us in Romans 8:35 that nothing shall separate us from Christ and His love for us, God is...
The End Is Come Fall 2018 marked nine years since Brother Stair told the world that he was ending the...
What is This Spirit That NOW Worketh? This is not Iniquity. This is not THAT Sin. This is the spirit...
In Feb 2018 the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) fell 666 points, making it the worst week since 2016 but...