This is a Current and Important Announcement


Did you come and join the Prophet for the 2018 Passover where they partook of the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic ceremony of Transubstantiation at midday?  The Jesus Cookie.  Martyring the Martyrs

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Last Updated on Sat April 30, 2022 @ 4:55 am


Passover week is here, please come join us.  We will do everything to accommodate you.  Promise.  Join us as we partake in the Holy Eucharist.  This article was from 2018, some of the times have changed but the song is still the same – as you will notice.

Not so Current

Saturday [2018] is not April 1st, nor is it Passover, it’s April Fool’s Day – is that what this is revealing?  Perhaps time changed more than we thought.  Or is someone changing times and seasons? (Dan 7:25)  Sunday?  Are we back to Sundays now?  We’ve obviously lost sight of when Passover starts. (Dan 2:21) 

The Overcomer at least used to know this and had Communion as representing the Passover meal at sundown Friday – when Passover starts [in 2018].  Now it’s apparently all trivial and they’ve gone to the traditional Sunday church times or having Communion at midday.  Just as if it were Catholic Mass.  Read on… it is.


There is a need for cooks and farmworkers, and sexual fun laced with biblical wordage.  Brother Stair often chuckles as he talks to his god about those good old days when he hung with the shysters (1Cor 15:33;  Pr 4:14;  Pr 1:15;  Ps 5:4-6;  Ps 1:1) and how he uses biblical terms for sexual connotations (Titus 1:15).

Brother Stair says, Many are telling us Jesus is coming, the Rapture will take place, … [2018]

What Will It Be?

These are some of the options that Brother Stair has put forth lately (as the voice of God):

Related:  The Man of Sin Revealed

What we can be sure that is soon to take place is:

  • Sex Talk – Making Biblical terms into perverse sexual connotations
  • A week of Sexual Profit for the Prophet

Do You Want to be There?

Table of Demons

Will you be in that number that partakes in the Table of Demons as they partake of Catholic Communion and their heretical Transubstantiation doctrine? (1Cor 10:20-22)  Come partake of the Host, as any good Jesuit hiding in a Protestant Community would.

Reserve your trailer now.  Brother Stair’s promised to do everything to accommodate you.  Beware of what that means you have to do in return for his ‘blessings’ and for the verbal abuse that will be assailed upon you.

Just a simple note on what is wrong with this Catholic heresy that Brother Stair teaches that his communion is actually, literally, the body and blood of Jesus.  Are you ready?  Paul said, do this in remembrance, not do this because it IS.  The remembrance is in what this element means in the Passover Meal.  It’s about the covenant that Jesus cut with His blood.

Lest a Worse Thing come upon You

Just previous mouths before, the broadcast was talking about the martyrs and how they were put to brutal deaths.  What was not told you is what they stood against that brought about many of these deaths.  Shall we see why this was not told to us?

The worst abomination of this heretical Transubstantiation doctrine is that it was the very reason that many were martyred and burned at the stake.  All because they would not bow the knee to confess that Communion is the actual body and blood of Christ.  It’s all in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.  

Related:  End Times Cult Leader - Says He Is Elijah, Jacob, and John

Think about that as you partake of the Overcomer Ministry’s table this year – or any year.

Some Resources

The Death Cookie
Read the full Death Cookie

You should also read:

More Current Passovers

For 2020 we have:

Passover 2020

Passover the Date

And for 2021 we have:

Passover 2021

And for 2022 we have:

Passover 2022

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