Sabbath Service – July 3, 2021 – Pastor Rice after Service

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Last Updated on Thu March 7, 2024 @ 10:10 am
Leaving Confusion
Pastor Rice takes the reigns for 31 minutes after the airing of an old service to those gathered to hear an airing of an archived Service of Brother Stair – their fallen leader. Pastor Rice talks about the few there and mentions the leaving that Brother Stair spoke of in today’s service. Claiming that “the Lord is here” – when all fruit indicators tell us a different story – but who cares about what God’s Word says, we have the illustrious greater christ to follow (Mt 7:15-20; Pr 5:7-8).
The Overcomer has always been a ministry of confusion and continues as at this day (Dan 9:7). Brother Stair would testify every week (and still does) that his followers have confusion of faces (Dan 9:7). Therefore verifying that God has no part in it – if you believe and decipher God’s word. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints (1Cor 14:33). Thus is the fruit of Brother Stair and his Overcoming Ministry (Matt 7:20).
Returning Confusion
This confusion is going to magnify after September when Jesus doesn’t return. Those that remain on the Farm do so not just because they are deceived (2Tim 3:13-17) but now because they are confused – they don’t know what to do. They don’t really know why they are there or why they stay – because for years they have had to ignore or assassinate the word of God to reconcile Brother Stair’s sexual perversions that he walked and talked in. If their ears would open from their deception they would hear Brother Stair on the old archives aired and realize that what he is speaking is what they now know to be lies (Pr 3:7, 4:24).
They know that Brother Stair beat them into just holding on to remaining no matter what they see wrong around them. He taught us to never question the plain truth before us but simply don’t leave! We know because that was us too. Thank God He delivered us (Jer 15:21; Ps 50:15). Understand, that this is the testimony (the true witness) of hundreds that have fled (Pr 4:14-15, 24, 27). God only requires two or three witnesses to establish this matter with their words – thus it is well established (2Cor 13:1; Matt 18:16).
Confused of God
They have indeed been deceived of God as Brother Stair boasted of himself. But that doesn’t make it good or right – like Brother Stair tried to spin it. This is because God turned them over to a strong delusion because they didn’t love the truth of God’s word – thus they believe the lie[s] that Brother Stair taught that God gave them over to (2Thes 2:9-12). It’s so clear there in God’s word. You have to be led astray from God’s word to not see it (2Tim 3:6; 2Pt 3:17; Isa 9:16; Pr 5:7).
Then their exchanging God for the image of the son of man (Brother Stair) is why God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another (Rom 1:23-25). This is why they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts – reaping confusion (Rom 1:21-22).
This deception unto destruction is something Brother Stair made clear to all. As can be heard in this audio clip:
The SIGN of Confusion
This exaltation of Brother Stair is the reason, God gave Brother Stair over to dishonorable passions (Rom 1:26). Since Brother Stair did not see fit to acknowledge God, He [God] gave [Brother Stair] up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. Thus [Brother Stair] become[s] filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity (Rom 1:28-29). That was how the sign was magnified in his latter years – he waxed worse and worse – fulfilling scripture and showing who his father was (John 8:44-45).
How did we and they come to this point of thinking that Brother Stair was a prophet or a man of God? Because we ignored God’s word and God’s warning. Brother Stair told us to get a witness from God on me, while God told us to test the spirits of the prophets (1John 4:1). God is not going to give us any witness on something that He already gave us instruction on how we are to know a man. Jesus also instructed us that it is THEIR fruits – not God’s witness – that identifies them. Don’t overlook that Jesus is also specifically talking about prophets in this context (Matt 7:15-20).
Behold, you are of no account,
And your work amounts to nothing;
He who chooses you is an abomination.
And there is no counselor among them
Who, if I ask, can give an answer.
Behold, all of them are false;
Their works are worthless,
Their molten images [Bro Stair] are wind and confusion [KJV]
(Isaiah 41:24, 28-29 NASB95, KJV)
Confusion of Lies
Pastor Rice talks about Brother Stair saying that he talked about going to stand before the Pope – no Pastor Rice, he said his death would be at the hands of the Pope. You’re making his lies into more lies as you build lie upon lie.
Then in confusion, Pastor Rice doesn’t remember what Brother Stair talked about, he then goes into a series of other things Brother Stair talked about – things that also have not come to pass.
Bringing it all down to blow it off and justify it by saying “The coming of Jesus Christ is what he preached, that’s why we’re here”. But the truth is, Brother Stair preached himself – at the expense of Jesus Christ and His body. Jesus was only used to lift up Brother Stair and give him ‘credibility‘ as being signed off by God Himself. The reason “we’re here” is because of the confusion that we just talked about. The confusion will continue as long as they continue to listen to and believe these lies from Brother Stair and Pastor Rice.
Confusion of Man
Brother Stair perverted the term son of man into a title, then proceeded to steal that title from Jesus and declared that “Jesus is not the Son of Man today”, and that Brother Stair was the Son of Man today. This was a long way around to declare that Jesus is not a man today, not in flesh – which is the premise of the antichrist spirit. Who and what Brother Stair preached was himself. He made himself out to be everything he could think of in ever-increasing glories, eventually robbing all the attributes of God (Acts 8:9-11; Phil 2:6). To the extent that he even exchanged the gospel for one of his own making (2Cor 11:4). No surprise that he eventually became greater than Jesus Christ (2Cor 11:13-15; Heb 13:8-9).
Brother Stair highly exalted himself and gave himself names above every name (Phil 2:9). The opposite of what Jesus did in making Himself of no reputation, becoming a servant, humbling Himself, and becoming obedient (Phil 2:6-8). The life of Jesus and the apostles is just the opposite of what we find in the life and times of Brother Stair.
Confusion of Delusion
So what the good Pastor Rice is saying is that we should ignore Brother Stair’s deification and his false prophecies and all the things we clearly know have failed and how his words have fallen to the ground, and just (by being willingly ignorant and blinded) focus on his pet-phrase that he used to magnify himself with – Jesus Christ is coming in your lifetime. Or was that in 1988? Or 2000? Or 2018? Or within six months of my death? Take your pick – Brother Stair did.
We love you Pastor Rice but you’re under a strong delusion because you did not have a love to find out or receive the truth (especially in Dec 2004). Instead, you believed the lie you were told by Brother Stair about his watching and airing pornography (2Thes 2:10-11). Sadly, your continuance in this will cause you to be damned ALONG WITH all those following you in this strong delusion (lie) that Brother Stair was a righteous man. Worse than these, you did not help those you could have in 2004 to get Brother Stair the judgment he needed and to turn the Overcomer Ministry around to a path of righteousness. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth (2Thes 2:11-12). Isn’t that kinna what Brother Stair was declaring in the preceding audio clip?
Confusion of Christs
The coming of Christ didn’t matter to Brother Stair, he didn’t believe in or know a Jesus who was going to judge him for his sexual sins that he persisted in and vehemently refused to repent of – even though he condemned others for these very things. Brother Stair used the coming of Christ as a means of invoking fear and urgency to gain for himself followers, funds, and fannies for his frolicking fun. It served him well all the daze of his life.

In the end, Brother Stair replaced Jesus as being greater than Jesus Christ – so who’s coming was he really preaching? If you still don’t know, his grave marker lets us know – “I SHALL RETURN!!”
I, Brother Stair, Shall Return – Not Jesus! This gives us the final word on what Brother Stair preached – HIMSELF !! This is what his followers got out of his preaching and thus they proclaimed it upon his gravestone – Brother Stair is their returning Christ!
Here we see that great ‘I’ that he called iniquity while pointing the finger at us. Here it is cemented as his own moniker – the man of iniquity. Notice how his followers have not noted the date of his death – again making him a christ – death isn’t going to hold him to a date. This datelessness is no surprise since the President of the Overcomer, Dennis Larivee, does not acknowledge that Stair is dead. He is looking for him to arise from the dead in six months, and when that doesn’t transpire he’ll try for 3.5 years.
Confusion of Signs
Brother Stair’s ministry was for the advancement of the Sign – and he (naturally) was that sign. “The sign must be magnified” he proudly proclaimed – not Jesus. There was no place for Jesus or His righteousness in Brother Stair’s life or ministry. Those who stood for righteousness and stood against his wickedness found where Brother Stair stood. They were excommunicated.
Even his old friend Brother Chris was not immune to his casting out the brethren (3Jn 1:10) when Brother Chris stood up for the sister’s at the River that Brother Stair was groping, it wasn’t repentance that we saw. No, Brother Chris had to go, along with the River Community. No one was going to deny Brother Stair his sexual pleasures. He worked long and hard to bring up those little girls, to be his sex toys, and now they were at the age to be ripe for his picking. Or is that something that you were unaware of? Is that something the ministry that claims to not be doing anything in a corner kept from you? (Acts 26:26) That’s not something that was spoken of on the air, was it?
The “Overcomers” may argue that this “I SHALL RETURN !!” is referring to Jesus’ last words in Revelation but that’s not what Jesus said, that’s what General MacArthur said. Jesus said “Surely I come quickly“ (Rev 22:20), something Brother Stair boasted that he didn’t do sexually. And yes, Brother Stair loved perverting his pet phrase into a sexual context. This final inscription in stone is a clear indication of who their returning christ is and what Brother Stair believed about himself as the christ figure. It should have been no surprise when he proclaimed himself greater than Jesus in 2006.
The true Christ has no place in the Overcomer Ministry. It is well named – its purpose is to overcome the saints (Rev 13:7). In that light, who then is The Overcomer?
Confusion of Messengers
Brother Stair’s epithet should be “I FAILED!!!” That would be the whole truth. Brother Stair failed at being the self-claimed forerunner of Christ, John the Baptizer, and unlike John who condemned Herod for having his brother’s wife – Brother Stair had his brother’s wife (Lk 3:19). Not only that, Brother Stair taught that it was lawful for him to do so (Mk 6:18). Great fulfillment on his Herod part. Epic fail on his John the Baptist part. [No surprise then that Pastor Rice would go even further and take his brother’s wife Rose to be his own wife. The perversion and wickedness is magnifying]
Thus his claim as the Malachi Messenger (which he stole from Wm Branham, who stole it from Russell) never materialized. He never brought about the restoration of all things as he preached must come to pass. In these, as in most things, Brother Stair did just the opposite. It seems his followers have forgotten his own words that now condemn him when he said if he didn’t fulfill any of his sayings that he would be a false prophet. Now he is left with false followers who don’t even have regard for his own words and thus depart from his lies.
A better epithet would be “EPIC FAIL !!!” Epic Fail in what he told us:
Confusion of Leaders
The death of Brother Stair has brought about the apostasy of his Overcomer Ministry – as is the pattern for most ministries, especially cults. Heresy breeds apostasy. The heathen raged, now the people will imagine a vain thing (Ps 2:1). The World Wide Church of God (WWCG) – Armstrongism, had the same thing happen after Herbert W. Armstrong’s death when he said Jesus was coming before he died.
The WWCG is a cult that Brother Stair proudly studied under (was schooled by) for four years and most of Brother Stair’s followers do not know that many of his doctrines, pet phrases, and inflections were taken from Armstrong. So it’s no surprise that Brother Stair never condemned (by rather praised) H.W. Armstrong for his large church and reception by all world leaders. The very things he condemns everyone else for.
Confusion of Mysteries
This apostasy from Brother Stair’s teachings will become manifest and apparent soon later this year as they will likely be going to teach (privately) that the coming of Christ is a mystery – ie: “nobody knows”. [Which is just what happened at the end of the year]. Can you imagine? But as they will continue to air Brother Stair speaking his teachings nobody will know what the Overcomer has actually changed to believe. It’s either this or fight for the new prophet position that will not be accepted by the masses. They will still want your money though. [In less than a year, Pastor Rice and Pres Dennis have been in a heated verbal battle several times in Services]
This is why our purpose in exposing the truth about Brother Stair and his Overcomer Ministry is just as important as ever (Pr 24:11). What continues in the Overcomer hereafter may do more damage doctrinally (perhaps not sexually) than Brother Stair did. Just as the Branhamites have propagated the lies of William Branham throughout the world to this day. It is now the Stairite’s turn as they think it their duty before God to proclaim and propagate the Last Day Prophet Seventh Angel Messenger. No matter how the facts and all scriptures are contrary to it. [UPDATE: Pastor Rice has gone further in sexual perversion as he has taken his fathers’ concubine and his brothers’ wife to be his own]
Confusion of Funds
Pastor Rice is the new voice of the announcements at the Overcomer Ministry [for a while until he gets pulled in a few months, then returns after discord ensues]. He’s asking you to call in your prayer requests (though the prophet isn’t going to pray for you) and to send your offerings – because apparently the paid-up air time passed when Jesus returns in September and the millions of dollars they now have isn’t enough. While Brother Stair may have deceived you by saying he didn’t have a love for money, his fruit that lingers is showing us that the love of money is unrestrained without a lying tongue to ‘prove’ to us otherwise.
At least Brother Stair would blow the money on air time, pornography, and prostitutes, the current regime is just sitting on their nest egg waiting till Jesus doesn’t come in September so they can consume it on their lusts (James 4:3). So send in your hard-earned offerings so they can build bigger barns (Luke 12:16-21).
If you don’t want your money wasted you can send it our way and help us publish the truth. You can use the green Donate to the Cause block in the sidebar. Thank you for supporting the truth.
The update to this article is Continuing Confusion
Wow! Thank you for this picture of Stair’s decorated grave. The garnished white sepulchre containing dead man’s bones lifting himself up in self exaltation to the bitter end. Stair is obviously stating he (Stair) a mere mortal is coming again. He craved the worship that is only rightfully given to Christ at His glorious return and that is etched on his tomb as his condemnation.
Yes, the decorations are impressive in their representation of the signs they show us of The Sign.
The roses are a nice touch. Reminding us of his adulterous Rose (the other man’s wife) that he died living with. And there are three roses – reminding us of that threefold cord of Brother Stair, Rose, and Dennis that he could not break free of (Ecc 4:12). His own little circle of Elijah, Jezebel, and Ahab. With RG as Christ in the middle risen above the rest.
Did I mention that this Ahab and Jezebel are the President and VP of the Overcomer house now? Therefore steering the direction the ministry will go from here.
Proverbs tells us the fate of those following the Adulteress; For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death (Pr 7:25-27).
I still remember the segment I heard on this channel where Stair claimed to be the word made flesh. Several women swooned in adoration as they kept repeating. “He’s here, he’s here!!” It was abhorrent to hear them worship Stair. That is what that whole place (Overcomer Ministry) has done is move Christ out and move Stair in to take the place of Christ. I also saw a news segment where Stair was to stand before a Judge in early 2018. He looked terrible. They brought him out in an orange jumpsuit and chains. His beard had been shorn off. I saw him glance over to the few loyal to him with anger and deep shame. If anyone has a chance to view this and has any discernment you can clearly see he’s definitely not thankful they even bothered to show up to see him in this bound and humiliating position. Those who walk in the Light can discern the few there are neglected and emotionally abused, diseased sheep with wounds left putrid and untreated, unsound, incompacitated, degraded, in confusion, and unable to function.THIS is the legacy Stair left as his corrupt fruit. His perverse, twisted version of how he viewed the interaction of Christ to his Church.
There is a recent article in the Press and Srandard July 8’th, 2021 about a resident at the Overcomer Community named Gail Sharp 66, who abruptly packed a bag and left the farm. She was reported missing by another resident at the farm and was gone for about a week. The police are still investigating. I thought you may be interested in looking into this.
Thanks. I’ll post the news articles on this for those interested: