The Twelve Apostles?
The teaching that there are only twelve apostles and that they were Jesus' twelve disciples plus Paul, is not an...
The teaching that there are only twelve apostles and that they were Jesus' twelve disciples plus Paul, is not an...
The Many Signs of Jonah Jonah was sent to an ungodly people - That's not who Brother Stair claims to...
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and...
Was John Not Elijah? For some, the topic of the coming Elijah foretold in Malachi 4:5 brings up the question...
The Teachings of The Last Day Prophet of God, The Voice of the 7th Angel Messenger, The Son of Man,...
"People who don't receive me will be lost and destroyed. People who accept my testimony will be saved." ~Wayne Bent...
God told the children of Israel that Ezekiel would be a sign to them for "according to...
The word 'Adam' means 'man'. Therefore 'son of man' is 'son of Adam' which simply means a descendant or member...
The term "Last Day Prophet" is not new. Neither are those who call themselves such or believe they are prophets...