Walk Away

Last Updated on Mon December 28, 2020 @ 8:49 pm

The Many and the Few

This is something that is easy for any deceiver to play with and use because it can be applied any way they like.  To join something you have to leave something.  Then leaving that thing to go to something else that you deem right or for your growth, you have to leave the other behind.  This is life.  Without this growth, there is no life.  Stagnation is death.

The Christian life is a succession of leaving and fleeing from evil in our lives and the things we find ourselves involved in once we find they are evil and contrary to the word and will of God (Eph 5:11,  1Cor 5:11,  1Cor 10:14,  2Thes 3:6,  Rev 2:20;  Dan 12:10).

The definition here is never the concentration upon what’s right and wrong but on the direction of leaving the bad for the good.

Many will be purified, made spotless and refined,
but the wicked will continue to be wicked.
None of the wicked will understand,
but those who are wise will understand.
(Dan 12:10  NIV84)

Jesus, The Instigator of Blame

Using Jesus’ name in vain, these deceivers associate themselves with Jesus to automatically make them the good man and that whatever they do is right and backed up by God Himself.  Nothing could be farther from the truth, even if they are men of God and doing right.  You must, you are instructed, nay commanded, to test every manespecially if he calls himself a prophet (Mt 7:15-20,  Rev 2:20).  Remember that the ministers of Satan come to you this same way and appear as angels of light (2Cor 11:14).

Related:  Phone Messages #16

Life Illustrated

In Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyon’s character Christian fled from his family and surroundings.  They all said he was wrong in going away but we know that his fleeing was right.  Likewise, Brother Stair uses the same fleeing to instruct his hearers to flee from the world system and the church system.  But then to those who leave him in fleeing from his wickedness, he says that are wrong (1Cor 6:18;  2Tim 2:22;  Eph 5:11, 1Cor 5:11, 1Cor 10:14, 2Thes 3:6,).  Are they?

The fault is not in their fleeing.  To justify that reasoning by quoting that they left Jesus (Jn 6:66) so that it makes anyone leaving wrong – is wrong!  The answer lies in why they fled and what they fled from.

Flee fornication Paul said, for all other sins are not the same as sexual sins (1Corinthians 6:18).

Throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse
[community living, all things in common]

My son, do not walk in the way with them.
Keep your feet from their path, for their feet run to evil
(Pr 1:14-16 NIV84, NASB)

Pharoah’s Flunkie and Prophet

Many left Egypt under Moses.  Is, therefore, Moses the instigator of evil and thus become the deceiver of the people?  Even Brother Stair left all the many Churches he was involved with and started.  Likewise, Brother Stair says to his followers that they must flea many things – Churches, Doctors, TV, family, and friends, [and prior to 2001 “sin”] (Psalm 50:16-21). 

Wouldn’t that make his followers wrong as this makes them leavers?  Brother Stair’s logic is not sound.  Have we forgotten that Brother Stair is a man that epitomizes leaving?  Brother Stair has left everything he started or was a part of.  He is the ultimate leaver.  Yet if you leave him, you’re damned to Hell.

Related:  Boob Tube

A Lot of Shaking Going On

Lot fled Sodom, by the force of an angel.  Was he wrong to do so?  Was the angel wrong in making him leave?  Lots wife wanted to stay – and so she has, to this day, her body salts the land.  Was she right because she stayed?  According to Brother Stair’s teaching, she would be right to stay in Sodom (the Overcomer) – no matter what evil may be revealed therein.  Even his sodomy.

Leavers or Rejected

After how many admonitions is the heretic rejected?  Or does he have entitlement?  Because he sure doesn’t have a moral compass.  We are told in Titus that A man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject; (Titus 3:10).

This is the main reason that Brother Stair does not allow you to admonish him.  He stops the tally towards rejection.

Diotrephes cast them out of the church because he wants the preeminence among them (3John 9-10).  Sound familiar?  This is how certain men deal with those who would hold them to God’s standard – they cast them out of their religious organizations.

The Biblical Word

The scriptures say more about commanding to flee than about staying.  As Christians, we are warned to be aware of what we are to flee from more than what we are to hold to.  (Eph 5:11,  1Cor 5:11,  1Cor 10:14,  2Thes 3:6,  Rev 2:20,  1John 5:21)

That about sums this whole mess up!

See  also the articles They Went Out From Among Us, and Waxing Worse and Worse

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