Sabbath Service – Dec 17, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Overcomer Ministry YouTube Old Services Brother Stair
Old Services
Old Services
Sabbath Service – Dec 17, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

Last Updated on Sun January 8, 2023 @ 6:17 pm

Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.  For the froward [perverse man] is abomination to the Lord: but His secret is with the righteous [not the prophets]The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked [immoral, contrary to the moral law]: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.  (Pr 3:31-33, 11:20)

Below we have expounded on a few points that stuck out in Service today.  As you will see, there is so much that can be weeded out of even the smallest things that are said or go on at the Overcomer.  Their balance is false and God’s truth exposes it (Prov 11:1;  Heb 4:12).  Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.  Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware.   Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge. (Pr 19:20, 25, 27).

But Here’s What Jesus Said

Herbert W. Armstrong is lifted up next to Luther.  Brother Stair exalted this cult leader, as he did many others like William Branham.  He had no discernment from God that these men were false and were using God’s name in vain.  Thus it is no surprise that Brother Stair followed in the same footsteps of vainly using God’s name for his own purposes of self-exaltation.  But that’s justified because God gave him faith to say the things he says.  Gave him faith but didn’t give him wisdom and understanding to know the error of his words (Dan 12:10).  H.W. Armstrong did not say what Jesus said.

This is the same rhetoric as when Brother Stair pays homage to the likes of William Branham as the great prophet while he changes his words to make them fit into Stair’s desired interpretation because he has taken his title as the Seventh Angel Messenger from him.

Your Carnal Mind goes to Sex

No, that was all Brother Stair – his mind went there, and lived there.  This was the rhetoric after he was caught in gross sexual sin in 2001.  Before that, he didn’t preach like this, having to focus everything on sex.  He was hiding his sexual sins and his sex talk was not directed away from him, it was used to arouse some and keep his demonic spirit of sex around attacking the people of God.

Every last one of you is an adulterer.  Every last one of you.

More rhetoric to make his sins lesser than yours.  This is proof of his lack of repentance.  In no way did Brother Stair ever own his sins.  He was always about the business of putting them on us.  Remember how he perverted his perversions onto us when he was that it was because of our sins that God put him in jail?  He said that for many years.  That is not the face of repentance.

He then further justifies himself using the Sheriff’s words not believing that he did those things.  Well, that wasn’t the final testimony of the Sheriff and law enforcement.  After being in jail twice and under eight charges on the last one, under house arrest awaiting a trial that even Brother Stair knew would put him in prison.  But that doesn’t fit the narrative he wants to promote.

The FM Pirate

Brother Stair brags about his pirate FM radio station which reaches 14 miles, that they still operate after the FBI confiscated his last one in 2017.  Back to their vomit (Pr 26:11).  What is Illegal is of no consequence to Brother Stair when he decides it’s something he wants.  Feel free to report it to the FCC.  Those of you that think you’re going to hide from the authorities or the NWO at the Overcomer Farm you’d better think again (or think in the first place).  The Overcomer does things like this that provide open invitations for the Fed’s to have authority to storm the Farm.

How is the FCC cracking down on illegal radio?

The Man Talks Sex Openly

Why is the great prophet of God listening to Howard Stern?  Oh, that’s right.  Because he talks about sex openly.  Listening so much that he asks Howard to let him come on his program.  He was in negotiations to give Stair an hour on Stern’s show.  That way Brother Stair gets to go to Sin City.  Brother Stair could have filled up more than a simple hour and could have been more sexually vile and explicit than Howard Stern could be.

Brother Stair is excited about flying to Las Vegas.  Then gets on his congregation for being so earthly-minded.  All to Jesus I surrender.  That was his other Jesus, which evolved into himself being greater than.  That’s the Jesus that he wants you to surrender to.

What’s wrong with your mind?

For starters, they’re listing to false teaching which is confusing them.  That’s what’s wrong.  Being under the spirit of error will blind you in confusion until you escape and get free – which 99% have done.

Flesh and blood has not revealed to you what I am.  I did not give you the witness.  You going to call God a liar?  You are gonna fear me.

Two things at work here.  Flesh and blood have not revealed to us who Brother Stair is – the word of God and his own fruits did that (Matt 7:15-20).  Brother Stair’s false teachings did give us the witness – if we bought into it.  What he’s saying here is that we got the witness (his special false teaching) from God not from him.  With that, he goes into You going to call God a liar?” because he uses God as his cop-out to take any responsibility (for his false teaching) off himself and put it on you and God.

Then we come to the whole of the matter.  Brother Stair’s eternal desire for men to fear him.  This is the final expression of his grandiose narcissism.  This brings us back to his statement that leads into this…

Maybe they’ll find me in your heart, and you can betray me…  If you deny what revelation you had you’re gonna be lost.  You are denying the faith and you’re worse than an infidel.

There’s a man that believes he’s God’s gift to the Church or that he’s God.  The latter is evident the more he preaches.  Jesus is to be in our hearts – not any man.  The revelation that we got comes from your fruit (Mt 7:20) any other revelation is not from God (1Jn 4:1).  This is not what scripture says makes you worse than an infidel (1Tim 5:8).  That another one of his perversions of scripture – if you needed another.  You can’t just go around willy-nilly like Brother Stair does and make any scripture into anything you want it to be.  But the best is yet to come…

Related:  Sabbath Service – July 31, 2021 – Pastor Rice after Service

If I Die Naturally, I’ve been a Liar

My God man.  Do you understand that?!!!

No, they don’t understand that.  They are without understanding (Rom 1:31;  Matt 15:16;  Dan 12:10).

If I Die Before My Time – You’re Gonna Go to Hell

You die believing that I’m the Last Day Prophet and I die before my time – you’re gonna go to Hell.  ‘Cos you believed a lie.  You ought to see some of your faces.

This is where the Service should have ended with them realizing the impact of what was just said by their prophet.  They should have shut down the Service and walked (nay, ran) out and repented of following a false prophet (Pr 18:10).  Just like the ones Jesus warned us about in Matthew 7:15 – the ones that come to us as (7th) angels of light (2Cor 11:13–15). This would have been the place for Pastor Rice to stand up and act like a pastor of the flock to protect the flock, and tell us all that what they just heard was a trap.  That he wasn’t going to go along with that because their prophet has just condemned them all to Hell.  (Pr 18:7)

But alas, the brainwashing is so complete that they managed to sidestep the truth and rush blindly into greater darkness.  And even add some amens and hallelujahs to the mix.  Just like they did when Bro Stair claimed to be the Lamb of God in the flesh.  How anyone can still follow that man (or the new man) is evidence of a strong delusion that God has given you to have because you believe these lies and as such you are going to be damned (2Thes 2:10-12).  That is God’s damnation, not Brother Stairs, so it’s legitimate.

He thought their faces were in shock then – how about now that this has been fulfilled?  He died before his time.  Their own prophet has sealed their fate in Hell.  If you stay under his ministry you are going to Hell according to the one you’re followingThat’s a paradox you’d better unravel quicklyTurn or burn!  (Prov 18:5)

Realize that he predicates his whole truthfulness as a prophet not upon any of his multitude of prophecies, like Reagan’s funeral which he hung his whole ministry on, but only upon his death prophecies.  Something that we can no longer say might take place as he said so we’ll wait and see.  For now, we know perfectly (1Thes 5:2) that nothing happened in any way as he said concerning his death – the very thing that he is here attaching our and his whole salvation on.

Two or Three Witnesses

This is a second witness to “If I die like any other men die, then I have not been sent from God!”.  To make this clear to you, what he’s saying is that if I die before revealing the Seven ThundersI’ve been a Liar, I have not been sent from God, You’re Gonna Go to Hell, ‘Cos you believed a lie [liar].  He’s saying if I die before I go to Jerusalem to see the Pope I’ve been a Liar, You’re Gonna Go to Hell.  He’s saying if I die before I reveal who the Antichrist isYou’re Gonna Go to Hell ‘cos you believed a lie.  He’s saying if I die before the Final Push on Shortwave RadioI’ve been a Liar, You’re Gonna Go to Hell.   He’s saying if I die before the Gathering of 1,000I’ve been a Liar, I have not been sent from God, You’re Gonna Go to Hell, ‘Cos you believed a lie (2Thes 2:11).

This doesn’t even account for the scores of other things that he has prophesied over the decades that he would be involved in.  The most notable would be that Jesus will come six months after his death.  His climax to these things was spoken when he gave this third witness, “When I speak that, and they don’t come to pass, I’m done!  That’s all there’s to it….  this ministry then was all in vain.”

Let us not forget that Christianity itself is not going to endure after the death of Brother Stair because he is the one reminder that Christ is alive and coming again.  Thus, according to his word, and his death, Christianity is done and over with.  So if you’re following Brother Stair you have to also deny you’re a Christian or call him a liar.  Can you see now how these statements of Brother Stair are making both him and his followers liars?  Remember he said When I die Jesus comes.

Surely you haven’t so soon forgotten what Brother Stair’s TIME is, have you?  Keep in mind that his course pivots upon his going to Jerusalem to see the Pope, be killed by him, and die thereIf he dies before that transpires – you have believed a lie – and according to his words – he and you are going to Hell ‘cos you believed a lie.  This is the fate that we have been warning you about that the followers of false prophets share (Jer 27:15, 23:20-21;  1Tim 4:1-4;  2Pt 2:1-3;  John 10:1-5;  2Cor 11:13–15;  Mt 15:13-14;  Rev 2:20-23;  Phil 3:18-19).

Here in 2022, Brother Stair’s testimony on that has been sealedThose who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21).  False prophets will damn you eternally- that’s more permanent than what we see Brother Stair actually doing here when he damns you to Hell for following his lies.

To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
(Isaiah 8:20).

A very Profound Revelation of the Time

Yeah, that never happened, and never will from the Overcomer.  Only confusion and blindness remain.  The fruit of his ministry (Matt 7:15-20).

Perhaps it’s time to take a fresh look at After My Decease to Have These Things Always in Remembrance

Not discerning the body of Christ.

There’s a phrase that took on a whole new meaning out of the mouth of Brother Stair.  Brother Stair eventually taught all that his body was the body of Christ when he claimed himself to be greater than Jesus Christ.  This was essentially what the sisters had heard for years when he would seduce them into sex by saying things like don’t you want to please God?  Brother Stair saw himself as God, so to please him was to please God.  You needed to discern his body to be the body of Christ.  This is the message of the many antichrist cult leaders.

Related:  Sabbath Service – January 9, 2021 – Bro Stair

And he Preached unto them Jesus

Pastor Rice starts out with this… then he preaches unto them another Jesus, Brother Stair, the other Jesus.

‘Cos I know my sins are forgiven.

Here we have the same perversion of truth that Brother Stair taught and lived in.  And with the same woman that Pastor Rice is sinning with.  But don’t worry, his sins (that he continues to live in) are forgiven.  So that means that he can continue in those sins (Rom 6:1-2).  Well, that’s a perversion of God’s word and certainly of His intent.  But this is what the Overcomer Ministry became under the sins of Brother Stair that he refused to repent on.  Oh, Brother Stair clearly said that he repented many times, the problem is that he never had any fruits that showed that he actually did repent – that’s the difference.  It’s a Heaven or Hell difference.  You know, like the one he emphasized If I Die Before My Time.

You’re a bunch of hypocrites

This is not an accusation, it’s the truth.

James Rice is accusing those that don’t join in his reindeer games of hypocrisy.  Claiming that he is the one with the truth and that the congregation are hypocrites.  This is the game that goes on week after week – just like his father did.  Never getting anywhere with it but that’s not the point.  The point is to say that I’m right and you’re wrong – start doing what I tell you.  The point is doing their fathers will as ministers of Satan (2Cor 11:14-15) and keeping God’s people stagnated in an endless loop of nonsense.  Never going on to perfection (Heb 6:1).  False teachers emphasize good works.

That verse in Hebrews says much about this Overcomer nonsense that we have been witnessing today.  Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God (Heb 6:1).  That has been the message today from the Overcomer – repentance, dead works, and faith.  We were told to leave these principles and go on to perfection.  Not at the Overcomer.  No, the ministry that claims to be the perfecter has never managed to get past the first principles.  You’d better flee for your lives (Pr 14:7, 16, 27;  Pr 16:6, 17;  Pr 22:24;  Pr 24:21)!

The truth about the hypocrite is never applied or considered in Pastor Rice – who claims to reiterate what the man of god said, and yet he says that the prophets’ words are a trap.  That dear pastor is a hypocrite!  He gives another witness to this in a few minutes when he refers to some as Stairites, as if that’s a bad thing.  This is the hypocrisy of Pastor James Rice.  Or is it that he has his brother’s wife (Mk 6:18) and is upset that there are those there (Stairites) that are seeing the hypocrisy of his calling them wicked when he is practicing and flaunting his wickedness?  Making it more than hypocrisy – it’s accusing the brethren (Rev 12:10).

Romans 8:1 says, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  Whoops, that doesn’t let Pastor Rice off either, does it?  He walks after the flesh in his adulterous relationship with Rose, so he’s under the Stairites condemnation.  [And the LORD’s (Pr 22:14)]  Thus, this whole accusing ruse is an act of hypocrisy used to take the focus off him and put it on those he constantly accuses so that he can win favor and divide the house.

I Like to Remind People of What They Said

Rice just doesn’t want to be reminded of what he said.  Neither did Brother Stair when he said he never said that he said Jesus was coming before the year 2000.  Then someone mailed him a tape with him clearly saying just that.  To this, he blew steam out of his head in a Service and was furious that someone would remind him of what he actually said.  Not that Bro Stair allowed us to hear the tape.  No, he just said they were liars, and we didn’t know any different.

Today we have that false prophecy (and there is more than one time this was said) and you can now hear what the prophet didn’t want you to hear.  Like James RIce, he wanted to remind people of what they said, so that he would hold them to their words (mostly concerning him being the prophet) but these hypocrites don’t want you to remind them of what they said when it exposes their lies.

Thus we remind Pastor Rice of what he said and how it is incompatible with Brother Stair’s message when he said that Brother Stair’s words were a trap to expect them to be fulfilled.

You’re Under the Power of a Demon

Indeed, there are demons and powerful demons at work at the Overcomer.  They are binding and blinding the minds of those who follow these lies and have them under a strong delusion (2Cor 4:4;  2Thes 2:11) by preaching another gospel.  Depart from these false teachers (1Tim 4:1-2, 7, 16;  2Pt 2:1-3).  Don’t be under their power.

This demonic stronghold called The Overcomer has long been the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird (Rev 18:2, 13:7).  This Pergamum and Thyatira church is identified by its fruits and especially in its prophet and his sexual immorality (Mt 7:20;  Pr 20:11).  You have some there who hold the teaching of [a prophet], who kept teaching… to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel… to commit sexual immorality (Rev 2:14).

You tolerate the [false prophet who usurped authority that wasn’t given], who calls [himself] a [prophet], and [he] teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit sexual immorality and eat things [teachings] sacrificed [submitted] to [his anointing] (Rev 2:20).  Scripture is clear in its identification of this Overcomer Church.  This is why Brother Stair spins the lie about the Church Ages – so that you don’t make this connection.

Many of us witnessed these demons operating through Brother Stair.  And now, his favorite demons of sex, lust, and blindness to error have overtaken Pastor Rice to where he actually took Brother Stair’s concubine Rose to be his wife (Mk 6:18;  Pr 22:14).  We witness this blindness of his to have done any wrong in the last several weeks’ Services.  Meanwhile, Rice places the blame, and the demons, on those who seek to expose his demons and bring him under the biblical authority of the church – to bring him into judgment for these sins.

But, like his father before him, Pastor Rice has the microphone so he gets to make the rules.  He gets to make any he desires into the enemy – and even under the power of a demon.  Just quickly, how do we know who has the demon?  It’s the one who does what demons do.  The one who does evil (Matt 7:20).  Not the one who has the office, or calling, or microphone.  No, it’s the one who tells you all the bad things others are doing, that they want you to alienate them by.  That in itself is an identifying fruit of the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10;  Mt 7:20;  Pr 20:11).

Related:  Sabbath Service – Aug 20, 2022 – Bro Stair [Old Service], Pr Rice

On another hand, perhaps the Pastor is referring to what the man of god said when he said If I Die Naturally, I’ve been a Liar, and If I Die Before My Time – You’re Gonna Go to Hell.  That would be the power of a demon that they are indeed under.  That would be a revelation of a son of the father of lies (John 8:44).

Finally, let us remind ourselves of how Brother Stair would have confronted Pastor Rice with what he’s done with Brother Stair’s words… and Rose.  Brother Stair would have told Pastor Rice that he’s Under the Power of a Demon.  We witnessed him do it many times with others that did or said lesser.  Look at how he addressed Sister Andrea saying “you are Satan, you’re full of Hellfor calling him out for touching her butt.  There are many such proponents of judgment from the mouth of the prophet that fit what Rice is doing.

There Be Stairites Among Us

You can’t receive Brother Stair and not receive her (Rose).

Rice persists in his desire for them to shout, clap, and praise when he speaks because they do it when Prophet speaks.  He’s trying to shame them over their lack of praise when he speaks.  He is still in rebellion of repenting of his adulterous relationship with his brother’s wife [Rose] (Mark 6:18).

While it’s likely that those that receive the errors of Brother Stair will also receive the continuance of his adulterous sexual relationship with Rose through Pastor Rice (Pr 22:14).  But there be those that got ticked that this newcomer strode in and was awarded his brother’s wife and the kingdom.  At least there’s some hope of some righteousness at work there in those who oppose this wickedness.

We can be certain that Pastor Rice isn’t a Stairite he relegated Brother Stair to a trap.  Pastor Rice wants to be the new Stair that gets the same respect (and applause) that Brother Stair should get.  This is his consistent harping, just like Bro Stair constantly harped about getting the respect he believed he deserved – at the expense of preaching the gospel or anything helpful or perfecting to God’s people.

A very applicable article about Church Discipline: Taking Sin Seriously fits here.

Is Pastor Rice expecting something other than Stairites from the followers of Brother Stair?  How peculiar that he would even make such a statement.  It’s like he’s expecting them all to depart from Stair and turn to him, isn’t it?  What did he expect to find at the Overcomer?  Riceites?  From this, we can see that James Rice is not following Brother Stair, as much as he may put on that he does.  Or is he just fomenting more division and discord among those who once followed the prophet?  What would be his end goal in this?  Is he trying to take control and get everyone to follow him?  It sounds that way, doesn’t it?

From whence come wars and fightings among you [Overcomers]?
Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members [Pastor Rice for Rose]?
Ye adulterers and adulteresses.
(James 4:1, 4)

Thou sufferest that… Jezebel, which calleth herself a… [Pastor], to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto [Bro Stair].
(Rev 2:20)

We can’t help Rose anymore because of her husband.  That stuff’s unacceptable.

Here we see the issue at hand.  Rice has chosen Rose (the lusts of his flesh) over God’s people and he refuses to accept their judgment upon this sin as prescribed in scripture (1Jn 2:16;  Gal 5:19-21;  Pr 22:14).  This was the way Brother Stair set up his Overcomer – as a cult where one man would rule and cast out those that opposed his whims.  If John’s testimony on this wasn’t enough for you to realize what stuff’s unacceptable “It is not lawful for [Pastor Rice] to have your brother [Dennis’] wife [Rose]” (Mark 6:18  NASB).  Then let’s look at how clearly Paul made this matter:

It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate:  A man is sleeping with his father’s wife.  And you are proud!  Shouldn’t you rather have gone into mourning and have put out of your fellowship the man who has been doing this?   I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this.  So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.

Your boasting is not good.  Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?

I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people — not at all meaning the people of this world…  I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler.

Do not even eat with such people.

Are you not to judge those insideExpel the wicked person from among you.”  (1Cor 5:1-6, 9, 11-13  NIV)

That is clear, and it is clearly what has never been done in the church claiming to be the perennial (as he liked to say) church of the end times – the overcome Overcomer.  His mistaken word [perennial] makes more sense than the predominant that he meant because perennial means that it keeps going around the mountain in the wilderness of sin year after year.  Never getting anyone anywhere.  No perfection.  That’s an obstacle.  I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them (Rom 16:17  ESV).  The division causer is now Pastor Rice (Pr 22:10).

As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice,
have nothing more to do with him,
knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

(Titus 3:10-11  ESV)

Putting Sinners Out Of The Church

RG Stair~ Shewing Himself That He is God

10 Warning Signs your Church is Turning into a Cult

8 Steps to Leaving Toxic Relationships

Read Your Bible!

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight (Pr 3:6  NIV78/RSV).  What does that tell us about Brother Stair and Pastor Rice?  Where you have crooked paths you have people who do not acknowledge God in all their ways – no matter how they speak to the contrary.  They are liars!  God’s word is true.  God’s word will reveal to you the way these men walk.  Read your Bible and depart from these worthless idols (Jonah 2:8  NIV84).  Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace (Pr 3:17).  Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not Thy law (Ps 119:134).

A people without understanding will come to ruin
(Hosea 4:14  NIV)

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