Not A Vision of a Man that Speaks It
Tucked away in Brother Stair's 1987 Prophecy is a paragraph that jumped out the other day. Especially in light of...
Tucked away in Brother Stair's 1987 Prophecy is a paragraph that jumped out the other day. Especially in light of...
In today's episode of Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ralphy goes off on the coffee, blueberries, and strawberries for an inordinately long...
This is the most profound message that I have ever heard from Dr. J. Vernon MaGee. It is a very...
An older message by Brother Stan detailing very well Brother Stair's prophecies of when Jesus is Coming. Especially dealing with...
This week Pastor James Rice has calmed down (finally) from his incessant ranting throughout the whole service about those that...
Pentecost Sunday is June 5th, 2022 Though you wouldn't know it listening to the Overcome Ministry. Nor would you know...
By this shall all men know that ye are Brother Stair's disciples, that ye cause division amongst one another. (Pr...
Brother Stan from The Final Witness and Truth Blaster on YouTube has started a new series on the time that...
From: Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and a brother of James. To: Christians everywhere—beloved of God and chosen...
They Delayeth His Coming Part 3 Of They Delayeth His Coming series Take Heed Take heed that no man deceive you...
They Delayeth His Coming Part 2 Of They Delayeth His Coming series Hardness of Heart The Overcomers have actually hardened their...
They Delayeth His Coming Part 1 Think about it: The ministry based upon heralding the coming of Christ by the...
Part 2 Of the Continuing Confusion series Confusion of Delusions So what the good Pastor Rice has been saying is...
Part 1 Almost a year ago, when making notes on Pastor Rices' after service Service, we went into detail about...
Why is it people easily accept the testimony of ex-Peoples Temple members - even people in cults accept this -...