Sabbath Service – June 20, 2020 – Bro Stair
Brother Stair at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle in Canadys SC starts preaching at 2:45. We don't get to hear more...
Brother Stair at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle in Canadys SC starts preaching at 2:45. We don't get to hear more...
The Prophet Went to Jail to Pay Criminal Sexual Conduct - 2nd Degree On May 16th, 2002 Brother Stair was...
With messages from Brother Kirk and Brother Jonathan, Brother Stan brings out Satan's strongholds of Lying, Sodomy, false Prophets, other...
The following account is taken from testimonies and stories from Brother Stair and other witnesses (Acts 4:20). The Ministry of...
Brother Stair's topics today would make you think he was listening to the Truth Blaster on YouTube but his lack...
The trial and conviction of Harvey Weinstein now stand as a platform on which men in positions of power will...
Have you wondered why so many of us who claim to be born again and are even baptized adhere to...
A Narcissist's "Morality"... Morality is determined by your understanding of matters like integrity, character, and appropriateness. Narcissists might want you...
Brother Stan brings us a timely word about Brother Stair and his ministry and where it fits in the word...
Richard Rives's video message is always relevant any time of year. Titled about someone we know here, Men Who Hold...
The Jezebel Narcissist: Hates the people they serve. The people are a burden to them. They cannot serve with joy. ...
2019 marks 41 years since the tragedy at Jonestown Guyana in 1978 where we found a madman bent on fulfilling...
Truth Blaster with a teaching by Brother Robert Reed. Describing once again by God Himself through Bro Robert the Perversion...
Back around 1988, Brother Stair was under much investigation and stirring up controversy by many TV stations in Philadelphia, PA....
1 Corinthians 5 The Truth Blaster with Milton Green, Brother Stair excerpts, and the Scriptures (1Cor 5:11) If any...