So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than...
So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than...
For or Against Men that use God's Word to establish their own ministries and their own messages, do this to...
Brazil spiritual healer Sentenced to 19 years for Four Rapes RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A spiritual healer in Brazil...
Richard Rives's video message is always relevant any time of year. Titled about someone we know here, Men Who Hold...
The Jezebel Narcissist: Hates the people they serve. The people are a burden to them. They cannot serve with joy. ...
Paul tells us in Romans 8:35 that nothing shall separate us from Christ and His love for us, God is...
2019 marks 41 years since the tragedy at Jonestown Guyana in 1978 where we found a madman bent on fulfilling...
Peter teaches us that the Old Testament prophets are today’s teachers. In 2 Peter 2:1-22 Peter reveals to us that...
Truth Blaster with a teaching by Brother Robert Reed. Describing once again by God Himself through Bro Robert the Perversion...
Who are these men whose faith is reprobate? Men who have made Faith reprobate? (2Tim 3:8) Men who have shipwrecked...
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? What if a man moves your Foundation from the Word...
The Fruit of Moderation Paul said to Let your moderation be known unto all men . That moderation (or gentleness)...
The Pentecost Plea for 2019 is a little different than we have seen in previous years. Much like we saw...
Park it up to a bit of Amusement Another one of Brother Stair's predictions has fallen and been... dismantled, and...
Pentecost or Prophet Pentecost is the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon believers and thus fulfilling the Old Testament...