Thus Saith the Lord?

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Last Updated on Thu July 20, 2023 @ 10:38 pm
It would serve us well to remember that in the year 2000, Brother Stair told us that if he were to live till 2020 that it would mean that ‘all his words were a lie, a damn lie.’ Here we can see one reason God made him live till 2021 – so that it would be clear he’s a damn liar.
Unprohetic Prophecy
Here we are now in 2020 and Brother Stair is still going on like nothing has happened or was said. Just as he has done with his three prominent Prophecy’s (1987, 2001, 2007) that he still claims have all come to pass or are coming to pass. While the truth is they are far out of their proclaimed date scope. The 1987 Prophecy for example was to take place before 1987 ended – listen to it closely, it’s always been there.
This is why Brother Stair changed to calling it ‘The 1988 Prophecy’ for many years – to get another (at least) year out of it. That didn’t help. Eventually, he just ignored that he proclaimed an expiration date on it and pushed it as having come to pass, which was the point that you were to fixate on and not the proclaimed timeframe – which was removed from it at one time. So much for the timing of the prophet of time.
That Time Has Passed
Well, the time for his prophecies has certainly come to pass and gone past – far past. Meanwhile, nothing came about according to what and when they were prophesied to have been – as it was said to have been. Still, they are sold that they came about just as Brother Stair said they would. You are just supposed to believe and receive that word without question. Yet we are the ones lambasted for not remembering. Brother Stair doesn’t really want us to remember – he just wants to beat us up for something – for anything.
Another diversion, a misdirection, so that we don’t see the man behind the curtain making himself look like the great and powerful Oz (Acts 8:9-10) And since he gets his people dazed and confused so they cannot respond the way he wants, he then beats them for not remembering.
This is a psychological flip-flop to deceive you into thinking that if you remembered what he said that he would be right – when the truth is that if you remembered what his prophecies said you would realize that he is wrong – a false prophet. And therefore he should not be feared (Deut 18:22).
Though on the other hand, to wiggle out of any failure on his part, Brother Stair also says that he has never prophesied anything. How then is he a prophet? To that, he claims I’m not a prophesying prophet. What kind of a prophet is that? Why then is he a prophet at all? This sounds like another prophet – like his another gospel that he preaches, which matches up to another Jesus.
If that doesn’t work he says that I’ve never said anything “Thus saith the Lord”. Yet he tells us that every word from my mouth is from the Throne of God. How is that not the same thing? There’s much confusion being spun here.
Yea, the Lord Saith…
Yet! Brother Stair has indeed said “Saith the Lord” and “yea the word of the Lord would say…”, “Yea, I the Almighty God have spoken…”, “I the Almighty God am now speaking it…”. He’s not quoting the Bible when he said that, he’s giving his prophecy and pronouncing calamity and destruction under the seal of “saith the Lord” (see 2007 Prophecy).
Brother Stair says this five times in his 2001 Prophecy. No less than nine times in his 1987/1988 Prophecy and even more times it is said in other ways inferring the same thing. Like proclaiming it as “I the Lord thy God have spoken it.” in the 2001 Prophecy.
In 2003 he prophecied that the DOW would never go above 10,000. Then again in Oct 2008 (right after the stock market and the housing bubble crash) he stepped into the Dining Hall and again proclaimed the prophecy, “Thus saith the Lord, The Stock Market will never go above 10,000 again.” Well, it has.
Thus Saith the Prophecies
Not enough you hardhead? Let’s take a look at Brother Stair’s Overcomer Ministry [IP address 66….6 and the www.overcomerministry which he says that www = 666 – yet he magnified using www] this is a screenshot of his website where the front page says this:
Right there, the Overcomer website is declaring that Brother Stair says in his three listed prophecies “Thus saith the Lord GOD”. You don’t have to take our word for it, he’s their prophet. Since Brother Stair claims to be this Son of Man that God is telling to speak, he is told to speak “thus saith the Lord God”.
On another fork of the tongue, Brother Stair would, therefore, be disobeying that word from God by saying I’ve not said anything “Thus saith the Lord”. Why is he then lying on this? Why is he trying to wiggle out of that? We suspect it’s because disobedience to God has never stopped him before.
He’s had many other such proclamations, like when he said “The Lord told me…” when he proclaimed that the dead were going to raise in the last 45 days after his hearing the Tommy Hicks vision read by Rick Bell.
“Wherein Have I Lied?”
So where is Brother Stair lying? In saying that he’s this Seventh Angel Messenger and the Son of Man who is giving these three prophecies, as his website declares, “Thus saith the Lord GOD….”?
Or is he lying when he says he’s never said anything “Thus saith the Lord”?
Or when he says he’s “never prophesied anything. I’m not a prophesying prophet”? [the same non-prophesying prophet who has three of his major prophecies listed on his website]
So wherein has Brother Stair lied? In one, or in the other – or in them all! ??? You decide. Don’t put it off, your eternal fate is tied up in the prophet you follow (Eze 14:10; Hosea 4:9; Rev 2:16, 21-23; 2Cor 13:5). God is testing you (Deut 13:3).
And these lies are just on this one topic of Thus saith the Lord, we’re not even looking at all the lies that Brother Stair told in these prophecies or any of his other statements. Wherein hasn’t Brother Stair lied is the real question that cannot be answered.
If those don’t reveal to you the liar that Brother Stair is, then perhaps his own words will finally show you in this audio clip. If not, then you don’t believe his words and you’re in a perplexing paradox now.
“Behold, I am against the prophets,” declares the LORD, “who use their tongues and declare, ‘The Lord declares.’ (Jer 23:31 NASB)
Ezekiel Today
If you don’t understand what God said in Jeremiah 23:31 then perhaps He’ll make it clearer in Ezekiel 13:
4 Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals [foxes KJV] among ruins. 5 You have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the Lord. 6 Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. Even though the Lord has not sent them, they say, “The Lord declares,” and expect Him to fulfill their words. 7 Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The Lord declares,” though I have not spoken? (Eze 13:4-7 NIV)
Walking in the Shoes of Wm Branham
William Branham was another prophet that like to merchandise the term Thus Saith the Lord. Brother Stair followed Branham for the advantage of his name and the theft of many of his false teachings but primarily for the express use of taking his mantle away as the Seventh Angel Messenger, Here is a good video on some of William Branham’s games with the Thus Saith the Lord game.
Birds of a feather… Or as scripture says familiar spirits (Isaiah 8:19).
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