Phone Messages #1
In the confusion of the Broadcast, a series of phone messages almost slipped by us that were aired for a...
In the video listed below, Brother Stan provides us audio clips of Brother Stair on what Brother Stair stated would...
The Sign “What a sign to the world. We’re a sign to the world.” (Brother Stair, 2017) If there's something...
Many Services took place over Passover Week 2020 at the Overcomer Ministry. They are listed under the Services Menu along...
Welcome to The Overcomer Podcasts And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to Overcome...
Brother Stan brings us a timely word about Brother Stair and his ministry and where it fits in the word...
It would serve us well to remember that in 2000 Brother Stair told us that if he were to live...
Truth Blaster with a teaching by Brother Robert Reed. Describing once again by God Himself through Bro Robert the Perversion...
1 Corinthians 5 The Truth Blaster with Milton Green, Brother Stair excerpts, and the Scriptures (1Cor 5:11) If any...
2“Son of man, prophesy against the prophets who are now prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their own...
The End Is Come Fall 2018 marked nine years since Brother Stair told the world that he was ending the...
Regarding... 1John 2:19-20 That Brother Stair would even dare accuse the brethren (Zec 3:1; Rev 12:10; 1Jn 2:9) who left...
The Press and Standard reports on the recent arrest of two parents who failed to report Walterboro Prophet Brother R.G....
The Paths of Sin When it comes to Sin, there are three paths. We all start on the path to...
Brother Stair teaches that he preaches Another Gospel and references Paul in Galatians 1. "See, because it's a very devastating...