
Last Updated on Mon April 29, 2024 @ 12:40 pm

The Sign

What a sign to the world.  We’re a sign to the world.” (Brother Stair, 2017)

If there’s something we should listen to repeatedly, an echo if you will, it would be these eight minutes of Brother Stair confronting Sister Andrea in October 2018 (Pr 18:17).  This happens to be one of the rare recordings where you get to witness what is commonly heard and known on the Farm and the kind of thing that takes place often in the Dining Hall.

The rareness is not due to the lack of these incidents but that these incidents don’t get recorded, because Brother Stair does not want his radio-listening financial supporters to know what is really going on behind the scenes – but these are not isolated incidents (Luke 1:1-2). They are just hidden and done in a corner (Acts 26:26).  As acknowledged by Brother Stair in his closing statement on how ‘we’ve watched this happen with several women in this place, again, the same thing, with so many others – but you didn’t hear about those incidents, did you?  His desire for these incidents to be hidden is expressed in the next week’s Service where he rebukes his brothers for allowing it to go out over the air (Acts 26:26).

Death and life are in the power of the tongue
(Proverbs 18:21)

Life or Death?

As you listen to these audio clips, ask yourselves – according to scripture whose are these words we hear coming from Brother Stair’s mouth?

  • The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full  (John 10:10)
  • The tongue has the power of life and death  (Pr 18:21)
  • As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death  (Pr 26:18)
  • The words of his mouth are sinful and falseHe has stopped being wise and doing good  (Psalm 36:3  NLV)
  • With his mouth he swears and lies. He makes it hard for other people. Trouble and sin are under his tongue  (Psalm 10:7  NLV)

Who’s Your Daddy?

We ask you dear child of God, who are you following?

  • As for you, the anointing YOU received from Him remains in you, and YOU do not need ANYONE to teach you.  But as His anointing teaches you about ALL things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in Him.  (1Jn 2:27)
  • And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.  (Mal 3:18)
  • Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?  (Pr 20:11)


Casting Spells

Brother Stair was known for saying Craig Mack is dead long before he died.  Was it this witchcraft speaking that killed Craig Mack?  What about the seven that died in one year (mostly in 2017 before the FBI Raid)?  That was the largest death toll seen at the Overcomer so far.  Then in the 13th month, Craig Mack diedWere we given a sign that death is at work at the Overcomer? (Pr 26:18)

What do these words in this video speak to you – life or death? (Pr 18:21)  Sister Andrea says she came for peace but all she (and the rest of us) get is a hammering in all the years she’s been coming.  It’s not rocket science – is that life or death that she is getting? (Pr 18:21, 4:24, 16-17, 19;  Ps 36:3;  Ps 10:7)  Test that spirit!

We looked for peace, but no good came;
and for a time of health, and
behold trouble!
(Jeremiah 8:15)

Sister Andrea said Brother Stair casts spells on peopleand is doing pills (something Truth Blaster has long talked about).  Witchcraft works by words pharmaceuticals (pills) help too.  Do you know that we get the word pharmacy from the Greek word pharmakeia for witchcraft, sorcery, or spell?  And that word comes from pharmakós which was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim.  [This sacrifice of human exile is covered below]  Isn’t this the man who told us that God said to stop going to the Doctors?  Yet he pops pills to boast his sex drive and enlarge his members.  Who is he doing this for?  Or too?  He has no wife any longer because of his sexual immorality.  So why the penis pills?

Many that have left the Overcomer have come under demonic attack, and several have died as a result of the demonic spiritual warfare that is put out from the Overcomer – by words – and by the ritualistic Prayer Time daily sacrifice (Ps 35:15-16).  By echoing and repeating words.  Just like a mantra.  Fortunately, Sister Andrea would not accept Brother Stair’s evil proclamations over her and wasn’t tricked by his trying to get her to call him Satan; “Call me a Devil, am I God’s man,  ‘He has a Devil'” and then to have the audacity to say to her “You’re not even saved”.

This condemnation to Hell and Brother Stair’s lack of extending any sort of forgiveness (for something that he is the guilty party of) is his standard fashion.  But he forgets what came out of his mouth 11 months earlier, When you won’t believe that God forgives your brother of sin, that’s a sinThat’s a sin unto death (Bro Stair, 2017).  Brother Stair by his own proclamation is under his own condemnation – he’s committing a sin unto death.  All these sentences of death finally caught up with him less than three years later.

Not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother [or sister].
And for what reason did he slay him?
Because his deeds were evil,
and his brother’s were righteous.

(1 John 3:12)

UnAble to Save

“You’re not even saved.”  Wow, now that’s quite a proclamation (of damnation) to say over someone who has been under your ministry for eight years (Pr 18:21, 4:16-17, 19;  Ps 36:3;  Ps 10:7).  That’s not a ministry that’s making intercession for them is it (Heb 7:25)?  But, this is after all a ministry that claims it doesn’t cater to the unsaved, and one that brags that it doesn’t get anyone saved (Lam 4:17).  To cut to the chase, this is a ministry that seeks to take salvation away from people that are saved – as we now see and hear firsthand.

Related:  Double Honor

It’s the same rhetoric you hear on phone calls aired saying how they want to be saved, this is them telling us thatthis ministry that they are following is not Able to save them’.  Brother Stair often proclaims I wish someone would get saved around here, and his callers want to be saved.  Still, there is no path to salvation provided by the Overcomer aside from believing in and submitting to the Prophet Brother Stair.  Perhaps now you see why he claims them to be unsaved – his salvation is their total submission to him – which he isn’t getting.

And what’s a man like this doing telling anyone “You’re not even saved” when his fruit is evil?  This proclamation is not only questioning his ministry’s effectiveness; it’s also questioning his salvation and begging the question – what are his criteria for salvation?  (Pr 17:13)  It’s certainly not adherence to God’s word or faith in Jesus (Mk 11:22).  This condemnation is nowhere close to strengthening people in faith that Christ dwells in their hearts (Eph 3:17).  That has never been a part of this ministry of condemnation.

This is the ministry that makes the claim that its hallmark reason for existence is for the perfecting of the saints (Eph 4:12).  How is it going to do any perfecting when it can’t even get anyone saved?  Decades ago Brother Stair would teach that he was preserving us.  Putting a lid on us to shut us up was more like it.  A perfecting work was never done – or even started.  How could it be?  You cannot go on to perfection when you’re intention is wallowing in the mire of sexual sin.

This preserving is the same thing that the worthless servant did with the few that the Master gave him (Matt 25:18, 25-27, 30).  God is not looking for preservation but for an increase – an ever-increasing faith (2Thes 1:3;  Jude 1:3;  Pr 4:18).  For abundant life (Jn 10:10).  The only going on that people do in this Overcoming ministry (Heb 6:1) comes from a casting out (3Jn 1:9-10) or in fleeing (1Cor 6:18;  2Tim 2:22;  Ps 1:1;  Pr 4:14-15).  The only path up is out.

Then this message came to me: Son of dust, prophesy against the false prophets of Israel who are inventing their own visions and claiming to have messages from Me when I have never told them anything at all. Woe upon them!

“O Israel, these ‘prophets’ of yours are as useless as foxes for rebuilding your walls!  evil prophets, what have you ever done to strengthen the walls of Israel against her enemies—by strengthening Israel in the Lord?

Instead you have lied when you said, ‘My message is from God!’  God did not send you.  And yet you expect Him to fulfill your propheciesCan you deny that you have claimed to see ‘visions’ you never saw, and that you have said, ‘This message is from God,’ when I never spoke to you at all?”  (Ezekiel 13:1-7  TLB)

For many walk,…
they are enemies of the cross of Christ,

whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite,
and whose glory is in their shame,
who set their minds on earthly things.
(Philippians 3:18-19  NASB)

Able to UnSave

What we have here is a ministry that is teaching that you’re not saved unless you follow the Prophets’ commands and submit to him (i.e. his whim).  A ministry that states that your salvation and perfecting are not in Christ’s hands (Heb 12:2) – you must realize that the greater Christ is here (Mt 24:5, 24-26).  That your salvation and perfecting are in your adherence and submission to the Prophet and not leaving him (Acts 3:20, 22-23, 8:9).  This is heresy!

Thus salvation is stripped from all those that oppose or leave Brother Stair in fleeing from his wickedness (Ps 1:1;  Pr 4:14-15;  1Cor 6:18;  2Tim 2:22).  As touched on above in the penis pill-popping; there is also the common ritual sacrifice of the exile of a human scapegoat or victim that is practiced through ex-communicationcasting out those who would expose him, and then making them a scapegoat that others may fear doing the same (3Jn 1:9-10).  “Get the Hell out woman!”

It’s a practice that the Catholic Church perfected and uses to hold fear over the remaining, lest they be cast into Hell likewise.  These are not Biblical truths – they are satanic constructssound doctrines, of demons (1Tim 4:1-2).  This is heresy!  Take a look at a few examples of these false doctrines and how they conflict with scripture as shown in the article Repentance is a Spirit.  Turn to the true Jesus, He is still able to save to the uttermost (Heb 7:25;  Jude 1:24-25).  Brother Stair’s gospel can save no one – and never has.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
(1 Timothy 1:15)

The prophets prophesy lies
in My name.

I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them;
they prophesy to you a false vision,
divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart

(Jeremiah 14:14)

Satan is Raging

Brother Stair says that Satan is raging” in his slandering of Sister Andrea – but who is it we are witnessing doing the raging and slandering? (Ps 36:3;  Ps 10:7;  Pr 4:16-17;  Pr 26:18)  Who then is it that we witness here doing the works of his father (Jn 8:44)?  Like Sister Andrea, we have to do as Brother Charles did in the Dining Hall in 2005 when he would cast away Brother Stair’s damning words (curses) by saying “back on your own head” (Pr 26:2).

Related:  Christ Returns TODAY!

Likewise, Brother Stair did to Brother Charles as he does here with Sister Andrea by trying to put words into your mouth so you damn yourself.  They both said back to Brother Stair, “I didn’t say that!” (Ps 35:11-12)  This is doing as Paul told us to take up the shield of faith to extinguish these flaming arrows of the evil one (Eph 6:16).  Brother Stair’s tactic is to assail us with lies and get us to admit to them, to cause us to damn ourselves in something we didn’t say.

This reminds us of a serpent who would say Yea, hath God said,…” placing lies in Eve’s mouth (Gen 3:1;  Ps 35:11).  This father of lies quoted God’s word and then took Eve’s words and twisted them, threw them back at her, and made her believe she said them.  So she would damn herself.  Sound familiar?  By the way – that was a Serpent – not a man.  Unlike the lie one of the serpent’s children [Bro Stair] told recently when he called him “The beautiful man Satan” (John 8:44).

The Beautiful Man, Satan

A lot to unpack in that one.  A few weeks ago Brother Stair said that referring to the Garden of Eden and the Serpent talking to Eve.  Brother Stair calls this beast (what the Bible calls it) a man.  And links this man to Satan.  The greatest error here is that through this twisting and transposition of the Serpent, Brother Stair is making this beast which he calls Satan out to be a man.

Satan is not a man nor has he ever been a man – or is this where Brother Stair gets his false doctrine of his son of man error from?  This is doctrinally dangerous because here we have Brother Stair making Satan out to take on the same likeness as Jesus did – a man.  This is straight out of Morman theology.  If you missed it – that’s the same thing Brother Stair does with himself in his son of man heresy.

That is worse than his admiration of Satan’s beauty.  Which brings us to his statement here to Sister Andrea, “You are Satan!”  Brother Stair acknowledges that Sister Andrea is Satan.  Is that because he thinks she is beautifulIs that why he grabbed her butt?  Because he’s after Satan’s beautiful butt?  At some point, you have to answer these questions rather than continuing to ignore them because they are front and center.  Or behind if you’re Brother Stair’s hands.

A Tree and Its Fruit

Those coming for the 2020 Trumpets Gathering or listening because you’re getting a bit scared of what you’re hearing.  Read Matthew 24 and find out that it doesn’t say what you’re being told by Brother Stair that it says.

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thornbushes nor figs from thistles, are they?  So every good tree bears good fruit,
but the bad tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit,
nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
So then, you will know them by their fruits.
(Matthew 7:15-20  NASB)

Taken By a Spirit

Let us also remind you that many years before this incident with Sister Andrea there was an incident in a Service with Sister Teresa (Brother Stair’s then-wife) that was quickly forgotten and swept under the rug.


In a familiar fashion, Brother Stair threw his wife under the bus for all to follow suit.  She was never believed by those on the Farm when she tried to expose him before 2001 – when he got exposed to all for his sex games – which turned into sex crimes.  Even afterward (as in this incident) Brother Stair seduced his house into believing that she was controlled by some spirit and that her words were not to be regarded – just like he’d do with Sister Andrea, Brother Charles, Brother Steve, and many others (2Tim 3:13).  Thus he managed to keep the wool pulled over many eyes regarding his false repentance – as he seduced them into believing that he repented (Pr 18:8).  It was not repentance but merely worldly sorrow as its fruit revealed (2Cor 7:10).

The clip starts with Sister Teresa asking to sing.  To which Brother Stair shows how repentance is required from her to sing but as you know, it’s not required for him to preach.  He would preach whole services on the point that his sins shouldn’t stop him from doing what God called him to do.  But that same allowance is not granted to others – even his wife – even to simply sing.

The congregation was very excited to have her sing but Brother Stair had a beef with her about charges she made about me and other things.  Where did that carte blanche forgiveness go that he demands from others?  Selah!  Then he puts words into her mouth and when we hear her defense of his charges we see how her words are not in error – his are.  In this, we see how his mind twists what people say into something they didn’t say.  Those of us who have dealt with Brother Stair know this firsthand.  His narcissism is so epic that he cannot stand her questioning him or even trying to hold him to any accountability for his sins against her.  This is the man who is right here demanding repentance from her – how hypocritical!

Feeling Repentant?

As you hear in this clip, Brother Stair is putting forth the need to repent – which he associates with feelings – upon his wife.  Never taking any responsibility for his lack of repentance or his wicked ways (as she states) nor for his failing her as a husband.  What Sister Teresa was referring to that he wasn’t acting as a husband to her is that he was still committing adultery against her.

He also doesn’t like that she exposes him as a liar – which anyone who has lived with him long enough knows full well he is addicted to lying.  And in standard Brother Stair fashion, we witness him here as he lies about his lies.  That’s what liars do.  When narcissistic liars (Bro Stair) are accused of lying, what do they do?  They say they don’t lie they’re lying!

Related:  Out of The Mouth...

“You see Brothers and Sisters”, Brother Stair begins his pointing of the finger at Teresa (Isa 58:9  ESV).  Then he goes off on her judgment of his sins rallying the congregation behind him saying she’s ‘showing out’.  He catches the looks of the brothers who don’t like his handling of the situation and then turns on them too (Pr 18:3, 6).  He’s not convicted by them but rather he puts forth instant judgment on them for not blindly, and quickly, going along with whatever he says.  Just to go back to pointing the finger at her again and justifying it “scripturally” (Lk 16:15).  He’s looking for pity from them to justify removing their restraining order against him.

Done In a Corner

Then he hopes it was not on the air – thus he believed, hoped, and intended that it was hidden and done in a corner (Acts 26:26).  Showing us another one of his lies about everything being done in the open and not in a corner.  Another big lie.  The reason that many still listen and support this ministry is that they don’t know the truth of what is hidden and done in a corner (Acts 26:26).  Which is the reason that 99% left – they witnessed the truth of what he did in the corner.  As we stated earlier, audio of these things is not shared with the radio listeners – or is not intended to be.

His off-the-air desire was the same thing he expected from the incident with Sister Andrea.  In the following weeks Sabbath Service he voiced his disapproval of their airing it.  He wants these things swept under the carpet and not exposed to his radio audience who financially supports him.  Just like he said to Brother Stan who confronted him about his lies and wickedness, “These people trust me”, and thus he reasoned that his lies and wickedness should be ignored.  Well, they shouldn’t, neither should the people trust him, they only do so because he hides from them his true nature (2 Cor 11:14;  John 8:44).


“The only people that know that I’m still touching are the ones here.  I stopped the seeing.  I touch the sisters, and I tell you not to do it.”

What is it Brother Stair says about Satan?  That he would stop the hearing.  Here we have Brother Stiar stopping the seeing – so that you don’t know what his fruit actually is (Matt 7:21).  That should tell you everything.  If not, try putting it to the test.

Promised Repentance

Notice what he says about his repentance and pointing fingers; “We’ve already dealt with that too”.  What he means is what happened in 2001 when he was caught in serial adultery.  He told his house that he wasn’t going to point the finger at his people anymore and he was not going to do things like that as he did in the past (Isa 58:9  ESV).  This lie is evident to everyone who has listened to Brother Stair since.  He went back on that promise and every other promise in every way.  This is like his repenting of God told me to not Challenge you Brothers when you tell me God told you something.  And that God told me to stop calling you peanut brains.

These are the things Brother Stair repents of” – his promises to do better and his changes in how he deals with and speaks to people.  His “repentance” is repenting of making all those statements and promises.

Man of Sin Revealed

While Brother Stair was much more reserved with Sister Stair than with Sister Andrea – because she was his wife.  Sister Teresa was still put out and accused of “opposing this work by a spirit” (3Jn 1:9-11).  That spirit would be God’s Spirit that was trying to bring Brother Stair into repentance and stop opposing His work by Stair’s evil spirits.  God has sent many Brothers and Sisters as His messengers to the Messenger to try to get him to repent and get on track.  He has cast them all outGet the Hell out woman!”  “You get’n out of this house now!  And you’re not coming back.”  (3 John 1:9-11).  Self-fulfilling what he said, Satan is Raging.

Wait, isn’t this the man who says that he doesn’t tell anyone to leave?  Who says that he didn’t cast anyone out?  Seems he’s revealed another one of his lies (Pr 18:7).  Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, does not accept what we say.  For this reason, if I come, I will call attention to his deeds which he does, unjustly accusing us with wicked words; and not satisfied with this, he himself does not receive the brethren, either, and he forbids those who desire to do so and puts them out of the church.  Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.  The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God (3 John 1:9-11  NASB95).  There’s another good example of Brother Stair revealed in scripture.

It is not good to accept the person of the wicked,
to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
(Proverbs 18:5)

One Last Thing

“When you mess with these women, and you know why some of them have to come back and say?  Because you keep assaulting them again each time you do it and you say that it’s because you’re doing it on purpose.”  -Sister Andrea

These are some serious words for you to ponder.  Also, ponder Brother Stair’s closing words and gain an understanding of what’s really going on at the Overcome-Her (Prov 1:2-5).

“Now do you folk understand what’s going on again?  We’ve watched this happen with several women in this place, we’ve watched this.”  And another wife did the same thing recently.  “We’ve watched it with so many others.”  Gotta wonder why… or do you finally understand?

For a greater insight into this, Truth Blaster has a good dissection of this event in great detail on YouTube.

Also, check out their website The Final Witness


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