Dividing Christ

Last Updated on Sun August 21, 2022 @ 10:44 pm

These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. (Jude 1:19  NIV84)

[Mark them] Keep your eyes on {not on Jerusalem but} those who cause dissensions and create obstacles or introduce temptations [for others] to commit sin, [acting in ways] contrary to the doctrine which you have learned (the Gospel of Christ). Turn away from them. (Rom 16:17  AMP)

Today, this dividing of Christ is clearly seen when taking a look at Brother Stair’s Overcomer Ministry.  This man divides his own house against one another (Pr 6:16, 19).  Anyone who disagrees or comes against Brother Stair’s sins or denies his whims – he will further sever from his fold (3Jn 1:9-10).  This man has so much division in his ministry that 99% of his flock have fled from him throughout his ministry.  Thus they finally obeyed such true commands of God as found in Romans 16:17 to Turn away from them (NASB, AMP, BSB).  For they realized that this is not the voice of their Shepherd (John 10:5).

Throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse
[community living, ‘all things in common’]

My son, do not walk in the way with them.
Keep your feet from their path,
for their feet run to evil

(Pr 1:14-16  NIV84/NASB)

To this division, Brother Stair justifies himself with scriptures like, They went out from us (1Jn 2:19) to say that those who went out from his ministry are exemplified in that scripture.  Brother Stair never takes that scripture and applies it to himself to show where he is the one who has, throughout his ministry, gone out from the Body of Christ (Weymouth NT).  He refused to be schooled in an upstanding institution and chose rather to walk in the ways of evil men and be schooled by religious shysters (Pr 4:14;  Ps 5:4-6;  Ps 1:1;  Ps 26:4-6).  Many times he was thrown out of Churches he pastored because of his sexual perversion or adultery therein.  This is why he finally started his own church that he would be in full control of.

It is these sins of Brother Stair’s that we are told to turn away from (Rom 16:17  NASB), to flee these things (1Tim 6:11), and to have nothing to do with such people (2Tim 3:5  NIV).  To those obeying God and forsaking the evil of Brother Stair, he turns on them and rends them saying that they are the ones in error for leaving (Mt 7:6).  Yet to flee is God’s command to us.  We know the vexation of Lot, living among the sexually perverse wicked filthy conversation of Brother Stair (2Peter 2:7-10).

Brother Stair teaches; It’s never right to leave after he’s gotten his followers to leave their Churches, their families, their friends, their homes, their Doctors, their TV’s, and their money.  This is a ministry of leaving.  Then he heaps on them 1John 2:19 to make his ministry the US and all leavers the THEY.  Yet it is his waxing worse and worse in his sexual sins that mark him as an evil seducer (2Tim 3:13);  Mt 7:17-20).

The Manifestation of Division

While one thing in 1John 2:19 that is true here is that those who left Brother Stair were not of [him] (1Jn 2:19).  They were not of the same sinful spirit as the “us of Brother Stair, therefore they could not remain with him.  They showed forth the manifestation of the division of Brother Stair, that they were not of him; but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of [him] (1Jn 2:19).

This is a spiritual principle, so it also shows us that those who have continued to walk with Brother Stair by staying with him are of him, they are under the same spirit as Brother Stair; for if they had been of [him], they would no doubt have continued with [him] (1Jn 2:19).  We still have hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive [to Brother Stair] to do his will (2Tim 2:25-26  NIV).  Fortunately, eventually, almost everyone leaves – unless death gets them first.

One of the many things Brother Stair fails to say in this is that many of those who went out were cast out by him like the Diotrephes that he is (3Jn 1:9-10).  Like the River Community who rejected his sexual advances on the sisters there, Brother Stair refused to do what he knew to be right but rather demanded that they come and bow down before all the Congregation and repent for not allowing Bro Stair to advance his sexual agenda upon them.  And like is seen clearly in the ex-communication of Sister Andrea which Brother Stair thought wasn’t broadcast live but rather done in a corner as are his other works in this regard (Acts 26:26).

This was said in a public setting and you can still witness Brother Stair’s ways and his still requiring the repentance of the River.  Brother Stair demands that they repent of denying his sexual foreplay with the young sisters.  Rather than Brother Stair turning and repenting, he cast them out – excommunicated them – and to this day Brother Stair requires them to repent for denying him his sexual exploits on the sisters there.  Can you believe the gall of that?

Brother Stair says that God sent His people to him and that if they are there (on the Farm) then God has told him that they are His.  To this witness, Brother Stair has lost 99% of all that the Father has given him (Jn 6:37).  Those who come to him he has driven 99% away (Jn 6:37).  This is the opposite of Christ and His ways.  This is clearly a man dividing Christ and His Body by his own fruit (Mt 7:15-20).

These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.
(Jude 1:19  NIV84)

Ye are Yet Carnal

It is the carnality of Brother Stair and his refusal to be converted and repent of his fleshly ways that cause this division.  Brother Stair will never admit this and will further label his flock as the carnal ones and that they are not spiritual while Brother Stair is the spiritual one (1Cor 3:1).  Certainly, few are under the same spirit as Brother Stair is.  This again is why many have left and no longer follow Brother Stair (Jn 6:66).  The spirit of Christ is in opposition to the spirit on Brother Stair.  This is what the 99% eventually saw and therefore from it (and him) fled.

Brother Stair says he is hindered because his congregation is touching him, God’s anointed, with their carnal mind.  Showing us again that Brother Stair refuses to acknowledge his sin and own it.  It is always someone else that is his problem, the Community’s problem, or what is hindering their (and his) advancement into the Kingdom.  He needs an enemy to focus his, and their, attention on.

Related:  With or Without Sin?

The man who teaches us that the flesh is going to do what the flesh is going to do, so just let it.  Brother Stair teaches us that we can walk in sin because we are forgiven.  To this heresy Paul said, God Forbid!  God forbids it!  Brother Stair’s sin is exceedingly sinful (Rom 7:13).  Not just in his sexual perversion but more so in this perversion of graceMaking a mock at sin (Pr 14:9).

Let us not forget that Brother Stair excuses his pet sins because you’re guilty too.  Don’t forget that Brother Stair wants us to sweep his sin under the rug and go on blindly.  Brother Stair wants to escape the reproach of his sin (Pr 6:32-33).  Herein he is mocking God who said that the reproach of THAT sin shall never be wiped away.  If Brother Stair didn’t want the reproach he should not have walked therein.  Even more, Brother Stair shouldn’t continue daily in that sin still.

Let them be ashamed which transgress without cause (Ps 25:3)

But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks heart and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying his own life. Wounds and disgrace will he get, and his reproach will not be wiped away (Pr 6:32-33)

Waiting On Christ

Let me not be ashamed (Ps 25:20).  One of the claimed purposes of Brother Stair’s Overcoming Ministry is to prepare a people for Christ’s coming that will not be ashamed at His coming (1Jn 2:28).  Though this preparation and preservation have never been witnessed.  Even Brother Stair’s weekly testimony of his flock is that they are so far from this.

O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee (Psalm 25:20).

As the true Body waits for Christ we show this in how we walk (Col 1:10;  Eph 4:1).  With the fruit of good works and pure lives (Mt 7:17).  As Psalm 25 says, Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee (Ps 25:21).  This is what is lacking in Brother Stair and its lack is what causes this division of Christ in his Ministry.

There is no integrity or uprightness in Brother Stair.  Just ask the River Community or the many victims of Brother Stair.  Brother Stair has even said that everyone in his flock could accuse him of assault.  This is not the witness of a man of God.  This is an evil worker (Ps 37:1;  Phil 3:2) without the Godly guidance that comes through integrity and uprightness.

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision [cutting up or cutting off] [those who claim (cutting off) is necessary for salvation (AMP)];. (Phil 3:2)

Fear of Faces

Brother Stair calls his flock God’s people and yet he treats them like they were his enemy.  Perhaps it’s because their faces show him the truth in their disdain for his wickedness (Gal 4:16).  Perhaps they are his enemy because God’s people are of a different spirit than he is of?

Brother Stair tells us that God told him to not be afraid of their faces yet we continue to witness him fearing their faces and wishing for a change so that he doesn’t have this fear.  Endless hours are wasted railing over this issue – an issue that he says God told him is not to be made into an issue.  It’s one of the traits of narcissists that they can’t learn from their mistakes and they need to be received#4  Acting out of fear of being devalued.  Highly dependent on opinion and being received.

This disobedience of God’s direct command to Brother Stair should not shock us because there isn’t one of the Commands of God that Brother Stair does not violate.  Rejecting the truth and not loving truth is what has made Brother Stair’s ministry a lie (2Thes 2:10).

Brother Stair will often say, “I wish somebody would get saved around here”.  What a testimony of one’s own house.  Testifying that your ministry is of no profit to those that hear (Heb 4:2;  2Tim 2:14).  Maybe if he’d spend some time preaching the gospel unto them and not preaching himself to them, they might at least get saved.

Not that salvation is what Brother Stair wishes upon anyone.  Since he does not believe that the gospel of salvation, as he calls it, is valid for today, how will they ever be saved?  What we have here is a preacher speaking to a people that he declares are lost and he does not preach unto them a way to be saved.

It’s no wonder he keeps going around this mountain again and again.  It’s never going to change this way.  Do we now see why things have never changed and why it is always the same rhetoric with Brother Stair?

Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.  (Psalm 55:19)

What Spirit?

What spirit sent you to Brother Stair?  It wasn’t God’s because, as Brother Stair likes to make clear, God wouldn’t send you to a false prophet.  Then the 99% that received the revelation that Brother Stair is a false prophet couldn’t have been sent by God – could they?  So why did they go?  We know why most left, because of Brother Stair’s sins – either to flee from them or because his sinful hatred forced them out.

It is this other spirit that Brother Stair is of that divides the Body of Christ and moves them out.  This same spirit causes the divisions and the strife we hear weekly.  This is not the working of the spirit of God (Gal 5:22-23).  This is a Vampire Ministry.  It lures people then sucks the life out of them and leaves them as dry husks and casts them away.  Then complains that they are dry bones.  This is the operation of a Wolf devouring the flock (Acts 20:29).

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. (Gal 5:22-26  NIV)

There is no fear of God and no integrity in Brother Stair (Rom 3:18).  Not in his current witness nor in what we witness in his stories; his choosing to walk with ungodly men to be schooled in their ways (Pr 4:14;  Pr 1:15;  Ps 5:4-6;  Ps 1:1;  Ps 26:4-6).

Proverbs 20:7 tells us that godly men of integrity have followers who are blessed.  The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them (Pr 20:7  NLT).  Brother Stair’s followers are not even blessed by him – they are cursed – especially those he has cast out.  It is a bitter heart and spirit that are manifest in Brother Stair.  His followers will find no peace in that spirit (Isa 48:22;  Isa 57:20-21;  Eze 13:16).

Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter:
for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.  (Acts 8:21)

They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.  (Jer 6:14;  Jer 8:11)

The prophets of Israel which prophesy…, and which see visions of peace for [his Community], and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.  (Ezekiel 13:16)

The way of peace have they not known.  (Rom 3:17)

Denying the Lord

Denying the Lord that bought them (2Pt 2:1).  This is what one must do to fully swallow up the teachings of Brother Stair – deny God’s purchasing them through the precious blood of Christ (1Pt 1:19).  Brother Stair’s false teaching that your sins are not a problem, that your sins don’t damn you, that you can walk in your sins – just as long as you believe that you’re forgiven – you’re saved.  This damnable heresy is a denial of the sacrifice of the Lord that bought them (2Pt 2:1).  It perverts the grace of God into being a license to continue in sin (Jude 1:4).

Related:  Wayne Bent - The End of The World

We are all unaware of how Brother Stair came on the scene aside from his own testimony about himself.  Thus making his testimony invalid.  “If I were to testify on my own behalf, my testimony would not be valid.” (Jn 5:31).  This certain man (as Pastor Roberts taught) has crept in unawares to us aside from his own invalid witness (Jude 1:4).

Jude’s Warning

These false teachers are identified by Jude in their works: (Cf. 2Peter 2:1-22)

  • Ungodly (unlike God in their works)
  • Turn grace into lasciviousness (inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: [a lascivious, girl-chasing old man]. arousing sexual desire: indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust or lewdness [2Th 1:8])
  • Giving themselves over to fornication/adultery (Rev 2:14, 20)
  • Going after strange flesh (other men’s wives, prostitutes, sheep, goats, cows, …)
  • Dream filthy things
  • Defile the flesh (violate the chastity of (a woman); desecrate or profane (something sacred [the Body of Christ])
  • Despise dominion (sovereignty or control of anyone other than themselves)
  • Speak evil of dignities (those worthy of honor or respect [Christ’s Body])
  • Speak evil (of those things which they know not)
  • Brute beasts (a savagely violent person; a cruel or insensitive person; awkward, difficult, or unpleasant)
  • Gone in the way of Cain (Presumptuous. A religious man who wanted God to be pleased with his sacrifice, rather than doing things God’s way)
  • In the error of Balaam the prophet (loved the gain of his own wicked ways.  Refused to head God’s warning of his self-glory seeking ways [2Pt 2:15])
    • Giving evil counsel that brings a plague on God’s people (Numbers 31:14-16)
    • Wants to curse the children of God (Deut 23:3-6;  Rom 3:13-14)
    • His teachings are stumbling blocks unto God’s people:  (Rev 2:14)
      • To eat things [take in teachings] sacrificed to idols [a person that is greatly admired, loved, or revered] (himself).  (To give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations [for the sake of the ministry/word/message])
      • To commit sexual immorality (1Cor 6:18;  1Cor 5:1-13;  Rev 2:14)
  • In rebellion like Korah (usurping the authority of God over His people [1Jn 2:27])
  • Spots where it comes to true love (they pervert love into sexual overtones)
  • They feast with you (they are among the Church or their own church [Jn 10:1])
  • Feeding themselves (they don’t feed the flock they do all to puff themselves up.  Their flock is disposable [99%?])
  • Without fear (no fear of God in their doings [Rom 3:18].  They think God is going to let them get away with their wickedness [Gal 6:7;  Ps 14:1])
  • Without the Water of Life (no gospel of Christ [Gal 1:8-9].  They have nothing to water the weary with)
  • Carried about of winds (always after an obscure revelation [7 Thunders, Antichrist])
  • Trees whose fruit withers (waxing worse and worse [2Tim 3:13;  Eze 37:2])
  • Without fruit (no fruit of the spirit, plenty of works of the flesh.  Still making the bones dry)
  • Twice dead (Heb 10:29)
  • Plucked up by the roots (it’s happening)
  • Raging waves of the sea (raging and creating waves in the sea of their people)
  • Foaming out their own shame (in word and in deed [Mt 7:20;  Pr 6:32-33])
  • Wandering stars [wandered off per 2Pt 2:15] (characteristic of Brother Stair’s roaming the East Coast early ministry)
  • Murmurers (grumbling about everything everyone does and how it’s wrong)
  • Complainers (no one does right or does him right)
  • Walking after their own lusts (they have left the straight and narrow way [2Pt 2:15;  Pr 22:3, 5])
  • Their mouth speaks great swelling words (The Voice of the Last Day Prophet of God, The Son of Man, Greater than Jesus, and many more)
  • Having men’s persons in admiration because it is to their advantage (William Branham, AA Allen, Herbert W. Armstrong, …)
  • Mockers [scorners] in the Last Time (boasting that they mock [Gal 6:7;  Pr 21:24;  Isa 28:22;  Pr 19:28-30;  Pr 1:21-23])
  • Walk after their own ungodly lusts (in word and in deed [Mt 7:20])
  • They separate themselves (they went out from the Church [1Jn 2:19], they went into the Wilderness [Mt 24:26])
  • Sensual (relating to or involving gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure)
  • Not having the Spirit (of God)

These works deny the Lord.  Those who do these things deny the Lord.  That is God’s word.

We, however, are to not be like that nor are we to be under the covering or anointing of such evil men.  Yes, they have an anointing but it’s not of God.  Our anointing is why we have no need that these men teach us.  The anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you (1Jn 2:27).

We are to build ourselves up in the holy Faith, praying in the Spirit, keeping ourselves in God’s love, looking for Christ’s mercy of eternal life, and have compassion – on some (Jude 1:20-22).  We are not to give in to the flesh or excuse it but we are to hate the spots that the flesh causes (Jude 1:23). 

For, God is able to keep us from walking after the flesh and falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy (Jude 1:24).  To teach otherwise makes you a false teacher.  No matter what calling you may claim you have.

The Leaders Have It?

We began here with a verse that Brother Stair uses to damn those who have left him.  That number is not a few either.  Well into the thousands have left Brother Stair over his ministry years.  This verse in 1st John is used by Bro Stair without the verse following.  It is this following verse that takes all the fire out of Bro Stair’s teaching here.

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. (1John 2:20)

The Body of Christ has no need for Brother Stair.  Not only is he unProfitable [unprophetable – the un-able prophet] to them in the evidence of his Revolving Door ministry (99% loss), his Vampire Ministry or sucking their life from them (dry bones), and that his own witness is invalid (Jn 5:31); but they need not any man teach them (1Jn 2:27).

This truth and those scriptures will not come off the lips of Brother R. G. Stair.  The other thing Brother Stair fails to add is that these leavers in 1John 2:19 that John is speaking of are antichrist teachers – not followers.  Likewise, Jesus’ rebukes and harsh words were not for His followers but for the religious leaders.  Jesus protected His sheep from these wolves dressed as sheep.  This is the opposite of what RG Stair teaches and how he devours his sheep (Acts 20:29).

Related:  From Prophets to Teachers

John is writing here about those who are trying to lead you astray (1Jn 2:26).  This scripture Brother Stair is using is not talking about followers, it’s all about leaders who lead you astray.  Thus these false leaders falsely teach that it is their followers that are the subject – that’s a lie.  But what else would you expect from a false teacher?

As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.  (1 John 2:27)

God’s people have God’s real anointing on them and not a counterfeit (1Jn 2:27).  John is telling us that there are those with a counterfeit anointing.  These are the antichrists that John is speaking of in the chapter.  The real, non-counterfeit anointing of God, and the men of God that have it, teach us one simple thing.  Not to remain in them, in their ministry, their community, their teaching.  No, God’s ministers teach that we are to remain in Him, Christ – the Vine.  Without Him, we can do nothing (Jn 15:5).  They do not “boast about themselves” (Jude 1:16  NIV84).

As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. (1Jn 2:24)

Higher Than God

These false leaders come teaching us these false teachings and we let them when we fall for their high placement above us.  This hierarchy is how they achieve dominion over the Body of Christ and so subdue them into submission unto themselves (Jude 1:16).  This hierarchy is one of the deeds of the Nicolaitans, that thing which Jesus hates (Rev 2:6).

What we should have first seen in these men is that they don’t belong.  They are out of place in the Body of Christ and those red flags the spirit of God in us has us witness in them should not be ignored.  Where did these men come from if not from God?  They crept in another way (Jude 1:4).

He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber (Jn 10:1).  Where we see the fruit of the Thief we need to acknowledge what spirit a man is operating under.  No matter what accolades from God he places upon himself and his ministry.  Where you have stealing, killing, and destroying (Jn 10:10) you have the Thief at work (Mt 7:15).

To this, we should recognize that this leader does not speak with God’s Voice (Jn 10:5) and therefore flee from him (Jn 10:5).  This test of John 10:10 is the first thing we should use to see whether they are of the spirit of God (1Jn 4:1).  We are never to take their word for it.  We are to test the spirit on these men and test their fruits to see if they are from God or not (Mt 7:20;  1Jn 4:1).  Because these false prophets go out into the (Church) world and on worldwide radio to find followers to follow their pernicious ways (1John 4:1;  2Pt 2:2;  Mt 23:15).

Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit.
You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God.
For there are many false prophets in the world (1John 4:1  NLT)

God’s Doorkeeper

One of Brother Stair’s many self-appointed claims he places upon himself is that he is the Door and the Gatekeeper.  “You’re not going to get past me.”  You’re not going to get into the Kingdom without coming through Brother Stair.  As Christians, Jesus is the only Door, I am the door of the sheep (Jn 10:7). 

Brother Stair also strips most other titles from Jesus, like Son of Man, Gatekeeper, Perfecter, Voice of God, Shepherd, the Bodyguard, the Prototype of Christ (what Christ was patterned after).   These leaders want to appear that they are the holders of truth while they walk in unrighteousness (they hold the truth in unrighteousness [Rom 1:18]) and take from God His rightful place in our lives.

God’s Voice

The reason for God’s people leaving these false teachers is because God’s sheep follow God, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (Jn 10:27).  These falsies (leaders, pastors, teachers, prophets) find it impossible to sustain their hold on the people of God that they have plucked from the Church world ( and through their worldwide broadcasts) (1Jn 4:1) because God will not let any man pluck them out of My hand (Jn 10:28).  This is why we find that 99% of Brother Stair’s followers have left him.  He is unable to keep them out of God’s hand.

Any man claiming that he is in the place of Christ and the Door for the sheep cannot be entering in himself by the Door (which is Christ).  He that entereth not by the Door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber (Jn 10:1).  So it is clear by scripture that he has climbeth up some other way and thus is identified as a thief and a robber.  So his destructiveness in the Body should not surprise us.

God’s Fruits

Nor should his lack of godly fruits of life and more abundant life surprise us.  Brother Stair also gives testimony to his climbeth up some other way by his not being schooled through institutions set up by the Church but rather he chose to be schooled by shysters, religious manipulators, and sexual predators (Ps 1:1;  Ps 5:4-6;  Pr 4:14;  Pr 1:15;  Ps 26:4-6); having gone without the Body (1Cor 6:18) to be schooled on how to get into the sheepfold – another way (Jn 10:1).

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  (John 10:10)


If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of Him.
 Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
(Jude 1:29, 24)

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
(1Jn 2:20)

But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.
(1Jn 2:27  NLT)

No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”
(Jer 31:34)

13 thoughts on “Dividing Christ

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