Future Timeline
What must Shortly Come to Pass
As foretold by prophet Brother R.G. Stair
The Present Truth
The Revelation of the Anti-Christ
The Seven Thunders
The Great Falling Away
The Great Tribulation
Death of a Prophet
Those Who Remain
The Rapture
The Son of Man
The Millennium
The Kingdom of Angels
Do It Again God

Table of Contents
Last Updated on Tue April 30, 2024 @ 12:20 pm
The Teachings of
The Last Day Prophet of God,
The Voice of the 7th Angel Messenger,
The Son of Man,
A Greater than Jesus
The Revelation Bible
(and many more)
Prophet Brother R.G. Stair
The Present Truth
The Revelation of the Anti-Christ
At present (Fall 2013), Brother Stair and the Overcomer Ministry[1] are waiting for Brother Stair to reveal who the anti-Christ is. Brother Stair teaches that this revelation will only come by the mouth of a chosen vessel, believed to be Brother Stair, or by someone whom God will show to Brother R.G. Stair as the man that will reveal the anti-Christ. As the anti-Christ will only be revealed by a prophet — the man whom God chooses. Just as John the Baptist revealed who the Christ was, so God’s chosen prophet will reveal who the anti-Christ is. That’s his teaching anyway (Pr 25:19).
[UPDATE:] While the term ‘Antichrist’ does not appear in the book of Revelation, what is termed the Beast is generally taken to be that person – as Brother Stair believed. As such, Revelation 13:18 does not tell us that he will be revealed by a prophet but rather that he will be known by calculation – something Brother Stair used to say the opposite of – He will not be revealed by calculation but by revelation. Revelation 13:18 says the opposite – Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (NASB95). It appears that someone doesn’t have an understanding of scripture.
Concerning this, it should be noted that this was to have taken place in 2003 according to Brother Stair. On February 10th, 2002, Brother Stair did a radio interview with Mark Hazlewood who wrote the book “Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003 – Earthchanges!“, after which Brother Stair proclaimed “Planet X is Satan’s John the Baptist. The anti-Christ will be revealed next year“. This would make 2003 the year the antichrist would be revealed. No word yet on who this antichrist is or the man who was to reveal him to Brother Stair – since Brother Stair didn’t reveal either (Pr 25:19).
[UPDATE:] With ‘Pastor’ James Rice on the throne of the Overcomer the topic of antichrist and the looking for him have faded away. Those following Rice no longer look for the fulfillment of Brother Stair’s prophecies – perhaps in light of their obvious failure, or perhaps because Rice said expecting Brother Stair’s words to materialize was a trap. They now claim to be only looking for and awaiting the coming of Jesus and the fulfillment of AC Valdez’s prophecy of restoration. Whilst Brother Stair taught another Jesus (himself) along with his other gospel, one wonders what Jesus James Rice and his entourage are awaiting. The anti-Jesus perhaps?
The Seven Thunders
At present four (4) of the Seven Thunders have been revealed by Brother Stair. Brother Stair teaches that the last Four (4) Thunders will mark the end of this world and that God will reveal what they are only to Brother Stair, as He did the first three. As William Branham said, “But when all these seven thunders mysteries is to be made known, He [Jesus] has to come again as Son of man.”
[UPDATE:] This is a proclamation that defines Wm Branham as an antichrist. He is saying that Jesus is not the Son of Man today – which is the same thing Brother Stair repeated. Thus they are both denying Jesus in the flesh – this is what John defined as the antichrist spirit (1 John 3:1-3). A simple test will reveal this.
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. (1John 4:1–3 NIV)
Brother Stair declared in 2008 that the fourth Thunder had everything to do with time and where we were supposed to be in time. The revelation of the Man of Sin, the Two Witnesses (Elijah and Moses), and where we are in the last 3 1/2 years. Brother Stair also proclaimed the 4th Thunder in 2015.
[UPDATE:] This would put us years past his 3-1/2 year tribulation or even a seven-year tribulation (Pr 25:19).
For more information on this and the 7 Thunders, see the article Seven Deadly Thunders and In the Days of the Voice of the Seven Angel.
The Three Messengers
William Branham taught that the Malachi Messenger (who is also the Revelation 10 Messenger) will ‘turn the hearts of the children to the fathers‘, and he will also reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders. Branham taught that these Thunder mysteries are what will turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers [The Laodicean Church Age – Church Age book Chp 9]. Herein we find the calling of Brother Stair, as a follower of Branham, to be that Messenger, and thus Brother Stair’s revelation of the first three Thunders (to date).
[UPDATE:] In Nov 2015 Brother Stair revealed the 4th Thunder to be when The Pope came to Congress. See the article Seven Deadly Thunders. Remember that this Thunder had everything to do with time and where we were supposed to be in time. The revelation of the Man of Sin, the Two Witnesses (Elijah and Moses), and where we are in the last 3 1/2 years.
[UPDATE:] In Oct 2018 Brother Stair said the next Thunder will involve the Pope and Jerusalem. [does he know or is he working on some ideas? (Pr 25:19)]
[UPDATE:] On 6 March 2021, Brother Stair finally admits (on air) to his 4th Thunder which he repressed after he spoke it in 2015. See the article Seven Deadly Thunders.
The Great Falling Away
Brother Stair says that the Beginning of The Great Falling Away (Jn 6:66) took place in 2001 when Brother Stair lost half (50%) of his followers (now closer to 90%) and 92% of his associated Communities (only one remains in 2020). This Falling Away was due to the revelation of Brother Stairs’ sexual sins of adultery which led to rape charges brought against him in 2002, for which he spent over 70 days in the county jail awaiting a court decision on his bail.
[UPDATE:] The only remaining Community or the previous 12. Grace, was moved to the Overcomer Farm in Canadys, SC after the death of Brother Stair. ‘Pastor’ James Rice took his brother Dennis’ wife (Mark 6:18; Pr 29:12), Brother Stair’s concubine Rose, to make her his wife and thus he took control of the Farm – with some resistance (Pr 30:20).
Against his vehement proclamations that he would not plea-bargain but be acquitted, Brother Stair lied and took a plea-bargain to a lesser charge to avoid a prison sentence. (So there was no Trial like Rick Bell states in his 7 STARS Booklet – another lie) This Great Falling Away divided those who left and those left behind and remained. (2Th 2:3). This Great Falling Away reveals one thing – who the Man of Sin is.
What Must Shortly Come to Pass
The Great Tribulation
Then will come the Great Tribulation, Daniels 70 weeks, Brother Stair teaches that half of that time has already taken place. Thus, there are still three and one-half years (3½ years) of Tribulation to take place. This 3½ year period of time will be unlike any other time in the history of the world. Such Great Tribulation. Only those Christians gathered together in communities will endure it. Only those following the teachings of Brother R.G. Stair will know the truth and only they will survive to be alive when Jesus returns.
The Gathering of 1,000
Brother Stair reiterates that he will have a Great Healing Meeting at the Tabernacle where he envisioned the field south of the Tabernacle filled with tents and trailers. This will take place just before the End.
“I have a vision.” “God, I told these people that You were going to heal a thousand people and that that place out there will be filled with people.” “[God] told me 90% would come from this area.” “That they’ll come from everywhere.”
He got this from the three things that A.C. Valdez told him as a young minister. God is going to heal His people so that they know that they’re healed. He’s going to save them so that they know that they’re saved. And He’s going to restore their joy. Since Brother Stair never achieved any of these things he supposed them to be for the Final Push (Pr 25:19).
“[God] told me there’d be a thousand people at a gathering in South Carolina before I [die].” “Don’t let nobody fool you.” (Brother Stair, 2008)
The Final Push
This great number of followers for the Gathering of 1,000 will likely be gathered by a mass radio outreach. Brother Stair has said this is to involve all 12 of Radio Julich’s transmitters and the 42 antennas. Many of WWCR’s transmitters and antennas will also be enlisted in what he calls the Final Outreach or God’s Final Push.
[UPDATE:] Radio Julich is defunct and turned into an amusement park.
Protection by a Prophet
In the Final Days, when the authorities come upon the Overcomer Community to take or mistreat the ‘saints’ – Brother Stair will go to them to call down the wrath of God as did Elijah, and thus protect his people. Only those on his Farm will be safe at this time (Pr 25:19).
[UPDATE:] Let us remember just one of several precursors to this. The one in 2017 when the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Sheriff’s Office raided the Farm. Brother Stair was figuring they were coming for him so he hid off the Farm over the weekend. Thus showing that he had no intent on protecting his people from the authorities that he was expecting. He left them to fend for themselves whilst he saved his own flesh.
When he returned from his hiding on Monday, thinking it was safe (“what a prophet”), his Farm was raided and he was taken away leaving his people under the control and questioning of the authorities. It didn’t work out as he prophesied with his protection. It seems that following Brother Stair is what is going to get you targeted – rather than safe.
The Ezekiel Sign
[UPDATE:] He did not go out in their sight prepared as he liked to say he also did in 2001 – in the sight of all as in the Ezekiel 12 example. Brother Stair loved to use that example so that he could blame his people for what happened to him – never owning up to his sins. Brother Stair did not prepare and go out as Ezekiel did – he was taken unawares (Luke 21:34; Jude 1:4).
Death of a Prophet
Six months before Jesus returns Brother Stair will die at the hands of the Pope (who was believed to be in Rome but has changed to Jerusalem – because of Luke 13:33). [It must be reasoned that Brother Stair will be resurrected at that time so that he can then be either one or both of the Two Witnesses that witness to the return of Jesus when Jesus comes back. Also, Brother Stair has to be alive when Jesus returns to hand over his title of Son of Man to Jesus upon His return.]
[UPDATE:] On April 3rd, 2021 the prophet Brother Stair passed away. Making October 3rd, 2021 the last date by which Jesus must return (Pr 25:19).
Those Who Remain
The Overcomers[1] (those at the Overcomer Ministry[1] and other communities) will make it through the Tribulation period to be alive and remain when Jesus returns (1Th 4:17). Though some will have suffered death because of their unbelief or their disobedience. God will miraculously provide for the Overcomers[1] and deliver them from the anti-Christ and the world powers (Pr 25:19).
The September Return of Christ
Brother Stair began teaching that Jesus would return in a year when all the Feast Days were in the same month. Which he believed to be the month of September. Although the Feast Days are always in the same month in God’s calendar. In 2020 Brother Stair would state that this could be 2021 as the next soonest this would take place would be 2032 and he didn’t believe it was going to go that far.
“[God] told me six months after I’m dead Jesus is coming.” “Don’t let nobody fool you.”
[UPDATE:] With his death in April 2021, his September return of Christ, and all the Fall Feast days lining up in this Sept 2021 as he said they must – this means that Jesus must return in September 2021 or Brother Stair is a false prophet. And worse, his own words declared him to therefore be a liar and deceived and going to Hell as a result.
[UPDATE:] “Don’t let nobody fool you.” Somebody fooled ya. In September 2021 at the first of the Fall Feast meetings Pastor James Rice stood up to proclaim that it would be a trap to believe that Brother Stair’s words would manifest. Thus, if you are a follower of Brother Stair you need to flee from the teachings of James Rice and his Daily teachings from the Dining Hall which gender strife against those who oppose his rule and hold to the teachings of Brother Stair (2Tim 2:23). Unfortunately, you only hear one side of this coming from the Broadcast – the side of James Rice. Rice opposes Brother Stair’s remaining followers – despite his proclaiming “I heard the man of god say” which is done as a preamble to attach those who hold to Brother Stair’s teachings.
[UPDATE:] Some have turned to believing that Brother Stair will rise from the dead during the Fall Feasts in 2024 – being that this marks 3.5 years since his death. Thus he will cast out Pastor James Rice for teaching that his words were a trap and not going to materialize. This way Brother Stair can fulfill all his failed prophecies (as listed here) and be the Two Witnesses and die in Jerusalem at the hands of the Pope (Lk 13:33). For if he doesn’t – then he’s a deceived liar and headed for Hell – along with all his followers.
The Rapture
When Jesus returns He will ‘rapture‘ His Church by lifting them off the Earth momentarily so that He can torch the Earth with fire and destroy His enemies. Then Jesus will immediately place the raptured (who are just above the Earth’s surface) back on the Earth so that their enemies will be ashes under their feet (Mal 4:3). Thus never giving control of the Earth to the Devil. [It is not clear as to how some of these scorched heathens survive the fire to then be ruled over in the Millennium, but we’re not to think too hard when it comes to sorting the confusion of Brother Stair’s teachings]
The Son of Man
At this time Brother Stair will hand Jesus back the crown title of the ‘Son of Man’, which Brother Stair now wears as the Son of Man on Earth today. Brother Stair teaches that Jesus is not the Son of Man today (Heb 13:8) because He is not in flesh on the earth (2Jn 1:7), therefore, Brother Stair is the Son of Man upon the earth today until Jesus returns. Keeping to William Branham’s teaching, “He [Jesus] has to come again as Son of Man.” (William Branham).
Thus the reasoning behind Brother Stair claiming to be Greater than Jesus today. Though saying he’s not the Christ, but Greater.
and So On…
The Millennium
Thus begins the 1,000-year period of time where the ‘saints’ (perhaps now angels) will rule over the nations of the Earth and the heathens of the anti-Christ that survived. [Again, it is not clear as to how some heathens survive the fire to be ruled over in the Millennium]
The Kingdom of Angels
Those who make it into the Kingdom of God will replace the angels that fell, for it is said that we shall be as the angels (Mk 12:25). So Brother Stair teaches it means we will replace Lucifer’s angels. Thus will the Kingdom of God be among men and we will live with Him forever. As angels, without families, spouses, or children – or sex. This is probably why Brother Stair seeks to get in all the sex he can before then. Even teaching that Jesus had sex with His entourage of women that ministered to Him.
Do It Again God
Brother Stair ponders that God may just up and do this whole thing all over again (a new Heaven & Earth, fall of man, redemption, …), with the saints in the place of the angels that fell. That might be his view of Heaven but it’s not ours. Neither is it the Bible’s. We are to ever be with the Lord, not get a reboot and be booted out all over again (1Thes 4:17).
[1] The Overcomer Ministry refers to the people on and associated with the Overcomer Farm and Tabernacle in Canadys, SC. Its associated lands and communities, and the listeners of the radio broadcast. That is; any followers of the teachings of Brother R.G. Stair.
Now, in light of his death, we can conclude with Proverbs 11:7 that the expectation of the wicked has perished. These expectations (prophecies) have now perished with the death of the wicked man (Pr 11:7).
You will also want to check out the more recent article Is Jesus Coming in 2021? where we cover some of these and other matters in more detail.
I forgot that Stair had stated the antichrist would be revealed in 2003. He said so many lies it was hard to keep track. I think he even forgot how many in his own words “boo boos” he declared. It’s amazing to me how anyone can claim to love God who is the TRUTH and there is no lie found in Him, and yet still cling to the words of Stair, a colossal liar. That isn’t faith, that’s called a delusion. No matter how much is revealed on rgstair.com or on Truth Blaster, the current Overcomer Ministry is unable to respond. They are mute, dumb, and speechless. They are ineffectual, incompetent and incompacitated. They are bound in lies and follow Stair, not Jesus Christ. I thank anyone who has lived at the farm or invested their life, time, finances, labour of their hands and has been led to speak or taken the time and effort to deliver the flock from this snare once they were delivered.