Go Ye Out Into the Wilderness for a Great Sign


What is the Sign of His Coming?

Who did Jesus warn us of in Matthew 24 when He issued His final warning of the Last Days and the ones that would come?

How can we identify them?


Last Updated on Sun November 17, 2024 @ 2:11 pm

Where The Carcass Lies

In Matthew 24 Jesus issued His final warning of the Last Days and described the deceivers that would come to draw away the elect to their lairs of solitude, seclusion, and delusion:

They make the claim that they are the elect and only those with them would know the secrets needed for the Last Days (Rev 2:24).  They would claim that the true Body of Christ will be found in the wilderness with them (Matt 24:26-28).

It is by their fruit that comes from their words and actions that Jesus said we can identify them (Matthew 7:15-20).  We are also told specifically to test the spirits of the prophets (1John 4:1).

Jesus said they would be targeting the people of God – they would be posing as men of God, special messengers with God’s anointing for the Last Days (Matt 24:5, 11, 23-24).

Jesus said that His coming would be seen by everyone, everywhere (Matt 24:27, 30).  There would be no need to travel off to some wilderness or special place, for every eye shall behold Him (Rev 1:7).  You don’t have to go anywhere to see some Sign.  Nor will we need anyone to tell us about it – for they that do such are deceivers (Matt 24:26).  For we will meet Him in the air (1Thes 4:17).

What you’re witnessing here is the Sign of Their Coming.

This Wilderness gathering is also part of the curse that is upon those who trust in a man (Jer 17:5-6).  As well as the evidence of the strong delusion that they are under because they have chosen to reject the truth by not loving the truth (2Thes 2:10).  Thus they are turned over to believe a lie and be damned (2Thes 2:11-12).

Related:  Not A Vision of a Man that Speaks It

What is the Sign of His Coming?

“The disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be?

And what shall be the sign of Thy coming…”

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that NO man deceive you.”

Jesus said that the Sign of His coming IS the Deceivers coming in His name  (Matt 24:4).

Brother Stair, on the Overcomer websites Daily Word, is proclaiming this 2017 eclipse event as a Special very Special sign of the soon return of Jesus as He said”.

First, that’s not what Jesus said would be the sign.  Second, if you are going to join Brother Stair for a “special sign” then you might indeed see it, as the fulfillment of what Jesus said in Matthew 24:4-5 – a deceiver claiming he’s come as God’s man

Believe The Sign Wm Branham

Notice that Brother Stair is proclaiming that this is the “very special Sign OF the soon return of Jesus”, and that it is, THE biblical sign”.  This is THE sign OF Jesus’s return according to Brother Stair.  Therefore the urgency to, ‘come into the wilderness where the Body of Christ is and where it will be preserved’ (Matt 24:26).  Exactly what Jesus said would be the message and the ministry of the Last Days Deceivers.

Let us also not forget (as Brother Stair has in this time period) that Brother Stair emphasizes his death in Jerusalem, beheaded by the Pope to be the Sign that Jesus is coming six months later.  Has Brother Stair forgotten this?  If he is expecting Christ’s soon return is he also expecting his sooner death?  Seems we have all forgotten the order of events (even the made-up ones) and are only meant to focus on the topic at hand that the prophet is emphasizing with total disregard for the whole of the matter.

Related:  Is There Shame

This blindness to the words of the prophet is seen in this clip that shows how Brother Stair fulfills scriptures and how his proclamations are to take place.  Something Pastor James Rice disregarded after Stair’s untimely death in 2021.  After which Pastor Rice said it was a trop to believe that Brother Stair’s words would materialize.


But his accuracy on the coming of Christ has been a little off… many times.

Don’t Overlook the Obvious

Brother Stair on his Overcomer Ministry Broadcast is making a big deal about it being plunged into darkness by this eclipse.  Unlike what Brother Stair is telling everyone, this is not the best place to go to witness the eclipse as the Overcomer Ministry is just on the edge of totality and will only have a total eclipse for 59 seconds.

Why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
(Acts 1:11)
You do know the Overcomer Ministry is located on Highway 61, right?
Well Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?
God said, “Out on Highway 61
Now the rovin’ gambler he was very bored
Tryin’ to create a next world war
He found a promoter who nearly fell off the floor
He said, “I never engaged in this kind of thing before
But yes I think it can be very easily done
We’ll just put some bleachers out in the sun [bleached Bones]
And have it on Highway 61

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