
  • Why Jim Jones left William Branham September 23, 2022

    As Brother Stair followed in the footsteps of the shysters who ‘schooled‘ him, he also followed William Branham and his false doctrines, as did Jim Jones who was also a high-ranking leader with Branham.  Birds of a feather flock together, and even they have fallouts.  Think about that, William Branham was so corrupt in his ...

  • Trace Amounts – Ethyl Mercury (2015 Documentary) September 21, 2022

    During the past 20 years, the frequency of autism occurring in children has skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68, and the scientific community is no closer to determining a cause. Trace Amounts is the true story of Eric Gladen’s painful journey through mercury poisoning that he believes resulted from a thimerosal-loaded tetanus ...

  • Jesus Christ Could Come in Any Year up to 2030 June 6, 2022

    An older message by Brother Stan detailing very well Brother Stair’s prophecies of when Jesus is Coming.  Especially dealing with the six-month timeframe after Brother Stair’s death. These details need to be reiterated due to the current changing direction of the Overcomer Ministry. This was in response to a comment by Jer Byr who said that Brother ...

  • All His Servants are Wicked May 30, 2022

    A new series of messages from Brother Stan at The Final Witness that go into detail about what is currently manifest in the Overcomer Ministry under Pastor James Rice – especially in Services.  This is seen manifest in James Rice in the latest March 28th, 2022 Service. Anyone that has lived with Brother Stair will clearly ...

  • I NEVER Knew You May 28, 2022

    Brother Stan from The Final Witness and Truth Blaster on YouTube has started a new series on the time that God cut-off Brother Stair.  You might say, this is the final witness of Brother Stair’s life. This is The very Scripture Almighty God Gave Brother Stan in Seeking Him for The Revelation of The Cuttoff Point ...

  • Deceived – The Jonestown Tragedy May 1, 2022

    Why is it people easily accept the testimony of ex-Peoples Temple members – even people in cults accept this – yet they do not accept the testimony from former members of their own church or group?  This documentary takes a positive look at how true Christians can become deceived by these false leaders and exposes ...

  • 8 Steps to Leaving Toxic Relationships April 29, 2022

      Another outstanding message from Shaneen Megji on how to remove yourself from a toxic controlling abusive destructive church/relationship/cult/job/community.  Even in the midst of some good things, toxic relationships affect you in more ways than you realize and will be blocks to your spiritual growth in the future.  You must sever these relationships before they sever ...

  • 10 Warning Signs your Church is Turning into a Cult April 28, 2022

    This may be the most important thing anyone associated with Brother Stair could hear.   In 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Paul says, “And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish (exhort and warn you).” “A person who is deceived does not know he is deceived.  A ...

  • Never Tolerate These SIGNS March 13, 2022

    8 Signs You Are Dealing with An Evil Person   Other SIGNS to watch out for: Entitlement Test the Spirits Warning Signs Men Who Hold the Truth in Unrighteousness Dividing Christ   Listen to how this puts in Perspective the Overcomer Ministry and its teachings on Another Gospel Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. (Jonah 2:8  NIV84)

  • The Death of The Testator July 18, 2021

    These messages are about the Life & Legacy of Bro Stair revealing many of his quotes and sayings from his own mouth.  A must-see for all followers of Bro Stair and his Overcomer Ministry…

  • After My Decease – Have These Things Always in Remembrance May 10, 2021

    In the video listed below, Brother Stan provides us audio clips of Brother Stair on what Brother Stair stated would take place before his death and as to how he would die – if he were a true prophet. This is a video from his series The Death of The Testator on The Final Witness that ...

  • I Wonder What He’s After December 29, 2020

    This is the controversial video that started the investigation that got Brother Stair arrested and jailed in 2017. This is the video that caused Brother Stair to pull all his video Services off YouTube. One interesting thing here is how around the 7-minute mark he rails on his congregation for not giving him the acceptance he desires ...

  • This is Worthy of Repeating September 4, 2020

    The Sign “What a sign to the world.  We’re a sign to the world.” (Brother Stair, 2017) If there’s something we should listen to repeatedly, an echo if you will, it would be these eight minutes of Brother Stair confronting Sister Andrea in October 2018 (Pr 18:17).  This happens to be one of the rare recordings ...

  • Eight Indicators of People that Don’t Learn from Their Mistakes August 29, 2020

    “You can tell more about a person’s character, not by their mistakes but by the ways they respond to their mistakes.” (Dr. Les Carter) Les Carter speaks on some indicators that show up in some people that are signs that they won’t learn from their mistakes.  Basically, because they don’t believe that they make mistakes.  These are ...

  • The Sacrifice of Fools May 9, 2020

    With messages from Brother Kirk and Brother Jonathan, Brother Stan brings out Satan’s strongholds of Lying, Sodomy, false Prophets, other Gospels, Rejoicing at Wickedness (giving the sacrifice of fools), and the works of a fool. Defining a Fool and those who give the sacrifice of a fool by the Word of God.  Stan also Reveals ...

  • Accusers Still Waiting for Preacher’s Sex Assault Trial April 28, 2020

    Harve Jacobs of Live 5 News in Colleton County brings an update to the long-awaited trial of Brother RG Stair. “Rev. Ralph Stair is accused of sexually assaulting several women and children at Overcomer Ministry in Canadys in Colleton County.” Source: WCSC Some are skeptical that a trial will ever be held.  There are reports that the local ...

  • Different gods and Different Baptisms February 15, 2020

    Have you wondered why so many of us who claim to be born again and are even baptized adhere to so many different and contradicting doctrines? This message from Without Spot Or Blemish Ministry reminds me of how Brother Stair has been baptized into almost every denomination – so he could please them and gain ...

  • Rationalizations of Morality January 30, 2020

    A Narcissist’s “Morality”… Morality is determined by your understanding of matters like integrity, character, and appropriateness.  Narcissists might want you to think they have forms of morality but as you look into their understanding of it, you can find it to be disingenuous and full of double standards.  Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter outlines common rationalizations used ...

  • Satan’s Masterpiece Series January 29, 2020

    Brother Stan brings us a timely word about Brother Stair and his ministry and where it fits in the word of God.  Brother Stan uses scriptures, men of God, and Brother Stair’s own words to show us who Brother Stair is and by what spirit he operates.  Know those who labor among you [recognize them ...

  • Pagan Christmas – Richard Rives December 21, 2019

    Richard Rives’s video message is always relevant any time of year. Titled about someone we know here, Men Who Hold the Truth in Unrighteousness.  Men that use God’s Word to establish their own ministries and messages, and to make themselves out to be Some Great One (Acts 8:9).  That is what it means to take the ...

  • Easily Spot Jezebel Narcissist using Scripture December 15, 2019

    The Jezebel Narcissist: Hates the people they serve.  The people are a burden to them.  They cannot serve with joy.  They are miserable.  They want to be served.  They must be in control.   Some might take this to read that we are identifying the Jezebel narcissist who is using scripture.  That is often the case with narcissists ...

  • 909 Souls November 18, 2019

    2019 marks 41 years since the tragedy at Jonestown Guyana in 1978 where we found a madman bent on fulfilling his own sexual pleasures and power trip – at any cost.  The cost was 909 physical souls.  The spiritual impact was far greater, as with all perverted cult leaders.  Those that managed to escape them ...

  • The Overcomer Ministry – Pergamos Worldly Church November 3, 2019

    Truth Blaster with a teaching by Brother Robert Reed. Describing once again by God Himself through Bro Robert the Perversion of Brother RG Stair and his Church in great detail from another perspective of the Scriptures.  Just like The Harlot Church System book by Bro Charles Nibold. Rev 2:16-17  Repent; or else I will come unto thee ...

  • Church of Doom August 11, 2019

    Back around 1988, Brother Stair was under much investigation and stirring up controversy by many TV stations in Philadelphia, PA. This was because of concerned family members of children who had heard Brother Stair on the radio and moved down to the Walterboro South Carolina Farm (in Canadys) and had separated themselves from their families – ...

  • KICK That Wicked Man Out July 29, 2019

    1 Corinthians 5 The Truth Blaster with Milton Green, Brother Stair excerpts, and the Scriptures (1Cor 5:11)  If any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, with such an one no not to eat.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.  That’s RG Stair! Also, check out and subscribe to the Truth Blaster’s Brand ...

  • A Pure Heart Series – Bro Stair vs. Bro Milton Green June 22, 2019

    Brother Stan has put out a revealing video series on The Pure Heart on the Truth Blaster YouTube channel. In his 7 Part series, Brother Stan is exposing the workings of Satan today.  Also, check out and subscribe to the Truth Blaster’s Brand New Tube channel. Nothing is done in malice, bitterness, or ill feelings.  Sticking to the ...

  • Truth Blaster Testimony June 16, 2019

    Brother Stan Blasts the Truth giving a good testimony of his time on the Overcomer Farm and his witness of Brother Stair.  A testimony that we can attest our witness to and back up his witness as we have heard many witnesses of these same things (2Tim 2:2). Brother Stan also references the book by Charles ...

  • SATAN’S Masterpiece of The AGE June 11, 2019

    Don’t need to Say anymore about the Description of this message.  God’s Word is Very Precise and Extremely Accurate to Describe The Present Truth for Today.  God Bless Ye All Saint’s. Press on Into God’s Perfection & Holiness.

  • When God Comes May 1, 2019

    Trailer for the upcoming documentary “When God Comes” by Andrew Theodorakis featuring Bad Boy hip artist Craig Mack and his relationship with Overcomer ministries leader R.G. Stair. (sorry, the video has been pulled from YouTube) In Craig Mack’s final interview two months before his death, he talks about why he walked away from music and moved to ...

  • Surviving Brother Ralph Stair May 1, 2019

    Cult expert Rick Ross speaks about the Overcomer Ministry and Ralph Gordon Stair.   From Andrew Theodorakis Documentary on Craig Mack “When God Comes”. Rick Alan Ross is a deprogrammer, cult specialist, and founder and executive director of the nonprofit Cult Education Institute and author of the book  Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get ...

  • Despising God November 22, 2018

    Brother Stan with a strong, important, to the point message on Brother Stair’s current truth. With audio excerpts from Bro Christopher (2009) and Bro Stair (2002) condemning himself. Despite, betrayal, and usurping.

  • Truth Blaster on Overcomer Temple Prostitutes July 4, 2018

    From the Truth Blaster – The Fox and His Hen House. Surrounded by the Temple prostitutes, Amazing Times, R.G. Stair on the Farm. Recent News and Views on the changes that Brother RG Stair has made on the Farm in the months since his return to the Farm after his recent arrest. IT IS ENOUGH !!!!!!

  • Wreck-It Ralph February 17, 2018

    Mighty Counselor. Recently Bro Stair says he’s told his name Ralph means councilor. Mighty Merchandiser. Why isn’t Craig Mack called Brother? Mighty Charlatan. Why Bro Stair does is distancing himself from being a counselor?

  • Dr. Gene Scott – God’s Angry Man February 12, 2018

    Dr. Gene Scott – God’s Angry Man Recognize these exact phrases used by Brother Stair? With over 40,000 hours of teaching, that’s a different message for 4.5+ years! Gene Scott remains the perennial shortwave religious broadcaster – 12 years after his passing

  • Worldly Repentance February 2, 2018

    We are declared correct in what we told you a year ago about YouTube.  Are We Misinterpreting, Misrepresenting? Back To The Old Push. Salesman of The Century

  • Authorities Investigating Brother Stair over Videos October 14, 2017

    Harve Jacobs (WCWS TV-5) reported on Bro Stair’s arrest in 2002, is once again reporting on his current affairs.

  • Recent Accusations & Investigations October 3, 2017

    Bro Stair removes YouTube videos due to the recent exposure. Hugging and touching sisters caused a backlash leading to an investigation, possible arrests. Viral videos cause 2017 Investigation. 16-y-o Natosha, merchandising Craig Mack, Press & Standard article…

  • Boob Tube June 6, 2017

    But the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some in the church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of teachers with devil-inspired ideas. These teachers will tell lies with straight faces and do it so often that their consciences won’t even bother them.

  • What is TV Today February 21, 2016

    We had an article idea submitted to us about what is TV today and how Internet streaming is the new TV, but rather than that, we wanted to first show you below what others are saying in that regard. Brother Stair has said for decades that one of God’s Commands is to, “Get the TV out ...

  • Wounding Sheep September 6, 2013

    Brother Jonathan preaches on Wounded Sheep Bro Jonathan preaching on Wounded Sheep at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle on June 1, 2013 Prophet Brother R.G. Stair .com Bro R.G. Stair preaches Open Rebuke at the Overcomer Ministry Tabernacle on May 25, 2013 Wounded sheep or wounding sheep?  

  • Wayne Bent – The End of The World October 9, 2009

    “People who don’t receive me will be lost… “  Strong City – A story of love, faith, and devotion – but also control, manipulation, and sex

  • Scientology The Big Story: Inside the Cult 1/3 October 9, 2009

    Scientology The Big Story: Inside the Cult 1/3 Scientology The Big Story: Inside the Cult 1/3 @ YouTube  

  • Jonestown Documentary October 8, 2009

    *Warning! explicit language Jonestown and Jim Jones:    UPDATE: -This was a two-part video that was removed from Yahoo videos.  We apologize for any dead links.  -It has been updated to YouTube which was in 11 parts.  Finally, we are able to present you with the full documentary from PBS. This list corresponds to the Documentary “Some people see God in ...

  • A Must See Documentary October 8, 2009

    Jonestown and Jim Jones: As we near the anniversary of that tragic day in Church history, let us never forget how the false teachers and Elijah prophets come in… *Viewer discretion is advised A list corresponding to the Documentary Carrying on Adulterous relationships You are to obey any and every word without question Plus 68 more …