Craig Mack and the Bro Stair Body Count
The Ever-Increasing Brother Stair Body Count The ever-increasing Brother R.G. Stair death count seems to be the only way he...
The Ever-Increasing Brother Stair Body Count The ever-increasing Brother R.G. Stair death count seems to be the only way he...
The Press and Standard reports on the recent arrest of two parents who failed to report Walterboro Prophet Brother R.G....
The Many and the Few This is something that is easy for any deceiver to play with and use because...
What is This Spirit That NOW Worketh? This is not Iniquity. This is not THAT Sin. This is the spirit...
Mighty Counselor? Some recent replays have been with Brother Stair saying how someone told him his name Ralph means councilor. Then...
Probable cause for preposterous prophet Positive Harve Jacobs of TV-5 in Charleston SC covered the hearing. Charleston's WCSC TV-5 did...
The Many Signs of Jonah Jonah was sent to an ungodly people - That's not who Brother Stair claims to...
No Repentance When Brother Stair came out of jail (on bond) in Jan 2018, he told his people, and reiterated...
The Shepherd of Iniquity In typical narcissistic fashion, there was no Tabernacle Service the first Sabbath after Brother Stair's return...
The Shepherd of Iniquity In typical narcissistic fashion, there was no Tabernacle Service the first Sabbath after Brother Stair's return from jail...
Against All Reason Colleton County Judge Perry Buckner gave R.G. Stair a bond of $750,000 on Jan 24, 2018. Of...
Harve Jacobs (WCSC) reports: "Colleton County preacher Ralph Stair will have a bond hearing before a circuit judge in Walterboro on Wednesday...
December 18, 2017 Harve Jacobs of WCSC reports on an ongoing investigation that "Lt. Tyger Benton of the Colleton County...
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and...
We are like a bird escaped from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!...