Morning Thoughts
Thank you for coming. Lately, we haven't had a Daily Word as often as we had in the past. This...
Thank you for coming. Lately, we haven't had a Daily Word as often as we had in the past. This...
Today begins with Sister Burgess wailing as if the prophet is dying. Crying for mercy like Pastor Rice is dying...
THIS Is The Day! Thursday, September 28th, 2021 Here we are finally. The day when Christ returns - at least...
Here we are finally. On the day when Jesus Christ returns - at least according to Brother Stair and many...
We have been dolled out the new weakly phone calls. With the intended intent of shaming all who don't follow...
This time we get a 16-minute spot (we cut down to 14.5 after silence was removed) of 15 callers leaving...
The announcement of the Fall Feasts Gatherings by Pastor Rice from the recent Sabbath Service is pulled and reaired as...
And now, the episode you're all waiting for... What did Pastor Rice say and do today? Pastor Rice is taking...
The Overcomer presents more revelations of the teachings that have been taught by Brother Stair as revealed by his followers'...
These messages are about the Legacy of Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of Devils That False prophet ~ False Witness &...