In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel

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Last Updated on Mon July 22, 2024 @ 12:47 pm
As seen here, the headline of the Overcomer Ministry website has long been Revelation 10:7. A verse that is taken out of context and out of its timeframe for the express purpose of exalting Brother Stair to the status of the Seventh Angel Messenger. A title that he stole from William Branham who also stole the title for himself from the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Who Is He

Is William Branham the 7th Messenger?
Why wouldn’t Brother Branham just say right out that he was the seventh church age messenger? Why wouldn’t he say: after Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columba, Luther, Wesley, came himself William Branham; he was the seventh star in the Hand, the end-time prophet?
There is more to it than humility or modesty. He couldn’t say it. This has to be revealed by the Holy Spirit to the individual. [This was the same rhetoric that Brother Stair used]
Brother Branham couldn’t tell us “right out” that he was the “one man,” a human vessel, that would be used by Christ to visibly manifest Himself, through a ministry, just before the closing of the gentile age. [Sound familiar?]
Yet it was said, numerous times.
(Is William Branham the 7th Messenger? –
These Angel Messanger wannabes are no less than the deceivers that Jesus and Paul warned us about (Matt 7:15-16; Jn 8:44; Luke 21:8; Matt 24:4; Titus 1:10). John went as far as referring to them as antichrists (2Jn 1:7; 1Jn 2:18; 1Jn 4:3).
So here on the banner of the Overcomer Ministry, right under his name, we have Brother Stair declaring himself to be the Voice (that’s a capital ‘V’) of the Last Day Prophet of God – whatever that is you’ll have to get from Brother Stair’s teaching because you’re not going to find it in the Bible. As we see in the verse quoted next to Brother Stair’s grandiose title, no such emphasis exists in the scripture “the voice (small ‘v’) of the seventh angel” (no messenger title in the text) when speaking of actual angels from Heaven (Rev 10:7). Thus Brother Stair is making himself out to be greater.
We are supposed to believe that these are compatible and represent the same person. Can that be? Does that matter? After all, Brother Stair takes on a massive amount of titles that are incompatible with being the same person. It didn’t matter to him.
A Reluctant Witness
Taking a look back at Is William Branham the 7th Messenger? you will see the same tactic employed by Brother Stair in his position as Elijah – There is more to it than humility or modesty. He couldn’t say it. This has to be revealed by the Holy Spirit to the individual. Where do you think Brother Stair got it from that he couldn’t tell you, you had to get it from God? Brother Stair was a disciple of William Branham, Herbert W. Armstrong, and many other purveyors of false doctrines that Stair would pick and choose from to form his own doctrines (Ps 115:4, 8).
Brother Stair would take this a step further by implementing it into his Witness Doctrine where you were to get a witness from God on me. A witness that was intended to lock you in so that you could never change from that no matter what you actually witnessed Brother Stair doing. To do so would be going against what God told you. With this doctrine, Brother Stair would divert all responsibility off himself and onto you and God. He could then get away with anything and you had to hold to what you think God told you about him. Where is their God? (Joel 2:17)
In the Daze of…
This is the first part of Revelation 10:7 which states something will happen when the days of this Seventh Angel begin. Today, that alone should stop us right there because to think that this applies to Brother Stair, who is now dead, is just saying that we are all-out brainwashed into his lies and deception (2Thes 2:11; Matt 7:15; 2Cor 11:14). For you see, we are no longer in the days of this Seventh Angel (Brother Stair) of Revelation 10:7 are we? We are far past that if he is dead. These things would have already taken place. Absolutely!
Then where are we in time? Brother Stair (the timekeeper) didn’t tell us. His Overcome Ministry isn’t telling us either. They are actually letting their callers tell us more than they are able to. Sad! Do they not have anyone there who can speak a timely word for God’s people? A present truth? Is there no radio time available on the broadcast for someone to even give a Bible study anymore?
What has happened to this ministry that was once a lifeline of light in this dark world? Where is the ministry that many looked to for insight into these last days we are in? Are we witnessing its final fruit that has finally manifested in clouds and wind without rain? (Jude 1:12; Prov 25:14; 1Cor 3:13; Matt 7:20) Nothing but confusion remains (1Cor 14:33, 40).
Down at the Crossroads
Let’s not stop at the fact that Brother Stair’s days have ended. That his prophecies of his unnatural death have failed. Let’s look at what this verse is saying – not just what it says in light of his death. This Revelation 10:7 verse that Brother Stair so proudly waved as his banner for decades. His Overcomer Ministry website continues touting it today – even after they have apostatized from his words manifesting.

When the seventh angel (Brother Stair) shall begin to sound – that beginning was way back in the 50s. If we change that to mean that after Brother Stair was renewed (think Robert Johnson at the Crossroads, or Brother Stair on his suicide pact on Wire Road) then we can bring that up to the 80s when his failings as a minister (being chased out of churches and towns because of his sexual sins) led him to Walterboro, SC. Where he bought his no-tell motel which he dubbed the Overcomer Campground out on Route 15. Surely you’ve heard him tell the stories?
This is when he switched up his game from his smooth-sounding America’s Praying Pastor to being a prophet of doom, God’s angry man, who would crank out his great 1987 Prophecy which he would distribute across America to cement him into the media as the prophet of destruction with his Church of Doom. That, and his first series of publicly known misleadings of God’s people would be the subject of media interviews and TV time. This then led to his Commands of God to get the TVs out of your homes – so that we didn’t hear the truth about him from the TV that was now exposing his false prophecies.
This was the late 1980s, would this be the time of the beginning of the sounding of the seventh angel? If we read the rest of this scripture it says, the mystery of God should be finished. Now if God’s mystery is finished then why did Brother Stair begin to operate in hiding a mystery that only the prophet can disclose? God says the mystery is finished so there’s no need for any prophets once the seventh angel sounds (1Jn 2:27). There are no mysteries to be disclosed, they are all made known and fulfilled according to Rev 10:7 – ‘finished’. This is much like all the backward perversions of scriptures that Brother Stair would later sow into this deception of his being some great one (Acts 8:9-11).
One last thing that we should be sure of in this is that with the days of Brother Stair having expired, it is now certain that the mystery of God should be finished. It’s time to pack it up and call this one done – toast! But alas, the brainwashing washed out all common sense, and furthermore, the brainwashing continues under the reign of ‘Pastor’ James Rice. So we see that the continued propagation of this phrase hasn’t been thought through or we are witnessing the power of brainwashing that causes its followers to be brain-dead ignorant to open their eyes and ears to common reality and truth. Likely both. And thus they go…
Around The Mountain… Again
Just like the children of Israel wandered in the Wilderness of Sin for 40 years, Brother Stair led his followers in his wilderness of sin for 40 years down in South Carolina (Ex 16:1; Num 33:11, 13:26). That marked his days. More scriptural fulfillment that you weren’t told about. Unlike the children of Israel though, no one ever led them out of this wilderness of sin across the Jordan into the Promised Land. Unless they fled, they just remained in this wilderness of sin never crossing through it into God’s promised land.
Though Brother Stair promised them liberty, he himself was a slave of sin (2 Peter 2:19). The only ones that got out of this wilderness of sin were those who fled the evil man and crossed the Jordon (Pr 4:14-15, 24, 27; 1Tim 6:11-13; 2Tim 2:22; 2Pt 1:4). These are those who he would curse and condemn as fallen away, while he would continue further and farther in his sexual sins with increasing greatness. Waxing worse and worse unto his final end. The Tree lying where it had fallen all those years before (Ecc 11:3).
Don’t think that Brother Stair is not in the scriptures. He is all over in the scriptures. Just not where and who he taught us he was.
The Voice of…
One of the many entitlements that Brother Stair exercised upon his being was that he was not only the Voice of the Seventh Angel Messenger but this led to him being the very Voice of God Himself. Brother Stair would boast that everything out of my mouth comes from the Throne of God. Yes, go ahead and gasp in horror. You should.
Today, this should be put up against what the reign of Pastor Rice did with those words of God – he designated them to the realm of the spiritual with no physical fulfillment. Now, do you think that’s what Brother Stair meant? Or do you think that Brother Stair would in any way put up with anyone saying that about his words? Yet, his followers bought it, hook line, and sinker, and quickly turned to following Pastor James Rice and ignoring their prophets’ intents.
The Last Day Prophet’s
Okay, so here we are, in the days after the Last Day prophet. So is there a Last-er Day prophet to tell us the things that Brother Stair insisted and prophesied that must be told to God’s people before Jesus returns? All the things that he grossly missed? Is there any way to fix this booboo of Brother Stair’s untimely death? Where is the next man to pick up this mantle of the Last Day Prophet of God title?
After all, Brother Stair wasn’t the originator of this phrase turned into a title. William Branham taught that he was the Last Day Prophet and when he died and thus failed to make it till the Last Day, Brother Stair stepped up to the plate and took the reins of the title away from Branham and disavowed Branham ever made the claim. Now he has likewise died and failed to make it to the Last Day. Actually, Brother Stair is twice dead according to scripture:
These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; (Jude 1:12).
The Three 7th Angel Messengers

A trip down the path of William Branham’s claims (that Brother Stair also took on himself) will likely shake you up in your belief of these two men. You can add Rick Bell to that list as he did much research on these false teachings and still stuck with them and even propagated them as well. Even so much as writing a booklet advocating his modifications of these lies.
William Branham taught the false doctrine of the seven church ages (which Brother Stair also taught) that he got from his training under the Jehovah’s Witness. The doctrine of the Seven Church Ages is a Jehovah’s Witness teaching from 1917 by the founder of the Jehovah’s Witness, Charles Russell, who claimed himself to be the Last (Seventh Angel) Laodicean Messenger – sounding familiar yet?
Willliam Branham stole the Seventh Angel Messanger doctrine (and title) from Jehovah’s Witness founder Charles Russell. Rick Bell didn’t tell you that tidbit in his booklet, did he? Which name did Rick Bell dethrone from Wm Branham’s occultic Pyramid Grave to make Brother Stair the seventh?

William Branham taught that he was the messenger of the seventh church age – stealing this from Jehovah’s Witness Charles Russell. Thus making William Branham the Leadocian church’s 7th Angel Messanger. This is something that Brother Stair changed, he taught that William Branham was the 6th Angel Messanger of the Philledilpha Church Age so that Brother Stair could take on the title of the Seventh Angel Messenger of the last age. This is not what William Branham taught nor what any Branhamites believe. Brother Stair and Rick Bell both conveniently left that important fact out, didn’t they?
So, armed with a stolen title from a false prophet who took a false teaching from a false church/cult (the Jehovah’s Witness Watchtower Society), Brother Stair subverted that false prophet [Wm Branham] and demoted him to a lower position so that Brother Stair could set himself up as the Seventh Angel Messenger of Revelation 10. That’s how this ‘revelation’ came about. Are you starting to see the pattern here? Birds of a feather…

Now you can ask yourself the question, which of these three men was the Seventh Angel Messenger of the Laodicean Church Age? They are all now dead and they have sealed their testimony with their death. They each progressively took the title and taught it to be themselves – thus denying the previous holder, which denies the revelation of the title in the first place – something they were too blind to understand.
While some believe that Brother Stair will rise from the dead to reclaim his title and operate as Elijah – why are they excluding Russell or Branham from doing the same? At least Russell and Branham’s graves reflect that their followers believed them to be the 7th Angel Messanger – not what we find with Brother Stair’s grave. Brother Stiar’s followers indicated that they expected him to return!!
Do you see the confusion and deception that false teachings will have you wallowing in to try grasping for straws to keep the delusion afloat? God has nothing to do with it (1Cor 14:33, 40). These men are liars as the scriptures will show us. Shall we continue?
Before we do, let’s take a look at another three messengers that some proclaim to be the three End Time Messengers. It all depends upon who you’re willing to listen to as to who’s on your list. We would certainly not put those three men in the same category together. One of them would fit the category. It’s probably not who you think.
The Seventh Angel
Before we get too far, let’s look at who this Seventh Angel of Revelation is. If you’ve not pondered into this more than the verse 7 Brother Stair allows you to, then you’re in for a surprise. If you’re not ready for the truth then you might want to stop here, click away, and put your head back into the sand – like other “Overcomers” have. Or, get ready for what the Word of God actually says.
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy [John] belly bitter, but it shall be in thy [John] mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he [the angel] said unto me [John], Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. [Here we possibly see John as one of the Two Witnesses – that’s something Brother Stair never saw in his vainglory to be them both.] (Revelation 10:1-11)
We can see from Revelation 10 that this Mighty Angel is not the Seventh Angel that this mighty angel speaks of in verse 7. This is believed by many followers of Brother Stair to be the same angel because of Brother Stair’s incoherent teaching surrounding this and his constant hammering on only one verse here – verse 7. We also see here other claims of Brother Stair’s; The Seven Thunders speaking – which Stair claimed to be the one man that would disclose the secret mysteries of. And the little scroll that Stair was to eat and prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
In the Severn Thunders, we see that John was told to seal up the utterances of the Seven Thunders and to write them not. Nowhere are we even hinted at in scripture that these are ever to be revealed as Brother Stair claims. Thus he lacks the necessary verifying second witness on this, as with many of his other teachings (2 Corinthians 13:1). The Little Scroll that Brother Stair also implies that he is the one that eats and makes his belly bitter but his mouth sweet – the opposite of what we have with Brother Stair’s bitter mouth. He also takes hold of being the one who must prophesy to the nations – justifying his shortwave radio expenditures and also using it to claim his fulfillment of this verse.
Mysterious Angels and Witnesses
So who is this Seventh Angel and where is he talked about? Brother Stair didn’t tell you that, did he? One of the main reasons he didn’t tell you is because of another claim of Brother Stair’s – the Two Witnesses. Brother Stair claimed to be one or both of the Two Witnesses. It seems that when you’re narcissism is to the extreme of ‘epic’ you cannot allow anyone else to share in your glories. Lucifer would approve (Isaiah 14:13-14).
So, to be the Seventh Angel at whose speaking the mysteries of God are finished and to be the Two Witnesses – who comes before that – would make those two an incompatibility. Unless you’re the master of spin that Brother Stair was.
You see, the Two Witnesses have to come on the scene and give their testimony for three and a half years and die in Jerusalem – where Brother Stair has to die or he’s a liar and going to Hell – according to his own statement anyway. Then we have the Second Woe, and then the Seventh Angel sounds in Revelation 11:15. Wherein this is all over and is announced “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev 11:15).
Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned… and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy Name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth (Rev 11:17-18).
We can see the parallels of this Seventh Angel in Revelation 16 who pours out the final bowl (vial) of wrath.
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings (Rev 16:18) – and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices (Rev 10:3) – And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the Ark of His testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail (Rev 11:19).
And there was a great earthquake… the great city was divided into three parts (Rev 16:18-19) – the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell (Rev 11:13).
So the mystery of God, which is hidden from Brother Stair, is the gospel of God being completed. Because Brother Stair chose to go away from the gospel of God unto another gospel he didn’t know God’s gospel or God’s will (Gal 1:6-7). Nor did he understand the End Times – something you’d think the End Time Messenger would know. The Seventh Angel has yet to sound and Brother Stair lies silent in the grave.
Brother Stair barely lived to witness the First Seal, and the Seven Angels are not given their trumpets till the Seventh Seal is opened (Revelation 8:1-2). Something is very out of order here (1Cor 14:33, 40).
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Declared to His Servants the Prophets
Apparently, Prophet Stair didn’t get the memo from God on this one because he failed to realize that the mystery was finished with the beginning of the sounding of the Seventh Angel (Rev 10:7, yeah that same Revelation 10:7). This indicates to us that Brother Stair was not one of God’s servants the prophets that God speaks to as declared in Revelation 10:7. So much for his hearing from the Throne of God stuff he tried to sell us on (1Cor 14:33, 40). He couldn’t even understand the very verse that he waved as his banner – Revelation 10:7.
So why is it do you think that God didn’t declare to His most important servant the Prophet Brother Stair, with the claim to be the Voice of the Last Day Prophet of God, the highest spiritual authority on the face of the Earth, why didn’t God didn’t declare to him that these mysteries were finished? Is Brother Stair not the prophet that he claimed to be? Was he lying about speaking from the Throne of God? Perhaps he just didn’t listen to his own words that God was speaking to him or through him, not thinking that they might be for him. How does one have to rationalize these things to find a solution here? Or is the answer so obvious that we shouldn’t overlook it?
Two Prophets Revealed
Perhaps you could answer the question of Brother Stair’s claims and the possibility of him being God’s mouthpiece. Here’s a man who lived like Herod, unlawfully having his brother’s wife (Mark 6:18) [like his predecessor Pastor Rice] – was Herod God’s mouthpiece? God’s word declares Herod to be His minister to execute Justice (Rom 13:4) but would you accept Herod to be God’s man of the hour to follow? How then is Brother Stair any different? Consider Caiaphas the High Priest who spoke the prophecy of Jesus’s crucifixion – he was a religious leader. Would you accept Caiaphas to be God’s man of the hour to follow?
How then is Brother Stair any different? Just because he says so? Because at the end of the day, and the end of these tests, that’s all you’ve got is his own word on it. God’s word is not in agreement with the declarations Brother Stair makes on himself – nor with his failed prophecies. The god of this world, yes (2Cor 4:4) but not the Almighty God – He cannot lie (Titus 1:2; Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 6:18). Take heed and beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees [religions leaders and teachers who sit in Moses seat/anointing] (Matthew 16:6, 12).
The correct parallel of Brother Stair in Revelation that fully fits his ministry would be in Revelation Chapter 2 in the prophet leader of the Pergamum and Thyatira churches. Therefore to keep anyone from making this clear connection, Brother Stair (as did Wm Branham) teaches that the Seven Churches of Revelation are Church Ages. This is a false doctrine that intends to put us today at the last church – Laidocia. This is designed to blind you from identifying him as being the Balaam and Jezebel leader – the spirit of the Pergamum and Thyatira churches. We have discussed this in much greater detail in the article From Prophets to Teachers.
In Conclusion
What we have here, as with all of Brother Stair’s teachings, is his copious use of salting scriptures around randomly inherited and fabricated doctrines, and grinding them into the cracks and crevices that he wants them to fit into. Thus he teaches his followers that he is the fulfillment of these scriptures which he has used to back himself up with and exalt himself to his high status above the Throne of God (Isaiah 14:13-14).
There ain’t no way Christianity is going to endure on this earth after my death.
I’m the one reminder to all of you that Christ is alive and He’s coming again.
(Brother Stair)
[Brother Stair declares that without his reminder,
and after his death, Christ is dead to us.
Christianity has ceased and Christ is dead since Brother Stair’s death.
We no longer remember that Christ is coming again.
How do you recon Pastor Rice reasons that spiritually vindicating?]
While a simple examination of the scriptures alone shows us that these claims of Brother Stair are not only not the case but cannot be the case. A further examination of the fruit of Brother Stair (the item [or witness] that Jesus told us to examine prophets by) shows more clearly that he is false and not of God (Matt 7:15-20; Jn 8:47; 1Jn 4:6; 1Cor 2:14). Thus, we should not have had to go to these lengths to enlighten you about the errors of Brother Stair and his false teachings. A simple examination of the scriptures would have shown us this, along with obeying God in testing the spirits of the prophets.
Finally, Brother Stair made it crystal clear himself when he told us his untimely unnatural death would mean that I’ve been a liar and I’ve been deceived and that we believed a lie, and that he and those who follow him are going to go to Hell. Or do you not believe the Prophet’s words? You’re in a paradox if you do, aren’t you? In answer to that, we quote Brother Stair, “Absolutely!”
A false witness will perish, and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever (Proverbs 21:28 NIV78).
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,
when he shall begin to sound,the mystery of God
[Gentiles are fellow heirs; Christ in you (Eph 3:6; Col 1:27)]should be finished,
as He hath declared [in the 1st Century this was past tense]
to His servants the prophets [therefore Old Testament prophets].
(Revelation 10:7)
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Brother Stair is God in Your Midst
Not A Vision of a Man that Speaks It
If What I Have Preached is Not True, I’m a Liar
If I Die Before My Time – You’re Gonna Go to Hell
Christianity Will Not Endure After My Death
Would God Send You To A False Prophet?
The End of Brother Stair’s Ministry and Radio Broadcast
The End Is Near – The Last Days Message