Seven Deadly Thunders

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Last Updated on Mon July 22, 2024 @ 12:27 pm
The major hallmarks of Brother Stair’s ministry that put him on the map are his 1987 ‘The Prophecy’ and his sole exposition of the Revelation of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:3-4. You know, the ones that the Voice from Heaven said: “Were not to be revealed“, “Don’t do it!” (Rev 10: 4 TLB).
Why then would someone come along and try to reveal them? Perhaps they wanted to be noticed and have something that only they have – some secrets of God [so-called (Rev 2:24)] that only they can reveal to you (Acts 8:9). This is the pattern of the Revival Era preachers shysters that Brother Stair was schooled under. They taught him that you need something to set you apart from the others. Something special so that you can get the crowds coming out to see you and not the others. So that you can then fleece them.
A special name, a special title, a special catchphrase like “God’s man of faith and power”, or something like “Jesus is coming in THIS generation”. Making yourself out to be some great one is the icing on that cake. Something like the Last Day prophet, the Voice of God, or the Sign of His coming. Or even better yet, the Son of Man today, or the Seventh Angel Messanger and the Revelation 10:7 Angel – that ought to do it. Right? Apparently not because Brother Stair eventually moved on to dethroning Christ and standing in His place, replacing the Word, the Bible, and the Holy Ghost.
So perhaps not. perhaps you need something louder, something thunderous. What you need is something to be the basis for your whole existence on the religious scene. Something that only you can do, that God left for you alone to do. As Brother Stair mimicked William Branham in many ways and doctrines, he also mimicked him in his exposition of the Seven Seals. So Brother Stair took to declaring himself the revealer of the Seven Thunders.
The Four Headless Horsemen
Brother Stair only revealed the first four Thunders before his death. He claimed that he was the one – the only one – that would and could give us these Seven Thunders (see 2 Corinthians 13:1). This lack of finishing them shows us that he was either lying, making them up, or failed God so miserably [disqualified by his sexual sin (2Tim 2:18-22; 1Thes 4:3-8; 1Tim 3:1-15)] that God decided to forget about giving him the last three thunders. Here are the four Thunders that he claimed to reveal:
- Thunder #1 – Dec 1989 – when George Bush Sr. & Mikhail Gorbachev met on the High seas off the coast of Malta. Soon after his failed 1987 The Prophecy was falling apart and being revealed in the media as an error, something new and spectacular was needed as a reboot. Thus The Thunders began.
- Thunder #2 – Aug 9th, 1993 – Denver was the focus of the world’s attention when the Pope came to Denver Colorado. Brother Stair said Denver was the highest city and the highest capital in the USA – it is neither – but that made it sound like it was something spectacular and over-the-top that we should believe it was a Thunder.
- Thunder #3 – Sept 1993 – The World Parliament of Religions meets in Chicago. It was the 100th anniversary of this Organization.
Revelation of the Antichrist 2003
On Feb 10, 2002, Brother Stair did a radio interview with Mark Hazlewood who wrote the book “Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003 – Earthchanges!“, after which Brother Stair proclaimed Planet X is Satan’s John the Baptist. The Antichrist will be revealed next year [in 2003]. Was Planet X the 4th Thunder that Brother Stair in 2008 would claim would reveal the Man of Sin? What happened to Planet X? It seems to be just as reliable as Brother Stair’s Thunders.
Then in Sept 2008 at the Akron Ohio meeting, Brother Stair said “The 4th Thunder’s going to reveal the man of sin,… it will reveal the Two Witnesses,… it will reveal that we are in the last 1290 days“.
Thus the next Thunder #4 reveals:
- The Man of Sin
- The Two Witnesses
- We are in the Last 1290 days
- Thunder #4 – Sept 24, 2015 – The Pope came to Congress.
- The 4th Thunder was proclaimed in 2015, then he stopped mentioning it for six years Perhaps realizing that it would mean that the man of sin, the 2 Witnesses, and the Tribulation would have been (or have to be) disclosed.
- Thus he failed to promote that he had proclaimed the Fourth Thunder until a caller mentioned it on March 6th, 2021, at which point he acknowledged it and made the statement listed in Thunder #5.
- Remember, this Forth Thunder proclaimed in the Fall of 2015 “will reveal that we are in the last 1290 days”. Thus, the end of that three and a half years (3.5 yrs/1290 days) would have been the Spring of 2019. Showing why we never heard him speak about this again. Yet in the Spring of 2021, he acknowledged his 2015 proclamation was true. Meaning that we were two years past his 1290 days and Jesus’ coming. His confusion is as bad as his math.
- But if you remember that in 2002, Planet X’s coming proclaimed to reveal the Man of Sin in 2003, which would have been his 4th Thunder. This would have also been amid the Tribulation, though the latter part, as Brother Stair’s Trib is only 3.5 years. Only giving us till 2006 max for the End and Jesus’ Return. No wonder this revelation was also cloistered.
- Now [Fall 2023] we are eight (8) years into his 3 1/2-year Tribulation. 20 years by his Planet X revelation. The man who heard and spoke from the Throne of God, the man who was absolute in his words – more importantly, he was absolute in the events concerning his death. With that in mind, he has a final word for his followers…
In Oct 2018 Brother Stair said the next Thunder (he meant #4 since at that time he was in denial about his revelation of #4 in 2015) would involve the Pope and Jerusalem. This pre-revelation revelation (of a post-revelation) is interesting – does he know what it is or is he working on some ideas? Then in a Service in 2021, a month before his death, he finally acknowledged the Fourth Thunder was in 2015 and that he was wondering if the Fifth Thunder had already blown (confusing it with a trumpet).
This would mean that by 2019 we had already been through the last 3 1/2-years. This also means that his prophetic statement in Oct 2018 was false because the 4th Thunder involved the Pope and America – not Jerusalem as the prophet revealed.
- [null] – Thunder #5? – In March 2021 Brother Stair was waiting for the 5th Thunder and questioned if it had already blown. [Was there something involving the Pope and Jerusalem that he missed? Or forgot?] Brother Stair died less than a month later. Perhaps that was his 5th Thunder?
- [and] – Thunder #6 – With the death of Brother Stair in 2021 the world will never know what the last two Thunders are/were.
- [void] – Thunder #7 – With the death of Brother Stair in 2021 the world will never know what the last two Thunders are/were.
- Although, according to his word these last three Thunders would have all been revealed by the Spring of 2019, and Jesus would have returned by then – based upon his prophetic statement in Akron Ohio on Sept 2008 (“that we are in the last 1290 days”), and his announcement of the 4th Thunder on Sept 24, 2015. Either God messed something up or someone was playing Prophet and couldn’t keep their gameplay straight. Brother Stair already gave a heads-up on that one – to those with ears to hear…
What we have here is an invalidated revelation. This cannot be of God. God finishes what He starts. One thing we’ve witnessed in Brother Stair is that he never finished anything. He would accuse others (like Brother Kirk) of this, while Brother Stair’s ‘finishing’ was simply quitting on things and discarding them – abandonment. Like he did with his people. Like he did with the River Community. Like he did with Sister Andrea and everyone that figured him out. Like he’s done with these last three Thunders of Revelation (Pr 25:19). They lie abandoned, unfinished, fruitless (Eph 5:11).
What do any of these Thunders signify? What value do they have in the sanctification of the body of Christ or their preparation for the Last Days? They are simply some smattering of events from history that were ‘sounded’ after they happened. Too bad we didn’t have a real prophet who could tell us beforehand so that we’d know they were a prophet. But again, neither was there any explanation given to us as to their possible meaning and how they fit into the End Times – nor of their failed end-time timelines. Or how they made anything clear in any regard. This appears to be just a manifestation of a shyster toying with us (Matt 7:20). Think not? It seems he already told us so, we just didn’t listen or believe him…
How does the Pope coming to Congress in 2015 [Thunder #4] reveal the man of sin, the two witnesses, and where we are at in the last 1290 days? Perhaps you forgot because the revealer prophet also forgot to tell us (Pr 25:19). For over five years after Brother Stair revealed the 4th Thunder he failed to tell us who the man of sin was, who the Two Witnesses are, or where we are at in the last 1290 days. That’s some big fails there. Especially when you realize that these were THE THINGS that we were all listening to him for. His very reason for being on the scene. Without this purpose, he has no reason to hold our attention – does he? (Prov 25:19)
Forget about Daniel, Revelation 6, the Seals, the Four Horses, Trumpets, Vials… he jumped right to Revelation 10 to make himself out to be the Seventh Angel (Acts 8:9-10). Which, if you understood the scriptures at that point, would nullify his ‘prophet’ importance. Since the proclamation of Revelation 10:7 is that the mystery of God is now fulfilled and there is no need for any prophets to proclaim anything. He claimed to be this Seventh Angel Messanger and didn’t even give the message of the Seventh Angel – that it’s fulfilled, there’s no more revelations and no need to hear prophets. He was betting on your ‘simplicity’ (your ignorance) to believe his every word (Pr 14:15). Likewise, you’re not supposed to realize that he stole the Seventh Angel Messenger idea from Branham, who stole it from Jehovah’s Witness founder Charles Russell.
Failed Purpose
The very reason for his ministry, the reason that anyone should be listening to him, ended up being a dud over five years before his death. It’s no wonder that he ignored his own declaration of the 4th Thunder after 2015. He must have realized that holding to it meant that he had to reveal the man of sin, the Two Witnesses, and where we are in the last 3 & 1/2 years. This was his long-standing point about what the 4th Thunder established. This would be a problem, since by March 2019 it [his last generation] would have been all over – max – if he had declared to us in 2015 that we’re at the beginning of the 1290 days. That’s the longest this could have gone till – as he had long declared the 4th Thunder would indicate.
He has also said that we would already be in, and perhaps at the end, of the 3 & 1/2 years when it’s revealed where we are at in them. Making the end long before 2019. Another epic fail there. Thus, after proclaiming it in 2015 he quickly silenced it and never spoke of it again until a caller brought it up in a Service when Brother Stair was so addle-brained in his bad health that he remembered and agreed, saying he had no problem with that, without realizing the problem would destroy his self-made timetable.
So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul:
when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward,
and thy expectation shall not be cut off.
(Proverbs 24:14)
Failed Prophecies – Failed Resurrection
Even before his death in 2021, we should have realized that there was no way for his words to have come true. To now wait for his Last Day events to take place after his death is wallowing in denial of the revealed truth – at the mouth of the absolute prophet whose words on this came from the Throne of God. The six months after his death have passed – and no return of Christ came as he insisted – absolutely. Even his self-appointed predecessor threw him under the bus at that time saying his words were not going to manifest. That it would be a trap for us to believe they would. Pastor Rice had no hope of Brother Stair’s works coming to pass, and Rice left no hope for others.
The Only Hope
As of 2024, the only thing that can be grasped now is a hope for Brother Stair’s 3 & 1/2 years anniversary resurrection from the dead so that he can fulfill all his currently failed prophecies. But time is quickly ticking away and eventually, we will be past September 2024 without a resurrection – and without hope in this world (Eph 2:12). Thus there’s no way his End Time events will ever be manifest. Thus he has made his own statement on this matter that we should all hear and heed…
Perverting a People
Think about how Brother Stair was living in increasing gross sexual perversion in those years. He even went so far as to have his brother’s wife (Mk 6:18). That’s not a man who believed that Jesus was coming by 2019. Remember before 2000 (Y2K) as he was preaching the imminent return of Christ, he would tell us you’re not ready, because of what he considered a sin in us? This was just before his sins were revealed in 2001 that he had been walking in gross sexual sin throughout his ministry (1Thes 4:3-8). It was likewise believed at this time that he repented and things would turn around and get on track… only to find in late 2004 that Brother Stair never moved away from viewing pornography, even in his Radio Room. A man ready for Jesus?
Was this a man who believed that Jesus was coming? This was not only a hypocrite but a man who by all appearance didn’t believe that Jesus was returning, or that Jesus cared about sin – a man who didn’t believe in the Jesus he preached. Yet was fully ready to use Jesus as a rod to beat others into submission to his ways. Without living according to or submitting to any of Jesus’ ways himself.
His fruit alone should have been enough to cause his followers to flee from the wicked one (Rom 16:17; 1Thes 5:22; Pr 4:15, 27, 3:7, 6:14-15, 5:8, 7:25-27, 22:5, 24; 1Cor 10:14, 6:18; Ps 37:40; 2Tim 2:19; 1Pt 2:11). After all, that’s the test that Jesus gave for a prophet – his fruit (Matthew 7:15-20, 12:34). Not some false witness (Acts 8:9-10; Pr 6:19, 12:17, 13:17, 14:5, 19:5, 28, 21:28, 24:28).
The matter of Brother Stair living in increasing gross sexual perversion was what half his followers realized in 2001 when we were expecting Jesus to return at any moment – because of his false teachings. Meanwhile, Brother Stair was actively involved in extramarital sex and raping his barely-legal followers. All the while lying to us into believing that he was the holiest man on the face of the earth. In case you didn’t listen to Brother Stair in the late 90s, he preached that he was without sin. This is the man who, at the same time, was heavily engaged in gross sexual perversion. And some wonder why half his people left him when the truth came to light (Luke 12:2-3; Eph 5:13).
Brother Stair was partially correct when he slanders them (Pr 11:9) by saying they lost the witness – indeed, they realized that the false witness that excused Brother Stair’s antics was overshadowed by his fruit that they witnessed (Mt 7:15-20). They lost that false witness they were coerced into getting (Pr 6:19, 12:17, 13:17, 14:5, 19:5, 28, 21:28, 24:28). His fruit is the very thing that Jesus said to judge prophets by (not some spiritual witness) – ye shall know them by THEIR [the prophets] fruits… wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them [prophets] (Matt 7:16, 20).
Yeah, that’s right, Jesus gave you two witnesses on that one (2 Corinthians 13:1), and yeah, Jesus was speaking in the context of knowing [getting a witness on] prophets. But pay that no mind, the great power of God (Acts 8:9-10) has told you to get a witness on me so that he would thereafter, no matter what you witness him doing, be right (Matt 7:15-21). Thus he could get away with anything – and thus he did.
Remember that in Sept 2008 from the Akron Ohio meeting Brother Stair said The 4th Thunder will be the revelation of the man of sin (implying the Antichrist), who the Two Witnesses are, and where we are at in the last 1290 days. Then in Oct 2018 Brother Stair said the next Thunder will involve the Pope and Jerusalem. Of which he meant the 4th Thunder.
Seems the Prophet forgot that he had proclaimed the Antichrist will be revealed in 2003, and having forgotten that, he proclaimed the Fourth Thunder in 2015. Did he forget these or did he not want to be held to something that he wasn’t sure was spectacular enough to be dubbed a Thunder. Seems like revealing the Antichrist would have fit that bill – unless he had no candidates and realized his timeframe was out of wack for that one to still work. We were told he was getting these revelations from the Throne of God. Why the shyness and trepidation to declare them then? Why then the hesitation, nay, the pulling back from proclaiming them? Were they just a figment of his imagination? (2Peter 2:18; Pr 25:19)
A Brilliant Flash of Insight
The Seven Thunders are certainly a brilliant play, because who can say that your revelation is wrong? Because no one knows what they said. And for good reason – because God didn’t want it known – not then and not at any time. God said ‘Shut them up’ He didn’t say ‘Hold them until the end’. “Don’t do it. Their words are not to be revealed” (Rev 10:4 TLB). What they said has no bearing on what we need to know about the End Times – as Brother Stair claims these revelations show us.
Likewise, there was nothing in Brother Stair’s revelations of these Thunders that gave us any information about the End Times. Showing us conclusively by his own mouth that they were of no consequence in preparing the Body of Christ for the Last Days – and certainly they were not from God. The best example of that is his prophecies about their revealing where we are in the last 1290 days, which was sidetracked and we had none of those massive revelations. Making this whole charade, in the end, revealed to be a farce.
If you think about it, and you should, you’d realize that nothing Brother Stair said was ever a present truth. Nothing was revealed to help us in the Last Day. Nothing gave us any help in knowing where we were in the Last Days. Perhaps at the time, we thought some of his proclamations or ramblings were significant but now in light of his death and the lack of Jesus returning on Stair’s timeframe, we realize that nothing is now valid. He was absolute about that and about his words being absolute – no matter what Pastor James Rice said.
Therefore, his only proclamation that remains is the one that claims he is a liar and places him and his followers in Hell. Do you believe him or not? That’s a paradox that you’re not going to get out of without renouncing him to be deceived and not sent from God that even he proclaimed himself to be if his words don’t manifest. Did you get that Pastor Rice? Because you’re the man who said it was a trap to believe his words would manifest. In doing so, you declared him to be deceived and not sent from God before his prophecy about Jesus returning within six months could transpire.
Yet you, Pastor James Rice, are the man who claims to be Standing fast with you Prophet. You’re a liar befit of the Overcomer throne that you have usurped. This denial and betrayal of Brother Stair would be the only way you could obtain the leadership since Brother Stair made it clear that there was no one coming after him. No one was going to lead the Overcomer after his death. So to do so, Pastor Rice had to nip in the bud any believers in the words of Brother Stair manifesting at those Feast Days with Jesus Returning. He couldn’t have any eyes looking for Jesus when he wanted all eyes looking to him.
These Thunders of Brother Stair are contrary to scripture in their very (made-up) existence and in their ridiculous meaningless meanings. All they ever did, and were for, was to exalt Brother Stair. That by these he astonished the people… claiming that he was someone great, to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is The Great Power of God.” (Acts 8:9-10 NKJV). Yea, the great Seventh Angel Messanger. The revealer of the Seven Thunders…
Time Revelation
But let’s not overlook the obvious, as the Overcomer Ministry is now doing under James Rice, Brother Stair declared in 2008 that the fourth Thunder had everything to do with time and where we were supposed to be in time. The revelation of the Man of Sin, the Two Witnesses (Elijah and Moses), and where we are in the last 3 & 1/2 years. Even then he was ambiguous as to what all or a selection thereof would mean and how it would be revealed. It was meant to captivate you and keep you looking to Brother Stair for an explanation and further revelation (Heb 12:2).
This unfaithful messenger of time is spoken of in Proverbs 25:19. Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. Brother Stair’s revelations of time are like a bad tooth or a lame foot (NIV78), Having trust or confidence in this unfaithful man to reveal anything useful or to do you any good is only going to disappoint you – he will bring you pain. The expectation of the wicked shall perish (Prov 10:28, 25:19). Worse, as he declared, it will land you in Hell for believing.
Ambiguous Revelation
Nothing makes this point of this ‘having no bearing’ clearer than Brother Stair’s own revelation of what the 7 Thunders are. They are things so ambiguous, without any connection to a biblical meaning of the times. They were just pulled off the headlines and ran up the flagpole. They don’t even include world-shaking events like the fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11, or the Coronavirus Pandemic. They are about political men or Popes which are never related to how it affects biblical timing – or us. Fruitless! (Matthew 7:15-20)
Hindsight Revelation
So their bearing on being a revelation for our time that we need is completely bogus. Especially since they were all heard after the fact. How is that going to help us? This is where another perverted scripture will come in handy – God reveals the beginning in the end. At the end of the matter is when we will know when it began. This was how Brother Stair used to sell us on being in the Tribulation period but not knowing it. The actual scripture says just the opposite – Declaring the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10).
We are now at the end of a certain matter – now we should know what will happen to those who believe Brother Stair’s message in the end…
Prophet Revelation
What’s more, we are just supposed to believe them to be the Thunders because Brother Stair says so. This benefits only him. They have no bearing on the Church or in revealing to us where we are in the End Times. Their sole purpose is to exalt Brother Stair as the great one who alone gets these secrets from God (Acts 8:9-10; Rev 2:24). Therefore we must listen and heed the Prophet’s voice or we will miss God’s revelations. Not that these revelations are doing us any good – that fact is not to be considered (Pr 25:19).
We can add to this the pitch that has been sold by other false prophets also – that you have to receive the prophet to receive the prophet’s reward (Matt 10:41). This prophet’s reward is then sold to be revelation knowledge. While this should be an obvious perversion of God’s word, many believe this lie because they are already under the prophet’s strong delusion (2Thes 2:11).
Well, if this revelation truth were so then what need have you of said prophet telling you what the Thunders said? Or for any revelation from their mouth? It’s because they sell it to you that you only receive this revelation knowledge if you’re receiving said prophet. You see, you’re trapped again in a circular (un)logic.
Get this. You’ve got to receive the prophet to get revelation knowledge but with revelation knowledge, you don’t need the prophet to reveal anything to you – do you? Another paradox of perverting God’s word and ways.
Furthermore, what we have here is a seer [prophet] that cannot see [false prophecy]. Is that the same [false] revelation knowledge that you are going to acquire from receiving this [false] prophet? His blindness (Isa 42:19; Matt 15:14). More benefits of being under a strong delusion (2Thes 2:11). Recieve a false prophet and recieve his blindness and his strong delusion.
What Is and What Will Not Be
What is said and what is not said are important here. Because Brother Stair puts words into the book of Revelation that it doesn’t have, infer, or intend – as he does with many scriptures. This is bad particularly because Revelation (at least) contains a curse upon those that add to it – you know, adding something like revealing the words of the Seven Thunders (Rev 10:4). That kind of adding to it.
This is the main thing that makes these Thunders deadly. They are not only perversions of scripture – they are outside of scripture, and further, they are also of private interpretation (2Pt 1:20). This private interpretation is what makes them in error, false, wrong, and puts them outside of scripture. No scripture is of or from a private interpretation (2Pt 1:10). So what we have here is either a fantom of Brother Stair’s own imagination or most likely a doctrine of demons from the ‘god’ that he has long heard from which never speaks to him about his gross sins but accuses the brethren at almost every breath (1Tim 4:1; Zec 3:1). The same god that allows him to watch pornography and call it strong meat. The god that allows him to commit not only his heinous sexual crimes without remorse but allows, nay encourages him, to exalt himself about the God of gods.
Enter Branham
Let us rewind a moment. Brother Stair first got the concept of revealing the Seven Thunders from William Branham who spoke of them and taught that he revealed them. Branham realized that he could make up anything and no one could prove him wrong because the Bible doesn’t say what they are. That is the whole point here. The Bible not only doesn’t say what they are but the Bible does say that they are not to be revealed. “Don’t do it. Their words are not to be revealed” (Rev 10:4 TLB).
Joseph Coleman, a former Branhamite, also taught that he revealed the Seven Thunders. He taught that the seven thunders were the virtues of 2 Peter 1:5-7 – which would be far more in line with scriptures than anything Brother Stair or Wm Branham concocted. However, you should realize that the Thunders didn’t say that either because that is something that Peter said and was written down – and the Thunders were not to be written down, write them not (Rev 10:4). Thus Coleman was also wrong.
Coleman claimed to have received the revelation of the Seven Thunders from an angel. Like Brother Stair, Coleman told his followers that they were special, the cream of the crop. Even more like Brother Stair, Coleman controlled his followers with fear. He was known to humiliate his followers by telling them their sins from the pulpit. Those who questioned him were forced to publicly apologize. Defectors were banned – even family members were not allowed to associate with them. Sounds like Brother Stair’s playbook. (Joseph Coleman and the Seven Thunders)
None of these prophets have the necessary witness that is required by God to establish the matter of the Seven Thunders (2Cor 13:1). But the whole reason they are doing it is they want to be exalted as the only one who reveals it. The very matter of 2 Corinthians 13:1 should be enough for us to have ended this before it was started. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Sadly, scripture is not enough for followers of delusions. Something to do with that strong delusion that they are under (2Thes 2:11).
So for the sake of opening the eyes of the deceived, we continue…
77 Jump Street
Another trick that Brother Stair engages in here is one of his common plays. That of jumping scriptures. This is an old Jehovah’s Witness trick termed by Walter Martin as The Knight-Jump Move. Brother Stair does this with his teaching of The Jonah Sign where he jumps from Matthew 24 to Matthew 12 – without telling you – and answers the latter question of the disciples with a former answer to the Pharisees. This is one of the ways he makes scripture out of context – so that he can then rewrite the context that he wants into it.
Brother Stair did the same thing with the Seven Thunders. As we previously stated, the Voice from Heaven said of revealing the Seven Thunders: “Don’t do it!” that they “Were not to be revealed” (Rev 10: 4 TLB). So what did Brother Stair do about that? He jumped back to Daniel to justify it.
Go Back, Daniel
In Daniel 12:9 Stair found, And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. So Brother Stair would add this to his revelation of the Thunder revelation. This was then the reasoning for his having the revelation of the Seven Thunders – it was now time for them to be revealed. Unfortunately now we not only have four worthless revelations, but we are also missing the last and most important three.
If he had kept reading to the next verse he would have found the revelation of his last days. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand (Dan 12:10). He was found waxing worse and worse, doing wickedly, and not understanding it. Nor did he understand that scripture says many shall be purified. That certainly doesn’t fly well with his doctrine of the few. Plus, purification was not something that Brother Stair wanted anything to do with – as his fruit revealed (Matt 7:15-20).
Wicked Understanding
Instead of understanding, he took Daniel 12 verse 10 and applied it to everyone else, and rode it like a hobby horse to accuse people of being wicked in that they didn’t understand him (Zec 3:1). Brother Stair loved to say that if you don’t understand – then you’re wicked. He was always referring to understanding him and the perverted interpretations he would put on things. Thus to have a pure heart that did not understand his wickedness meant that you’re wicked – in Brother Stair speak.
It’s amazing how well this doublespeak works to distract from the truth. Many deceivers do this. Instead of using scripture to understand and define an action, they will make up a connection and often pervert a scripture, like in the examples above. Read through Proverbs, and place Brother Stair’s life into it, and see what you come up with. It’s not a pretty picture, but it’s an accurate one.
James Five?
Let’s take a look at why we have Pastor James Rice now declaring that he is waiting on the Revelation of the Man of Sin when Brother Stair, Prophet Stair, is the man who is to do said revelating. What about the last four Thunders of the departed prophet? Wasn’t #4 in 2015 to be the revelation of the man of sin? Didn’t Brother Stair say that already took place in 2001? Pastor Rice, how are we now looking for the revelation of the man of sin? Are you saying you’ve lost the witness that the Prophet gave?
How did we not get the revelation of the Man of Sin, the identity of the Two Witnesses, and where we were in the last 1290 days in 2015? The prophet said this would happen at the 4th Thunder, which was in September 2015. How long was it going to take for that to be revealed to us? As stated earlier, it would have been all over by March 2019 if his revelation to us from the 2015 4th Thunder was that we were at the beginning of the 1290 days. Considering that he always inferred that we would be somewhere in the 1290 days or likely toward the end of the 1290 days. Thus, we are far out of reach of hitting these targets now. That time has way past. The prophet has way failed.
How was Brother Stair waiting for the 5th Thunder on March 2021 and questioned if it had already blown? Didn’t he realize that the 4th Thunder sounded on Sept 24, 2015, over five years earlier – by his own mouth? This also begs the question, why he said blown when thunders sound? Was the prophet in confusion about Trumpets? If so, then was he also in confusion about the Thunders? In that case, you’ve forgotten all the other things in the timeline of future events that Brother Stair has declared must take place, you might want to do a review, and also check out the Future Timeline while you’re remembering (1Cor 14:33).
Blind by Choice?
How can anyone today continue thinking that any of this has any weight? How can anyone not see this house of cards for what it is? James Rice, you’re waiting for the Revelation of the Man of Sin to be revealed by Brother Stair is going to have to… wait. You’d better decide that it’s already happened in 2001 or that the prophet lied to you because it’s never gonna come from his mouth. Is it? Unless Dennis is right, and you’re not going to admit that are you?
Unfortunately, it has to be said again because people are not computing this. On April 3rd, 2021 prophet Brother Stair passed away. Making October 3rd, 2021 the last date that Jesus must return by. Because the one thing Brother Stair was most emphatic about was his death. How he was to die, where he was to die, and by whom he was to die, and that within six months of his death, Jesus would return. That time has passed. Both prophecy and prophet have failed! Brother Stair taught that the last Four Thunders will mark the end of this world and that God will reveal what they are only to him (Brother Stair), just as God did the first three[/four].
Let Brother Stair remind you again of how absolute he was about what his death would reveal about him and his followers who believe his words (Pr 25:19)…
God Will Do Nothing?
One of Brother Stair’s great justifications of himself that he would also base these Thunderous revelations on was that The Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Thus the Seven Thunders must be revealed by a prophet or the events of the book of Revelation cannot take place.
While that sounds like a great selling point. Does it have any validity? Let’s apply that reasoning to the first four Thunders. All of these events happened before they were revealed. So how could they have been a Thunder? How could they have even happened if a prophet didn’t say so beforehand? Realize that all the revealed Thunders were revealed after they occurred (sounded). So there is something amiss with this reasoning that Brother Stair has sold us that the events of the book of Revelation (the Thunders) cannot take place unless first revealed by a prophet. There’s another paradox for you to chew on.
If that went over your head, try this one. If God will do nothing without revealing His secrets of the end times to his servant the prophet (Brother Stair), then the Thunders must be revealed before God can complete the End Time events in Revelation past Chapter 10. But doesn’t the book of Revelation reveal these events already??? Isn’t that the purpose of Revelation? Hasn’t John already fulfilled this? Why are we waiting for God to reveal to a prophet (Brother Stair) so that God can do the End Time events that He has already revealed in the book of prophecy called Revelation (to John) (Rev 1:1, 3, 22:7, 18)??? Who hath bewitched you (Gal 3:1; 2Thes 2:11; Acts 8:9-10)???
Hasn’t Amos 3:7 already been fulfilled? Indeed, the prophet Jesus told us “It is finished!” (John 19:30). When the Seventh Angel sounds (which prophet Stair claimed to be) we are told the mystery of God is finished (Rev 10:7). So let’s stop looking for another (Luke 7:19). That’s how you get deceived into following the coming false prophets that Jesus warned us of in Matthew 24. Brother Stair never told you that when he was making up his stories (and lies) about Matthew 24, did he?
Thankfully he told us that if he died wrong – not in Jerusalem at the hands of the Pope – then he deceived us all. Looks like we’ve absolutely found who bewitched you (Gal 3:1). But we’ll let you hear it for yourself, from his mouth…
Seven Deadly Sins
The fruits of the spirit are in contrast with the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-24). Here we show what is commonly called the Seven Deadly Sins vs. the Seven Virtues.
Lust | Chastity |
Idolatry | Faith |
Greed | Good Works |
Discord | Concord |
Indulgence | Sobriety |
Wrath | Patience |
Pride | Humility |
Which side do we find someone revealing false visions that they alone have (indulgence, pride) to puff themselves up (pride, greed, lust)? Accusing (discord, indulgence, pride) those who reject their revelations (idolatry, indulgence, pride) with damnation (wrath, pride, indulgence)?
Which side do we constantly find Brother Stair on? Which side is this prophet devoid of? By their fruits, you shall know the prophets (Matthew 7:15-21).
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are:
immorality, impurity, sensuality,
idolatry, sorcery,
enmities, strife,
jealousy, outbursts of anger,
disputes, dissensions, factions, envying,
drunkenness, carousing,
and things like these,
of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that
those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.But
the fruit of the Spirit is
joy, peace,
patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
against such things
there is no law.
those who belong to Christ Jesus
have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
(Galatians 5:19-24 NASB95)
Deadly Deceptions
What makes these Seven Thunders, and the more Deadly Seven Sins, the deadly revelations of the prophet, the deadly interpretations, the wrestling of the scriptures (2Pt 3:16), and such like (Gal 5:21). Are that they are part of a strong delusion that is sent to damn you (2Thes 2:11). That’s deadly!
You do not want to partake of the plagues of Revelation by receiving the prophet’s reward – which is what you get for adding to the words God didn’t want to be revealed in Revelation (Rev 22:18, 10:4). That’s deadly!
Be warned! This is just one of many of Brother Stair’s damnable doctrines. This is an epic foundational one, which removes the secure foundation of God – that’s deadly! (Prov 22:28; 2Tim 2:19-21)
Remember the Prophet’s own words to us from the audio clips above. Words that he was an absolute about. That those who believe him and his words of his death do not come to pass – that he was a liar to us and he was deceived and will go to Hell – along with all those who believed his lies.
If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
(Psalm 11:3 NASB)
Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal:
“The Lord knows those who are His;” and,
“Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to keep away from wickedness.”
(2Tim 2:19 NASB)
Destroying the Foundations
In light of these scriptures, rather than some secret revelations (Rev 2:24), how does Brother Stair destroy God’s foundation? By causing the righteous to go astray in an evil way (Pr 28:10) by teaching wickedness and by living in wickedness. By not being washed, sanctified, and therefore not being justified (1Cor 6:11).
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (1Cor 6:9-10 BSB)
That’s deadly!
Pastor Rice to the Rescue
With Pastor James Rice turning from the Propht and making his words out to be a deadly trap at least that’s better isn’t it? It would be if he were actually doing that but he’s living in massive confusion and walking in massive sin. Thus he is under the strong delusion that Brother Stair was under and is deceiving the former followers of Brother Stair into following him. Trying to hold forth Brother Stair because he’s the voice that brings in the money and the followers to work his Farm. But Pastor Rice has turned the manifestation of Brother Stair’s words into a trap to believe in.
How can he have the two? He cannot, but the real question is how he can deceive the followers of Brother Stair into buying any of this when Brother Stair has made it concrete to his followers that his words cannot be altered and must come to pass – or he’s been a liar.
That’s deadlier!
Related articles:
See also The Final Witness‘s message The Overcomer Ministries 7 THUNDERS ~ Revelation 10:7
Not A Vision of a Man that Speaks It
After My Decease to Have These Things Always in Remembrance
Overcomer Ministry in Disarray
In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel
The End of Brother Stair’s Ministry and Radio Broadcast
The End Is Near – The Last Days Message
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