Phone Call Messages 14
Brother Stair
Brother Stair
Phone Messages #14

Last Updated on Sun October 24, 2021 @ 2:09 pm

More phone calls witnessing to the confusion that the Overcomer Ministry is broadcasting.  Magnified in the sign of the broadcast recorded over them, and thus they reaired the same.  Brother Stair spoke over several callers.  We may try to fix this later.

This segment was only aired a short time from Sunday morning till Tuesday morning when it was replaced with others (Phone Messages #15).

The first caller tells us that we (apparently the USA) are going to be turned into Hell.

From Hamburg Germany does like to listen to him – whoever he is preaching.  He doesn’t realize any present truth of the ministry – which may be best.

The third caller, Jim, wants to encourage Pastor Rice and wonders what happened to him, he hasn’t heard him.  At least he’s noticed this.  Most callers leave their messages for Pastor Rice without knowing what’s going on.  They don’t have any discernment of what’s afoot.  Or a boot perhaps is the like for the Overcomer as it likes to boot those who don’t conform to its ways.  No one seems to be aware that not only is Pastor Rice’s voice not heard but it has also been removed from the interruptions and replaced – word for word.  That should have been enough to tell them that things are not in unity on the Happy Farm.  To which we should consider Bro Paul’s reminder from Phone Messages #15Christ is NOT divided (1Cor 1:13).

Related:  If My People

Here’s a clip of the new kid replacing Pastor Rice on the broadcast interruptions.  Both the long one and the short ID.


Any questions?

What could possibly be afoot with the new Overcomer regime that Pastor Rice (and probably most of the Henretta crew) would leave?  We’ve been warning you.  So, Brother Jim, all those preachers you listed are mostly gone, fled I suppose.  Likewise should you.  Preaching and teaching is reserved for the man who brings in the money – the fallen prophet.

Mike in KY listens via the telephone.  Wonder how long that’s going to be continuing?  Mike, like many others especially the women, uses his phone time to preach and minister to us.  This is something that Brother Stair didn’t like.

We get virus updates and the present fear preaching that is void of the broadcast because Brother Stair failed to see COVID as anything prophetic enough to mention it before his death.  Food and jobs and Pastor Rice are the topics but we didn’t get to hear the audio he played.

A Brother reads to us.  We’d better think again if we don’t think it’s going to get any worse.  Perhaps he forgot who he was calling.  That’s all this ministry is about.

The sisters begin, calling in for prayer.  Speaking of Prayer Time… it’s a say situation, like listening to the prophets of Baal shout and cut themselves.  It’s not a happy people rejoicing that Jesus is coming soon.  She gets talked over by Brother Stair because of the confusion in the Radio Room – same as it ever was.  Perhaps the tech is standing in Brother Stair’s place and watching porn?

Several sisters try to talk under Brother Stair’s book offer that he has no supply of them.  This should make us ask not only why this would even be aired over the phone calls but why it would not be pulled from any rotation???  This is a clip the is solely about this book offer.  A book that they do not have.  The current regime is clearly looking for ways to fleece their listeners of funds.  The book is Prostitution Coverup, which could be a book on the Overcomer Ministry.

Related:  Forgiven or For-Hidden

More sisters asking for prayer.  Please pray for them because they need to be delivered from this strong delusion that they are following and they God would have mercy on them and save them from the Hell that awaits the followers of false prophets (Matt 7:15-20;  Jer 5:31).

The Phone Messages:

1 thought on “Phone Messages #14

  1. Could this young man giving the address be Caleb the 21 year old son of Dennis and Rose Larivee? I believe both their daughters have left years ago.

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