Heralding Brother Stair: the unreplaceable Last Day Prophet of God, the Voice of God.
He who stands in Christ's stead as the Son of Man today - taking Jesus' place.
The Prophet who is the promised Comforter, and greater than Jesus Christ.
The End

Last Updated on Sat April 2, 2022 @ 11:27 pm

[This article was originally written on March 31, 2021.  Three days before Brother Stair died.
Notes are now added to apply to the current events since his passing.]

Has It?

At the time of this writing, we are in the Feast of Passover 2021.  Brother Stair is feeling and sounding like he’s about to die.  Thus he is making out that he is about to pass from the scene and the End is upon us

[Indeed he was at his end, his death, though we doubt he himself believed it any more than all the other times he’s been at death’s door and managed to escape.  His followers certainly did not believe it, nor would they – for the reasons noted in the article Overcomer Ministry in Disarray]

Adding to that is the belief of some that Brother Stair is not dead.  Now we know why his grave marker does not state his date of death.  Dennis the president of the Overcomer Ministry insists they stop saying that Bro Stair is dead because (as Stair taught) “death means separation from God” and Dennis refuses to accept that Stair is separated from God. 

Dennis, Brother Stair has long been separated from God.  His sins did that.  Do you know why?  Because the Bible (fancy that) says that sin is what separates us from God – not death as falsely taught by Stair (Isa 59:2Heb 10:261Jn 1:8).  Not only is he separated from God and not only is he dead – this spot is twice dead according to that ignored Bible.  Twice dead, plucked up by the roots (Jude 1:12).  His sin brought forth death (Jam 1:14-15Micah 3:4).

Brother Stair walked in a way that he thought was right but he was wrong and if he would have tested his path against the Bible (according to that there Bible) he could have realized it.  There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death (Pr 14:12).  Perhaps some of you likewise missed the memo on that one.]

These are spots in your feasts… they feast with you…
without fear… without water, carried about of winds [teachings/doctrines]
whose fruit withereth, without fruit,
twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
Raging waves… foaming out their own shame;
wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
(Jude 1:12-13)

In one Service, an email from Jackie is read by Brother Brown.  [Interesing the difference in how Brother Stair felt about Jackie and how those now in control feel about him – they seek to cast him out (3Jn 1:10).]  To the end that it praises the prophet’s ministry and for manipulating the rich young rulers listening for funds to sustain the ministry (with $10 million) for this last 6 months push of preaching the word (without the gospel) (2Cor 4:4).  There is still no word given on when this Last Six Month Push is to begin.  [Now with his death, his followers are figuring we are in that time, yet the Prophet failed to see and tell it.]

Brother Brown [who would go on to be the first official reader for the Overcomer for the announcements of Brother Stair’s death, and things] is reading this email because Brother Stair (the Voice) is all out of… voice [looks like God made a boo-boo in his calling].  Brother Stair can hardly speak even though he tries hard to get out the utmost railings upon his people without putting God in it that every time he does so his voice is taken away.  We witness this clearly in these Passover Services.  [To the extent that Brother Stair lost his voice and his strength to even finish the planned Services for the last days of this Passover Gathering.  Which culminated in his untimely sudden death.  All unforeseen by the Seer of the last days.]

Jackie’s also getting an oxygen machine sent to Brother Stair because that’s what will sustain the prophet – not God.  [The oxygen failed to sustain the prophet, his breath (voice) was taken from him days later.]  Why does this ministry need any money for radio time?  It has failed to keep even 1% of all that God sent it with the estimated $42/45 million dollars that Brother Stair has cast to the wind already (John 6:39).

Can God?

Are we so divorced from reality that we think that hundreds are going to flock there after hearing the confused out-of-date messages that are airing?  This is magnifying the definition of insanitydoing the same thing and expecting a different result.  But then again, that has always been the motto of Brother Stair.  The only benefit that has come from Brother Stair’s wasting God’s peoples’ money is that he has caused several Shortwave Radio Stations to stay on the air when they would have otherwise shut down – as Radio Jülich did.

[Even though Brother Stair talked like he was dying, he was still talking of a great restoration and Gathering (the 1,000 Gathering at the Farm) as the End Time last 6 months Final Push Has everyone forgotten that this is not going to transpire either?  Just like we forgot that he said “we were not going to witness the year 2000“, or how he’ll be on Radio Jülich’s 12 Transmitters for his Final End-Time Push?]

Related:  Sabbath Service – December 19, 2020 – Bro Stair

Jackie’s email noted that God is going to magnify the Sign and God has magnified this ministry.  God has certainly magnified the Overcomer Ministry and the Prophet Brother Stair – but not in the way he or they had hoped.  God has magnified to the world the sexual immorality of Brother Stair’s sex crimes.  This was highlighted today by Brother Stair himself telling of his caregiver’s fear of even publicly coming to see him because of his sex crimes.  Jackie, by the way, is supposed to be one of the Two Witnesses along with Brother Stair – how’s that working out?

[Jackie was correct in the Sign being magnified.  Again, unlike expected.  With Brother Stair’s death, the Internet and local media exploded.  One Witness is fallen.  Who will arise in his place and who is the other?  We await the magnification of more perversion on this.]

The Revelation of the Revelation

Are we all forgetting that Brother Stair has not revealed to us who the Antichrist is?  This was his main reason for existing – according to himself.  What a failure he will be further magnified to be when this doesn’t come to pass – or when he says it to be a person that he is clearly wrong on.  

[Too late on both accounts.  There will be no more words from Brother Stair’s mouth on who the Antichrist is.  So scripture is protected from that error because it tells us the one we call the antichrist comes by calculation not revelation (Rev 13:18).  Or is it?  Stay tuned, s we’re sure to see more revelation from the Overcomer Ministry on these things as time ticks on.] 

By the way prophet, where are we in the Tribulation time frame?  When did it begin?  Because that’s another one of the reasons for us listening to the prophet all these years.  Have we all labored in vain?  Have we cast our livelihood away in vain?  Have we been taken as meat for them [the false shephards] (Eze 34:10)?

The Prophecies to Come

Aside from the Antichrist and the Tribulation.  Where is this Gathering of 1,000 that God promised him?  Where is the $10 millionThe 12 Transmitters of Radio Julich?  Who is going to proclaim America’s last 40 Days till destruction?  The revelation of the last three Thunders?  When is his last visit to the Pope to be killed in Jerusalem (previously spoken to be Rome)? 

When does his three-and-a-half-year ministry as one (or both) of the Two Witness who can call down fire upon all his enemies begin?  (He frequently notes that he is not short on enemies).  We surely know he would already be doing this if he had the power – yet we fail to see this manifest.  These are just a few of the multitude of prophecies that are soon to fail along with the rest if Brother Stair dies soon.

[Again, more signs that the Sign is in error and a false sign – and that seal is now set with the Death of the Testator.  There’s also the overlooked prophecy of his death he gave in 1987.]

Thundering Tribulation?

Brother Stair has reduced his Tribulation down to three and one-half years.  We are told that we are at the end of this Tribulation period awaiting the prophet to tell us when it began.  This is predicated upon a twisting of the scripture in Isaiah 46:10 to make it say God declares the beginning from the end – which is the opposite of what it says.  Scripture also shows us that the Two Witnesses will mark the beginning of that.  Are we then supposed to just cast out all that the Bible tells us has to take place in the Tribulation (or before it)?  We are if we are to buy into Brother Stair’s teachings.

Where are the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, the Seven Bowles?  We are to ignore them in light of the Seven Thunders – something the Bible puts no relevance on – nor tells us to await a revelation on.  So we are to cast out the Bible (as his predecessor Jim Jones did) in light of the revelation from the Prophet.  After all, Brother Stair has declared himself to be the Bible.  Thus, the prophet alone is what we are told to heed.  The prophet alone will reveal the Seven Thunders.  The prophet alone will reveal the Antichrist (something the Bible tells us comes by calculation, not by revelation  Rev 13:18).

[Now that Brother Stair has passed, we will never know who the AntiChrist is according to his teachings that a prophet must reveal it.  It was he alone that was to reveal him or to reveal the man who would tell us.  Neither of those options took place.  Thus the body of Christ is lost in knowing who the Antichrist is.  Unless perhaps we’ve been witnessing him at work already – under the guise of a Prophet?]

The problem here (the main one) is that these revelations are invalid if they come from only one man.  Even Jesus told us that even His words were not valid without a second or third witness.  Jesus said If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true (John 5:31), yet Brother Stair has convinced us that he is the sole revealer of these truths.  Then again, Brother Stair does claim to be “greater than Jesus Christ today” so I guess he can get away with what Jesus couldn’t.

Related:  Phone Messages #9

The End, The End Has Come

[It’s rather haunting realizing all the subtitles given here, after the fact]

As we have seen in Brother Stair’s ministry, everything gets reduced down to playing with time.  He mostly uses the lowest number as he ticks out the clock.  The 7-year Tribulation went down to three-and-a-half years.  Then that is taken down to The Last 45 Days.  This is all done to shorten the time, to keep them holding on; it’s the stunt of a salesman that is getting you to focus on him.  You’ve got to listen to me, you’ve got to pay attention to me, I’m the only one that knows the timesUrgency, scarcity, and exclusivity – are the best tools of a salesman.

On the other side of his tongue, he ticks up the clock where he needs to.  When his 40-year generation expired he extended it to 70 years.  When that failed, he amplified it to 120 years.  Now his generation is more than a lifetime.  What we are witnessing manifested in both of these is a man that thinks to change times and laws as he wears out the saints of the Most High in his speaking great swelling words of vanity (Daniel 7:252Peter 2:18).

The one fallacy that Brother Stair’s Overcomer Ministry has used to draw people in is that he has taught and convinced his followers that God has to have a people that are alive and remain when He returns’.  This teaching makes it something that is not up to God to preserve us but we are to do it for Him.  So it’s all a matter of us getting in the right place to save our flesh from the evils of the Tribulation that would otherwise come upon our flesh – otherwise, God’s arm is too short to save us (Isa 59:1).  Thus we see that the Overcomer Ministry is based upon saving one’s own flesh.  It’s no marvel then that it has become exposed as a cesspool of pleasuring the flesh. (Galatians 5:16-262Thes 2:12)

God Will Do Nothing

Another one of Brother Stair’s reasons for existence is hung on another extracted scripture – misplaced in this time.  Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7).  This is spoken to justify himself as the secret revealer but he’s ignoring the third verse which leads into this.  Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amon 3:3).  God is not in agreement with Brother Stair’s sins.  God is not walking with this prophet.  Thus God isn’t revealing any secrets to Brother Stair.  We should already know this, simply because all his prophecies have failed (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

What Brother Stair fails to reveal is that God has already revealed everything to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7).  The final Revelations were given to John to cap it off (Rev 22:18-19).  It is finished (John 19:30).  Why seek ye another? (Matthew 11:3).  This is further backed up by John when he says, ye need not that any man teach you (1Jn 2:27Eph 1:9, 27) and Proverbs has long told us that God reveals His secrets to those who fear HIm and to the righteous (Ps 25:14Deut 29:29Pr 3:32) – not the sexually immoral (1Jn 3:7Eph 5:5, 31Cor 6:9-10Gal 5:192Tim 2:22Rev 2:14).

The Last Day Prophet of Who?

Let us not be ignorant of this fact brothers, that the only last day prophet in the scriptures is the False Prophet to the Beast (or Antichrist).  Brother Stair uses Amos 3:7 to justify his being some last-day prophet that has to tell God’s people what they need to know for this time”.   Further justifying himself (2Cor 10:12) by appealing to your belief that you’re not doing wrong by following him, telling you that God wouldn’t lead you to a false prophet.

But there is not only no last-day prophet that God said He would send but there is no prophet that He ever told His New Covenant people to look for or to follow.  That’s not what prophets are for or do – it has never been the case.  Old Testament prophets were not followed.  It is certainly not the case for us under the New Covenant (Testament).  Where in the Bible has God ever sent anyone to any prophet?

Even the verse Brother Stair loves to put himself into, where Moses said you must listen to everything He tells you is not the all-encompassing devotion and worship that Brother Stair makes it to be (Acts 3:22).

You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him;
and you shall keep His commandments,
listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.
(Deut 13:4  NASB95)

It’s All About Timing

Whether these times of Brother Stair’s are made up or not doesn’t matter.  What we have here is the great prophet of Godthe Great Oz (Acts 8:9).  We need to realize that this is how Simon the sorcerer deceived the people – making himself out to be some great one (Acts 8:9).  In this, we are turned from any truth to fables taught as doctrines (2Tim 4:3-4).  This is how Brother Stair has spun his doctrines of time (Daniel 7:25).

Related:  Parents Arrested in Brother Stair Investigation

2,000 years is all we get from Jesus’ death to His return?  Where did that come from?  Where is that in scripture?  It’s like the fallacy that one day to God equals 1,000 years for us.  That’s not what it says!  Amazingly, we are so ignorant of this one thing (2Peter 3:8).  Why do we not apply the rest of what Moses said there that Peter was quoting?  For a thousand years in thy sight are… as a watch in the night (Psalm 90:4).  That turns it around and makes 3-4 hours to be 1,000 years to God.  Why isn’t that preached?  Because it’s not conducive to the false teachings that false teachers tag onto this 1 day = 1,000 years Doctrine.

[Timing indeed.  Sadly we have now run out of time for Brother Stair’s prophecies regarding himself (and his events) to take place.  Which is the reason for the disarray in his Overcoming Place.]

The Sign of The Times

Brother Stair is truly a sign of the soon-to-be-revealed Man of SinIt was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them (Rev 13:7).  Brother Stair always said that after he goes, or dies, no one would take his place[We will see how that works out with all the infighting going on now at the Overcomer.]  This is what happens when God sends them strong delusion – they believe a lie (2Thes 2:11-12).

Beware, God does this so that they all might be damned because they believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2Thes 2:12). 

This is indeed God’s work.  But is that a work of God that you want to be a part of?

Brother Stair would boast that if I’m deceived, then it’s God that has deceived me.  This is nothing to be glorying in.  It means that you have been given over to a strong delusion, that you’re believing a lie.  Indeed Brother Stair believed and told many lies about himself.  The end of this deception from God is damnation (2Thes 1:11-12).  Have rather a love for the truth that will have you questioning everything like the Bereans did because the only thing that matters is finding the truth (2Thes 2:10Acts 17:11).

Brother Stair even spoke this strong delusion to believe lies and the ensuing damnation in his false 1987 Prophecy where he pronounced his own delusion that he and his followers would be under.  This delusion has applied to all who hear that Prophecy and reject the truth of seeing how false it was and how everything said therein has failed

Realize that The 1987 Prophecy is the cornerstone of his Overcomer Ministry when it started in Walterboro, SC.  Thus this is a ministry that has been based and founded on lies.  Those that chose those lies did so without the love for seeking or seeing the truth.  Thus they were turned over (by God) to a delusion (a strong one) to believe in the lie that this man was a Prophet of God.  Thank God for His mercy to the 99% that He has delivered from this lie.

The Sign of Love

One of the most obvious witnesses of the perversion of this truth that was taught by Brother Stair and Rick Bell is their having a love for the Prophet diddy that they would do.  You should not let any man or spirit speaking to you convince (or witness) you that you should love them rather than the truth.  Seek the truth, Buy the truth, and sell it notto) also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding (Pr 23:23).  It is this turning away from the love for the truth to a love for anything else (a prophet) that brings upon you the Strong Delusion that causes you to believe a lie (that you should follow a Prophet and not God) (2Thes 2:10-12).  Love the truth!  You cannot be saved without doing so (2Thes 2:10).

This love for the truth that God speaks of is also not the love that Brother Stair propagates in his quest for sexual fulfillment of his sexual perversions.  That love is a lie.  Only in knowing the truth can you be made free (Jn 8:32).  This is why the truth is so important and why we must love it.  Lest we be bound.  We are not to let a man bind us (Mt 18:18). 

Jesus is the ultimate Truth.  This brings us to another perversion of Brother Stair’s where he replaced Jesus and became Greater Than Jesus.  This is not an obscure statement that he let slip, no, he has made many such statements that point him out as our intended Messiah.  His Jerusalem syndrome of being Moses, Elijah, John, and Jesus also extends to him being God in your midst.  Teaching that you can’t run your life without the prophet.  The prophet represents God in your midst and that he’s the Bible that we have now.  And so many more.

[Brother Stair was one of those many coming after Me in their abounding iniquity and cold love (Matthew 24:11-13)]

Even him,
whose coming is after the working of Satan
with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth,
that they might be saved
nd for this cause
God shall send them
strong delusion,
that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned
who believed not the truth, but
had pleasure in unrighteousness.

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)


Next in this Passover series is The Passing-Over of Brother R. G. Stair


6 thoughts on “The End, The End Has Come

  1. I “think” the King James Bible says, People (not just men or man, women too!) do not know when Jesus is going to return, however, Stair pushed Matthew 24 over the air about Jesus saying, watch for the signs. I don’t think we are quite there yet. The “Man Of Sin” is Not Former President Donald Trump, and the “Man Of Sin”, I believe has not shown up yet, despite what Brother Ralph Stair said in January and February 2021. Donald Trump is loosing ground in popularity as time goes, in my opinion.

  2. This afternoon, I read a testimony from Mana Stanwood when her and her husband lived on that farm. You folks can Google Search it and find it with all the other piled up, trashy stories about Ralph Gordon Stair. This stuff I read is about like what Charles Manson did on that Spann Ranch. It was sick, just made me sick to my stomach how Ralph Stair treated women and assaulted a MAN on the farm as well! Such an idiot can one person be than, Ralph Gordon Stair. Well this ship has sailed, he’s gone. Will things get in line that Pastor Rice is now there? What might change at least more for the better, I hope. Guess we will wait and see. Maybe Leah Remni who has went after the Scientology Cult might still look into the Overcomer Ministry Farm. I also sent word to a Celebrity also in Los Angeles, CA. named Lisa Kudrow. I told her all about Ralph Gordon Stair, and the Sex Charges made against him at the Overcomer Ministry Farm in Canadys, South Carolina, before he passed on April 3rd, 2021. If you do not know who Leah Remni or Lisa Kudrow is, just Google Search them. Look and see who Ms. Remni has tried to get busted in Religious Churches! From what I understand, Lisa Kudrow is looking into people with Mental Health issues. Well as I said, this ship has sailed. Let’s pray to God he watches over all the victims, women and some men. May God bring them Peace in their lives!

  3. Call it what you want folks- the guy we humorously tagged Archie Stare the
    “The Overcompensator” has passed, and believe you/me he won’t be replaced. Archie was an entertainer par excellence with an unusual timbred voice that could squeeze crazed and piercing compression at will; .causing squeals and gales of paroxysmal spasms among his audience. If he wasn’t the preacher he’d be banging on a piano or guitar to the same effect.
    See ya Arch, I’m gonna miss you and those late night crinkly broadcasts from the boondocks, just like that other “Champion of Voices” on the Late Night Coast to Coast juggernaut.

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