Greater Than Jesus


In 2006 Brother Stair teaches that he is greater than John the Baptist and greater than Jesus Christ.
In 2020 Bro Stair teaches that he is the Word of God manifest in the flesh dwelling among us.

Rio de Janeiro Jesus
Brother Stair
Brother Stair
Greater Than Jesus

Last Updated on Mon April 1, 2024 @ 10:09 am

Brother Stair teaches that he is greater than Jesus Christ and greater than John the Baptist.

“Try to tell you people all along.  You know you make statements and they just kick [referring to his own statements and how his people kick against them]Yeah, there’s a greater than John the Baptist here.  Yeah, there’s a greater than Jesus Christ today.  Shut up, you devil! [he’s feeling the backlash from the shock this produced in his congregation]  I’m not wrong when I say what I say.  I’m not wrong!  And how sinful and wicked for you people to think I am.  God’s not wrong.”  See how Brother Stair is saying that he is God – the one that is not wrong?

Clip from the Tabernacle May 20th, 2006, Sabbath Service


13 years later, Brother Stair reaffirms this teaching in November 2019 by saying:

“Never a man spake like this man [referring to himself], not even Jesus, not even Paul.”

Agreed, they did not speak the sexual perversions and cursings that Brother Stair speaks.  But that’s not what Brother Stair was inferring by this.  Brother Stair was making his words out to be greater than those of Paul and Jesus.  As such, they must have the greater obedience sacrificed to them.  Brother Stair has exalted himself as did Herod (Acts 12:21-23).

In His Stead

Brother Stair has also said that he is standing in the stead of Christ, the same thing the Greek says when John warns of the Antichrists that come in 1John 2:18.  Commonly translated against Christ, it is better translated in the stead of Christ.  Not doing away with Christ but replacing Himstanding in His stead.

Thus, Brother Stair is clearly making himself Christ in the flesh (Acts 8:9-10).  This goes along with Brother Stair’s claims of being the similitude of Christ in your midst and the prototype of ChristThis is the very definition of antichrist that John spoke of in 1John 2:18“one who comes “instead of Christ” [or in Christ’s stead] (Rienecker & Rogers, Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, 1980, p. 788).

This is what Lucifer tried to do in Heaven.  He didn’t want to do away with God he just wanted to be greater than God.  He needed God because his congregation focused on God, so he used God so that he could then be higher/greater than God, the great power of God (Acts 8:9-10).  Sound familiar?

The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.  (Mt 10:24)

A servant is not greater than his master.  (Jn 15:20)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.  (Jn 13:16)

If we are to believe Hebrews 13:8 which says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”  Then if Brother Stair is greater than Jesus today, then Brother Stair would be greater than Jesus has ever been and greater than Jesus will ever be.  Thus, Brother Stair is exalting himself above all that is called God and showing himself that he is God (2Thes 2:4).  Thus he is making himself out to be the Vicar of Christ, the “earthly representative of Christ”, which is the title of the Pope.  Thus making Brother Stair the Protestant Pope.

“You know you can’t run your life without the prophet.  The Prophet represents God in your midst.” (Brother Stair, 2020.09.19)

“If you don’t hear me, you won’t hear Jesus (Brother Stair, 2020.06.13)

The proud and arrogant man – “Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride (Proverbs 21:24  NIV78).  A wicked man puts up a bold front [hardneeth his face] (Pr 21:29  NIV78).

He shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak astonishing things against the God of gods.  He he shall not give heed to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.
(Daniel 11:36-37  RSV)

A Greater Gospel

Therefore, as the stand-in for Jesus, Brother Stair apparently has the right to change the Gospel (Gal 1:8-9).   As he has said; “I have been charged to preach Another Gospel than what Paul preached.” (Brother Stair, 2006)

Related:  Phone Messages #12


Who charged Brother Stair to preach this other gospel?  It wasn’t the Almighty God of scripture, for this is against His gospel.  We should take another look at the previous verse in John 13:16.  Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent himSo, with Brother Stair telling us that he is greater than Jesus, John is telling us that Brother Stair wasn’t sent by Jesus since Brother Stair is (claimed) greater than HeWho then sent and charged Brother Stair?  (John 8:44)

See the article Another Gospel for more on this.

Brother Stair's Gospel does not Confront Sin

Another Spirit

In Brother Stair’s acceleration of exultation to become greater and greater (Acts 8:9-10), he stated that he was the Comforter in his Service on Dec 5, 2020.  He made himself the one Jesus spoke of in John 14:16-18 as the one with the spirit of truth, who will lead and guide you.  This should clearly give us a warning of where Brother Stair is taking himself and his followers.  This is not the spirit of Christ.  This is clearly another spirit (2Cor 11:4).

This is why we are warned to test the spirits (1John 4:1).  We are expressly warned to test the spirits on prophets (1John 4:1).  See our full article on Test the Sprits for more on this.

The Comforter Has Come

2020 December 5th.  Brother Stair now, in his acceleration of exultation, has declared himself to be the promised Comforter that Jesus spoke of in John 14:16-18.

“I tried to tell you years ago when Jesus said; ‘If I go away I will send to you another Comforter.  A man filled with the Holy Ghost with the Spirit of Truth who with lead and guide you.’ “ (Brother Stair, Dec 5, 2020)

Clip of Brother Stair making himself the Comforter


This heresy has taken the promised Comforter, the Holy Ghost, and demoted Him from being in you (like Jesus actually said), and not just put Him in a mere man so that he (a man) would be the one with the Spirit of Truth that he (a man) would lead and guide you, and thus be the Comforter – but has made Him out to be a mere man.  This leading and guiding are what Brother Stair is after.  Here Brother Stair is making himself “the Comforter” [who is the same Holy Ghost who instructs you] by using the word “Comforter” to hide that he’s actually making himself the Holy Spirit behind the word Comforter.

He wants obedience and instant submission from everyone.  So when he comes to you and asks for sex (which he would do) you will do it without question.  This is his reason for making himself your Holy Ghost – so that you’ll submit to him and let him overpower you.

Another Comforter

Take a look at what Jesus actually said and see how far off Brother Stairs’ perversion of it is. 

And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever;  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.  (John 14:16-18)

Yet this is the same Comforter that Brother Stair is promoting himself to be as he twists and perverts a scripture to make it into a lie.  Hoping that you take the trip with him and buy into his heresy.  He leads into this with another lie to set us up to believe it is established truth, by saying that he’s tried to tell you years ago.

“I tried to tell you years ago when Jesus said; ‘If I go away I will send to you another Comforter.  A man filled with the Holy Ghost with the Spirit of Truth who with lead and guide you.’ “ (Brother Stair, 2020.12.05)

The Word of God has Come

Brother Stair has long proclaimed that the Word of God is in my mouth.  This goes along with his teaching that everything that comes out of my mouth comes from the Throne of God [sic].

Brother Stair has stepped this up to not just be in his mouth but now we are told that the Word of God is “in me!”  Further declaring himself as the manifestation of the Word of God in the flesh dwelling among us.

Related:  Men Who Hold the Truth in Unrighteousness

“Today, I Am the Word of God made flesh, and I dwell among you [sic].” (Bro Stair, 2020.11.28)

Note that he died less than six months after this proclamation (See Acts 12:21-23).

This Has Been Long In The Making

These teachings of Brother Stair are not anything new.  He tells us that he has been trying to tell us this about himself all along, years ago.  Notice how both his statements here begin, and how the same theme has continued over the years.

2006 – “Try to tell you people all along.

2020 – “I tried to tell you years ago

So this fruit we are witnessing is from the root that has always been there (Mt 7:20).  We say this because there are some who think that Brother Stair will repent of his evil ways over the last couple of decades that they have known him and turn back to the man he was before 2001 that preached holiness and sanctification.  What we are witnessing today is the path that this man has always been on – it was just hidden by hypocrisy and deception (seduction) (1Tim 5:24-25;  2Tim 3:13).

We are expecting the declaration of Brother Stair being the Father soon.  It’s not like he hasn’t already been hinting that we should accept that he is God.  Just as we can see in the first clip how Brother Stair is saying that he is Godthe one that is not wrong.  This is the very same thing that Jim Jones proclaimed of himself and the same spirit he operated under (1Jn 4:1;  Lev 19:31).

Likewise, Brother Stair’s claim of being the Bible and that you only need to hear him (Brother Stair) and not the Word of God, is exactly what Jim Jones did with his congregation.

“We got a lot of Bibles.  Most of them are translations they’re not revelations.  You got a Bible – right here [pounds on his chest].  And this [referring to himself] is not a translation, this [Brother Stair] is a revelation.”  (Brother Stair – August 15, 2020)


The previous year, Brother Stair stated that I am the Scriptures.  He would take that even further and go on to say “I’m the Word of God.

In 2019 Brother Stair would claim (and get his congregation to echo) the same phrase that many said of Jim Jones“Never a man spake like this man [me].  Not even Jesus.”  (Brother Stair, 2019)

All this shouldn’t shock us because we were told that this is the path of evil men and seducers.  The signs have long been seen in these men (Jude 1:4).  Even Brother Stair has long told us that it’s all about worship, and now we see what he meant.  Brother Stair desires worship and uses the Doctrine of Lucifer to achieve it – the ascension of himself to the place of God – and above.

Another Branhamite

Brother Stair stole things from William Branham to use as his own more than he was an actual follower of Wm Branham.  But doesn’t that still make him a Branhamite?  He didn’t mind Brenham because he would twist what Branham said to make it out that he said that there was another Messenger/Prophet coming after him.  Branhamites don’t believe that.  Brother Stair lied on Branham.  He held this person in admiration – for this advantage (Jude 1:16).

All the while he was following in the footsteps of William Branham.  Taking on his claim as the Voice of God.  Taking his Seven Thunders for his own.  Taking his Last Laodicean Messenger for his own.  And as this article witnesses, taking on the self-exalting spirit of Wm Branham that claimed Behold A Greater Than All Of Them Is Here.  Sound familiar?  A familiar spirit indeed, peeping and muttering the same lies (Lev 19:31;  Isa 8:19;  Acts 16:16-18).

The Root of the Fruit

When you unjumble Brother Stair’s expounding of scriptures and statements about himself, and put them together you get a very different picture from the one he’s painting.  You see clearly that Brother Stair is indeed in the scriptures and is a fulfillment of scriptures – just not the ones that he teaches you he is fulfilling.  This short clip shows us some of the fulfilments of some scriptures that even Brother Stair is preaching about to be erroneous doctrines (Heb 13:9).

Related:  Jim Roberts and the Cult of the Garbage Eaters


Decades ago Brother Stair aired Brother Charles as he spoke of these deceitful workers who come to us as ministers of righteousness (2Cor 11:13-15).  We interjected it with such an one for a proper perspective to make it clear to us about whom these scriptures are talking about in this clip.


Make a Tree…

These aren’t good men gone bad, they are evil men from the beginning (John 8:44).  The statements we are focusing on here show a 14-year period of time.  Examine Brother Stair’s early life from his own tales and you will see a young man who ran from God and who got involved with religion as a pretext for seducing women for his sexual fulfillment (2Tim 3:6, 4-5).

The stories of his days as a traveling evangelist show how this pattern continued – being schooled by reprobates who taught him how to play religion and get the women – they even had orgies and sex in the pulpit.  Then during his days as a pastor, he got kicked out of every church he pastored.  Easy to discern that it was because of his sexual indiscretions.  This love of pleasure kept him poor (Pr 21:17).

He decided that being a prophet would afford him the submission of people that he long desired.  This was what he saw when he started going to church to chase women and saw the power the prophetess had over the people and their submission to the leaders.  He reasoned that was the profession for him, so he did all the outward games to make people think he was saved and forced his way into the ministry.  He would take up this prophet mantle in his later years after failing in all the other titles he impersonated.  Then forming his own “Church” that was under his control would keep him from being cast out.  Now he would cast out all who opposed him or found out about his sexual perversions and would expose him (3Jn 1:10;  Pr 21:10).

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;
whose end shall be according to their works.
(2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Likewise, all the stories that have come out about his sex farm – from the Campground in Walterboro to the Farm in Canadys (Candyland).  All show us a pattern [fruit] of who he follows and what he follows after (John 13:16;  Matt 7:20;  2Tim 3:2-7, 13;  John 8:44).

Since the 2001 Revelation, it has been made clear to all via the Internet that Brother Stair is a sexual predator that is bent on power over his people and control of their lives and beliefs.  The content of this article shows proof that his narcissism is epic and his desire to be worshiped is clear.  Flee from such as these! (1Tim 6:11).  In the paths of the wicked [perverse] lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.  Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul. (Pr 22:5 NIV78[RSV];  Pr 22:25).  A false witness will perish, and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever (Pr 21:28 NIV78).  Even Brother Stair testified to that:

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, …ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Godhaving a form of godliness but denying its power.
Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. their folly will be clear to everyone.
(2Timothy 3:1-9  NIV)

19 thoughts on “Greater Than Jesus

  1. Pingback: Son of Man
  2. Listening to these short segments is a MUST for anyone who associated with Stair in any way. Stair blasphemed the Holy Spirit when he claimed to be the Comforter that Jesus told the disciples would come. Directly after Stair said that I could hear the demonic infestation within Stair as he cursed us. Can anyone else hear the growling and snarling? Even today if there is anyone who opposes Christians by maligning their character, integrity, the validity of the testimony they have given, or in following them onto multiple formats giving unsolicited mental evaluations. In conclusion, this individual is responsible for opposing their own salvation. I have brought this to the Lord on prayer and in the past individuals I observed who have fought against and oppose the very Lord Himself in slander, deceitfulness, bearing false witness, or in acts as an evildoer. One dropped dead recently at a young age, one had a close family member leave in the middle of the night refusing any further contact claiming an unsafe living situation, one lost a leg. Jesus said “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these my brethren you have done it unto Me.” This is to the self destruction of anyone who is against the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of those He redeemed.

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