Fall Feasts 2021 Announcement

Last Updated on Thu September 16, 2021 @ 4:07 pm
The announcement of the Fall Feasts Gatherings by Pastor Rice from the recent Sabbath Service is pulled and reaired as the announcement for these Feast Days for 2021. Only taking 45 seconds to announce the days but then the following bit was spliced in (apparently to add some confusion when it is randomly inserted into the broadcast).
These Feasts are all in September, which means that we only have another month to go before Brother Stair seals his testimony as a true or a false prophet with his death. If Jesus doesn’t come by October 3rd, 2021 then Brother Stair will finally be sealed, by his death, as a false prophet (Duet 18:15-22). This also means that there must be a Gathering of 1,000 before then. Is that what we are expecting for these Fall Feast Days? Perhaps the Pope will show up to help speed things along.
Has there been a call for 1,000 to come for the Great Healing Service and await the coming of Jesus this September? If not something is amiss with the followers of the Prophet who proclaimed that these things must take place.
Why Pastor Rice was not given space to make a clear, clean announcement from the Radio Room with a good microphone, or even from the sound booth in the Tech Room – is either anybody’s guess or just more evidence of the confusion at work in the Overcome Ministry.
And yes, once again, we are the only website from which you will obtain this information. The Overcomer website is too busy spending time updating their Radio Log – which is “Updated automatically every 5 minutes” – apparently because they’re adding so many stations – yet it’s a whole month behind. So are they really even wanting to have these Feasts?
All we have from the End Time Ministry is that “The Overcomer Ministry is expanding its Shortwave outreach with new 300,000 watt transmitters that will cover the entire world from Bulgaria, along with transmitters in Florida, Maine, and Tennessee… Not to mention, several AM/FM stations that cover many regions of the United States.” I guess that’s why they’re only updating their month behind Radio Log. Still waiting for those promised 300,000-watt transmitters…
They are still offering long out-of-stock books, tapes, CDs, shortwave radios, and prayer cloths (something he said he learned from the shysters). It seems the important point here is that Brother Stair is still asking people for offerings as he gives out these gifts (which they don’t have to send you – nor will they). But like we’ve observed, they don’t have any time to even update the website or the automatically updated Radio Log, so how are they going to find time to monitor and correct the broadcast? But don’t you forget to listen.
We must not forget that they are also still asking for prayer as they do not know what direction they are going in. In their own words, “Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward and seek God’s direction for the Overcomer Ministry as we wait for Christ’s return.” How do they not know what the direction of the Overcomer Ministry is? Did not the Prophet make that clear to anyone? We see here that it is no wonder we are witnessing so much confusion from the Overcomer. But it’s being heralded worldwide – as I guess that’s all that matters (1Cor 14:33).
What a Last Day witness!!!
The Feast Daze
Oh yes, the Feast Days… Here they are if you’re planning to see if accommodations are available. Apparently, no one is expecting 1,000 to gather or they wouldn’t have to check for the few that they think might come.
Feast of Trumpets – 7 Sept – TuesdayDay of Atonement – Yom Kippur – 16 Sept – Thursday- Feast of Tabernacles – 21-28 Sept – Tuesday – Tuesday
- Last Great Day – 28 Sept – Tuesday
Don’t expect that he was inferring that September 28th was to be THE Last Great Day. They are not letting out any clues that they are in any way expecting Brother Stair’s words to come to pass and for Jesus to come this year.
The other Announcements:
Don't forget a former Current and Important Announcement
If you’re looking for more timely information than the Overcomer is releasing you might find the messages from the listeners of interest as they appear to be the best source of input:
- Phone Messages #1
- New A.D. Phone Messages (#2)
- Phone Messages #3
- Phone Messages #4
- Phone Messages #5
- Phone Messages #6
- Phone Messages #7
- Phone Messages #8
- Phone Messages #9
- Phone Messages #10
- Phone Messages #11
- Phone Messages #12
- Phone Messages #13
- Phone Messages #14
- Phone Messages #15
- Phone Messages #16
- Phone Messages #17
- Phone Messages #18
- Phone Messages #19
- Phone Messages #20
- Phone Messages #21
As proclaimed and Heralded Throughout the World by the Lying Hypocrite & Apostate false Witness brother Rg Stair about 200 will be living in the Community before he is Done ~ 1000 People Gathering with Great Signs & Wonders ~ Brought before The pope & Killed & Then JESUS WOULD COME WITHIN 6 MONTHS of HIS DEATH !!!! Not ONE Mention of The False Prophet’s “God Spoke to Me Revelations ” at All ANYWHERE by ANYONE from This Satanic Stronghold from Hell !!! As the Song Goes, “THE BEAT GOES ON “, Stair Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain, ” La de da de de, la de da de da !!!! More Comprehension With Intensity Coming, God Bless !!
Each video you have presented has been with meticulous carefulness in showing the truth. Your intent has been decent and pure in revealing the inner workings and snares of the Overcomer Ministry as a former inhabitant for over 15 years. Your witness and testimony is steadfast, irrefutable and is backed up by proof of numerous brothers and sisters. We are they that have importunity for justice. We wait with patience for our Lord and Saviour to come as He will in 2 Peter 3. Our promise of His Coming and His beautiful new heavens and a new earth will simultaneously be their day of judgment and perdition. They wrested the Scriptures to their own destruction. Anyone who has willingly chosen to be part of the Overcomer Ministry is unlearned and unstable. They are so uncertain and wavering in their support of Stair that they can’t even air his words. They are hiding the last of his false prophecies and can only sing songs or read Scriptures that don’t even remotely touch on the relevance of the last and final words of the man they claim was an integral part of that ministry. They cancel themselves out by not addressing this! Their testimony is null and void as they cannot even speak of it.
Rice must be astonished at the disorganized chaos Stair left on the tapes/broadcasts to wade through. Old, mixed up, rambling, out of date, unobtainable purchase ads, all jumbled together with spurts of Stair as he exalted himself in grandiose vain imaginations. Maybe with Stair gone stations are backing off new contracts. They may want money up front or at least on time going forward. That would be the same way everyone else has to do business or pay bills. No special treatment or free pass. Only the pre-trib people expect that.