
  • Nobody Gonna Replace This Leader February 28, 2023

    Back in August 2020, just seven months before the Seventh Angel Messenger (Brother Stair) passed off the scene, he made an emphatic statement about his successor in leadership for the Overcomer. Let’s take you back to that Service not so long ago and see how things have turned so drastically and diametrically in opposition to his ...

  • Take Heed that You are Not Deceived February 1, 2023

    Derek Prince says: Almost every passage in the New Testament that relates to the End of the Age contains some kind of warning against being deceived.  I’m just going to take two passages from Matthew chapter 24 from the words of Jesus Himself.  He was asked what will be the sign of Your coming and of ...

  • Absolutist Papal Maxims of the Jesuits December 25, 2022

    We started out to present to you the Papal Maxims of the Jesuits and show you how similar they are to Brother Stair’s doctrines and teachings about himself regarding his calling and authority as some great one (Acts 8:9-10).  But in reviewing these 20 maxims it became clear that ...

  • In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel December 4, 2022

    As seen here, the headline of the Overcomer Ministry website has long been Revelation 10:7.  A verse that is taken out of context and out of its timeframe for the express purpose of exalting Brother Stair to the status of the Seventh Angel Messenger.  A title that he stole from William Branham who also ...

  • All His Servants are Wicked May 30, 2022

    A new series of messages from Brother Stan at The Final Witness that go into detail about what is currently manifest in the Overcomer Ministry under Pastor James Rice – especially in Services.  This is seen manifest in James Rice in the latest March 28th, 2022 Service. Anyone that has lived with Brother Stair will clearly ...

  • They Delayeth His Coming – Pt 3 May 17, 2022

    They Delayeth His Coming Part 3 Of They Delayeth His Coming series Take Heed Take heed that no man deceive you (Luke 21:8;  Matt 24:4-5).  Wherein have the Overcomers taken this heed?  They have not, nor will they because they believe that they are immune to deception.  Therein is their deception.  They are taught (programmed ) that to question the ...

  • They Delayeth His Coming – Pt 1 May 15, 2022

    They Delayeth His Coming Part 1 Think about it: The ministry based upon heralding the coming of Christ by the Voice of the Prophet has now turned away from that Voice in regards to the return of Christ. They have lost the witness in following the absolute words of Brother Stair. And turned to a leader that teaches that it ...

  • Confusion Continued May 6, 2022

    Part 2 Of the Continuing Confusion series Confusion of Delusions So what the good Pastor Rice has been saying is that we should ignore Brother Stair’s deification and his false prophecies and all the things we clearly know have failed and how his words have fallen to the ground, and just (by being willingly blinded) focus on his ...

  • Continuing Confusion May 4, 2022

    Part 1 Almost a year ago, when making notes on Pastor Rices’ after service Service, we went into detail about some of the many areas of confusion that are manifesting at the Overcomer Ministry.  Which was a continuation of the article the Overcomer Ministry in Confusion which was put out a few months earlier and followed ...

  • Deceived – The Jonestown Tragedy May 1, 2022

    Why is it people easily accept the testimony of ex-Peoples Temple members – even people in cults accept this – yet they do not accept the testimony from former members of their own church or group?  This documentary takes a positive look at how true Christians can become deceived by these false leaders and exposes ...

  • 10 Warning Signs your Church is Turning into a Cult April 28, 2022

    This may be the most important thing anyone associated with Brother Stair could hear.   In 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Paul says, “And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish (exhort and warn you).” “A person who is deceived does not know he is deceived.  A ...

  • Seven Deadly Thunders September 1, 2021

    The major hallmarks of Brother Stair’s ministry that put him on the map are his 1987 ‘The Prophecy’ and his sole exposition of the Revelation of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:3-4.  You know, the ones that the Voice from Heaven said: “Were not to be revealed“, “Don’t do it!” (Rev 10: 4  TLB). Why then ...

  • Phone Messages #4 August 1, 2021

    Some callers are starting to address Pastor Rice and think that God took Brother Stair for a reason.   This is what Brother Stan says also.   This would mean that God seems to have forgotten to fulfill what He put in Bro Stair’s mouth…

  • Phone Messages #3 July 23, 2021

    The Overcomer presents more revelations of the teachings that have been taught by Brother Stair as revealed by his followers’ phone messages.  Bro Stair’s teachings are slowly being turned into a worse apostasy propagated by the current regime in control at the Overcomer Ministry.  They are diverging from the teachings of Brother Stair and this ...

  • The Death of The Testator July 18, 2021

    These messages are about the Life & Legacy of Bro Stair revealing many of his quotes and sayings from his own mouth.  A must-see for all followers of Bro Stair and his Overcomer Ministry…

  • New A.D. Phone Messages (#2) July 17, 2021

    In the unforeseen death of Prophet Brother RG Stair, we have many in radio land and in his Overcomer community wondering and perishing (Acts 13:41) as they wrestle the scriptures on what this means and what to do now (2Pt 3:16). The latest addition of phone calls (messages) in this AD time of Brother Stair, provides ...

  • After My Decease – Have These Things Always in Remembrance May 10, 2021

    In the video listed below, Brother Stan provides us audio clips of Brother Stair on what Brother Stair stated would take place before his death and as to how he would die – if he were a true prophet. This is a video from his series The Death of The Testator on The Final Witness that ...

  • Announcement #3 April 19, 2021

    The latest interruption tells us that the broadcast is paid up to the end of October 2021.  This is because they are fully expecting Jesus to come in September this year (2021) at the Feast of Trumpets.  As according to Prophet Stair.

  • The End, The End Has Come March 31, 2021

    [This article was originally written on March 31, 2021.  Three days before Brother Stair died. Notes are now added to apply to the current events since his passing.] Has It? At the time of this writing, we are in the Feast of Passover 2021.  Brother Stair is feeling and sounding like he’s about to die.  Thus he is ...

  • Is Jesus Coming in 2021? September 30, 2020

    No Jesus in 2020 In the fall of 2020, Brother Star said that Jesus is not coming this year.  Usually, this is not spoken until we are in a Gathering that we were led to believe Jesus might come at .  Yet, this shouldn’t have to be said because there are so many signs ...

  • Losing The Witness September 22, 2020

    Just a short Daily Word on the issue of losing the witness.  This topic is one that is close to those who follow Brother Stair as it is his words to those who leave and to those who remain to keep them in line and fearful lest they also lose the Witness. Throw in your ...

  • Test the Spirits September 2, 2020

    There’s a teaching out there that says that we are to “Test the spirit that is on you”, to make sure you’re in the right spirit.  This is taken from 1John 4:1, but do we ever hear tell the whole verse?  Or its context? Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are ...

  • Repentance Is A Spirit September 1, 2020

    In Sabbath Service on August 29, 2020, Brother Stair made the statement that “Repentance is a spirit”.  We wanted to examine this proclamation from the Prophet in light of the word of God to show you where it stands and what we should consider this means. The Turning Away Repentance is turning away from sin.  Which starts ...

  • Seven Times a Day August 16, 2020

    Yesterday Brother Stair brought up, after he had a stumble with his live-in chambermaid Rose (who he commits adultery with), that a righteous man falls seven times (Pr 24:16).  Then when quizzed on how often that is (probably because she’s seen him fall many more than seven times) he declared that it means seven times ...

  • Do You Love Me? May 8, 2020

    Like Jesus, Satan also asks his ministers this question, “Do you love me?” (Jn 21:15-17;  2Cor 11:14-15).  To their positive response, he responds, “Then beat God’s sheep” (Cf. Jn 21:17;  Rev 13:7).  This is the telling difference between the ministers of God and the ministers of Satan  (2Cor 11:14-15;  Mt 7:20;  Gal 5:19-21;  2Tim 3:1-5).  ...

  • Every Dog Gets His Day May 3, 2020

    The following account is taken from testimonies and stories from Brother Stair and other witnesses (Acts 4:20). The Ministry of Justifying Feeding the Flesh Today is Brother Stair’s 87th birthday (May 3, 2020) which marks 71 years of feeding the flesh to walk therein.    Be assured that Brother Stair is going to ...

  • Passover the Date April 8, 2020

    Good Friday?  Good Grief! It’s Passover today (evening of Wednesday the 8th) but the Prophet of Time who always gets his dates wrong.    Brother Stair has set his 2020 Passover gathering for Friday evening the 10th – Good Friday.  This is even missing the ...

  • Dry Bones [Updated] March 25, 2020

    Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Dry Bones The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the ...

  • Entitlement February 26, 2020

    Membership Has Its Privileges Certain men (Jude 1:4;  Acts 8:9, 15:1;  Deut 13:13;  Act 8:9) teach that they have certain rights that you don’t have because of their anointing, calling, or office that GOD has given them (and therefore you don’t).  These certain men are usually seen (Mt 7:20) in that they extend titles to themselves ...

  • The Manifestation of the Man of Sin January 22, 2020

    Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ … (2 Thessalonians 2:1) The topic of The Manifestation of the Man of Sin is being heralded again on the Overcomer Broadcast.  Brother Stair says that we are quickly coming to that hour of his manifestation.  But this broadcast which is currently being aired is from 2002 ...

  • Men Who Hold the Truth in Unrighteousness December 26, 2019

    For or Against Men that use God’s Word to establish their own ministries and their own messages, do this to make themselves out to be Some Great One (Acts 8:9).  This is what it means to take the Name of God in vain (Ex 20:7).  Some of these “men of god” have even made out they ...

  • 909 Souls November 18, 2019

    2019 marks 41 years since the tragedy at Jonestown Guyana in 1978 where we found a madman bent on fulfilling his own sexual pleasures and power trip – at any cost.  The cost was 909 physical souls.  The spiritual impact was far greater, as with all perverted cult leaders.  Those that managed to escape them ...

  • From Prophets to Teachers November 9, 2019

    Peter teaches us that the Old Testament prophets are today’s teachers.  In 2 Peter 2:1-22 Peter reveals to us that teachers today are in the place where prophets were in the Old Testament (2Pt 2:1).  Therefore we are to beware of teacher’s or men’s teachings just as we were instructed in the Old Testament to ...

  • Reprobate Concerning The Faith August 2, 2019

    Who are these men whose faith is reprobate? Those who have made Faith reprobate? Those who have shipwrecked their Faith? Who destroy the faith of others? Their faith is reprobate – to them being reprobate IS Faith.

  • KICK That Wicked Man Out July 29, 2019

    1 Corinthians 5 The Truth Blaster with Milton Green, Brother Stair excerpts, and the Scriptures (1Cor 5:11)  If any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, with such an one no not to eat.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.  That’s RG Stair! Also, check out and subscribe to the Truth Blaster’s Brand ...

  • A Pure Heart Series – Bro Stair vs. Bro Milton Green June 22, 2019

    Brother Stan has put out a revealing video series on The Pure Heart on the Truth Blaster YouTube channel. In his 7 Part series, Brother Stan is exposing the workings of Satan today.  Also, check out and subscribe to the Truth Blaster’s Brand New Tube channel. Nothing is done in malice, bitterness, or ill feelings.  Sticking to the ...

  • Truth Blaster Testimony June 16, 2019

    Brother Stan Blasts the Truth giving a good testimony of his time on the Overcomer Farm and his witness of Brother Stair.  A testimony that we can attest our witness to and back up his witness as we have heard many witnesses of these same things (2Tim 2:2). Brother Stan also references the book by Charles ...

  • The Error of the Tongue June 13, 2019

    The Fruit of Moderation Paul said to Let your moderation be known unto all men .  James 3 speaks of how the words we speak make the course of our life.  So we had ...

  • The Face of Repentance April 17, 2019

    Colleton County minister denies sexually assaulting church members: “We had a good time”

  • The Time Draweth Near October 31, 2018

    Using the truth that ‘the time draweth near’ to draw people to a certain place. I am ‘the anointed one’, God’s ‘man of the hour’, and the time draweth near, this is the end time.

  • Jim Roberts and the Cult of the Garbage Eaters October 21, 2018

    A story that is all too familiar with many practices and teachings of Brother Stair (Lev 20:6, 19:31;  2Kn 21:6), is one of The Brethren founded by the late Jim Roberts from Paducah, Kentucky.  Notice how the teachings of these false prophets parallel with one another. Like the Overcomer, “The Brethren must forsake their families and ...

  • Truth Blaster on Overcomer Temple Prostitutes July 4, 2018

    From the Truth Blaster – The Fox and His Hen House. Surrounded by the Temple prostitutes, Amazing Times, R.G. Stair on the Farm. Recent News and Views on the changes that Brother RG Stair has made on the Farm in the months since his return to the Farm after his recent arrest. IT IS ENOUGH !!!!!!

  • Unless Ye Be A Reprobate July 4, 2018

    Recently Brother Stair aired a caller saying, “You can’t do evil like that because Christ is in you.”  We all know that if Christ were in Brother Stair that he would not behave the way he has been charged and arrested for.  If he did he would be in sackcloth and ashes ...

  • They Went Out From Among Us April 10, 2018

    There is an Us and there is a Them Certain Men If Any Man Draw Back Touching The Anointed Even As He Walked Bro Stairs’ old message on sin What Would Jesus Do

  • You’re of The Devil… April 7, 2018

    What will God do to those who say Someone is of the Devil? What would God say to those who took His word and applied it to a man’s work? Is there ever precognition of a person given that is coming from God as having God’s approval? What about David’s example?

  • What is Iniquity? April 1, 2018

    in·iq·ui·ty For the mystery of iniquity doth already work.  But do we understand what this iniquity is?  Or how it is recognized? 2 Thes 2:7-8  Today might read like this:  For the mystery of lawlessness  only until he who ...

  • This is a Current and Important Announcement March 31, 2018

    Did you come and join the Prophet for the 2018 Passover where they partook of the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic ceremony of Transubstantiation at midday?  The Jesus Cookie.  Martyring the Martyrs

  • Passover the Kool-Aid March 19, 2018

    Passover Bunny’s No one under 18 will be known to the authorities to have attended Lift High The Obelisk Keeping with the Fertility Rights Feast Day Drink If You Dare Transubstantiation is on the Table The Words of the Prophet are Written And repeated The Time for the Family to Join Me Son Rise Service

  • Craig Mack and the Bro Stair Body Count March 17, 2018

    Craig Mack’s recent death after moving to Bro Stair’s community adds to Stair’s death count which is the only way he retains numbers… and widows.  The Merchandising of Craig Mack

  • The Twelve Apostles? March 13, 2018

    Only 12 In That Number?  Recall on Matthias?  Was the son of man Peter wrong? Son’s of Men in Error / But We See Jesus / The 70 Sent.  The Other Apostles – Paul lists at least seven other apostles.