- Out of The Mouth… May 25, 2024
Brother Stair is making it clear in this podcast the things which proceed from his heart. Don’t overlook the obvious of those things that his mouth is speaking forth. They not only show forth the defilement of the man but they are defiling his listeners as well. This is not the fast that God has ...
- Three Strikes February 13, 2024
2024 marks three years since Brother R.G. Stair died naturally. According to the Prophet – the Voice of God, Jesus returned over two years ago, and we are now living in the Kingdom Age – how’s that working out for you? Below is an audio clip showing you some of the End Time events of ...
- Nobody Gonna Replace This Leader February 28, 2023
Back in August 2020, just seven months before the Seventh Angel Messenger (Brother Stair) passed off the scene, he made an emphatic statement about his successor in leadership for the Overcomer. Let’s take you back to that Service not so long ago and see how things have turned so drastically and diametrically in opposition to his ...
- Take Heed that You are Not Deceived February 1, 2023
Derek Prince says: Almost every passage in the New Testament that relates to the End of the Age contains some kind of warning against being deceived. I’m just going to take two passages from Matthew chapter 24 from the words of Jesus Himself. He was asked what will be the sign of Your coming and of ...
- Absolutist Papal Maxims of the Jesuits December 25, 2022
We started out to present to you the Papal Maxims of the Jesuits and show you how similar they are to Brother Stair’s doctrines and teachings about himself regarding his calling and authority as some great one (Acts 8:9-10). But in reviewing these 20 maxims it became clear that ...
- In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel December 4, 2022
As seen here, the headline of the Overcomer Ministry website has long been Revelation 10:7. A verse that is taken out of context and out of its timeframe for the express purpose of exalting Brother Stair to the status of the Seventh Angel Messenger. A title that he stole from William Branham who also ...
- Fall Feasts 2022 September 19, 2022
The month of September 2022 brings us the start of the Fall Feasts the Feast of Trumpets, and Rosh Hashanah 2022. We should remember Rosh Hashanah 2021 when Jesus was prophesied to come by Brother Stair throughout his ministry. This Rosh Hashanah 2022 marks a one-year failure on that prophecy and again marks the words of ...
- They Delayeth His Coming – Pt 2 May 16, 2022
They Delayeth His Coming Part 2 Of They Delayeth His Coming series Hardness of Heart The Overcomers have actually hardened their hearts to what Brother Stair taught. What he taught was indeed false – for the truth is that none of his words came to pass (Deut 18:22). Neither in his great Prophecies during his lifetime nor in his many ...
- They Delayeth His Coming – Pt 1 May 15, 2022
They Delayeth His Coming Part 1 Think about it: The ministry based upon heralding the coming of Christ by the Voice of the Prophet has now turned away from that Voice in regards to the return of Christ. They have lost the witness in following the absolute words of Brother Stair. And turned to a leader that teaches that it ...
- Phone Messages #21 November 23, 2021
What’s behind Door Number 21? 13 New calls. Please pray for these deceived remembering that there are many more that never call. Abide in Christ saints! (John 15) The Phone Messages:
- Phone Messages #20 November 16, 2021
11 New calls. Please pray for these deceived remembering that there are many more that never call. Abide in Christ saints! (John 15) The Phone Messages:
- Phone Messages #19 November 10, 2021
Hey Nineteen Sweet things from Boston so young and willing, Please take me along when you slide on down. Nice, Sure looks good, Umm-umm-umm. No we got nothing in common. Brother Stair on the outro speaking against his own words in support of abortion, “Thank God for abortion” he would often say. Please pray for these deceived remembering that ...
- Phone Messages #18 November 6, 2021
14 Phone Calls this week with the Sweet 18 reminding us of the sweet 16-y-o that took Brother Stair down in 2017. Again we are faced with the obvious that they are still merchandising the radio audience with book offers which are bringing in all the calls that are not from the normal few. These are ...
- Phone Messages #14 October 17, 2021
More phone calls witnessing to the confusion that the Overcomer Ministry is broadcasting. Magnified in the sign of the broadcast recorded over them, and thus they reaired the same. Brother Stair spoke over several callers. We may try to fix this later. This segment was only aired a short time from Sunday morning till Tuesday morning ...
- Phone Messages #13 October 8, 2021
9 minutes of calls with 14 callers. Several callers are calling in to give radio reports due to the old broadcasts with Brother Stair asking for radio checks and giving out various offerings for them. But it’s the second caller that magnifies the point that we’ve been making about the Overcomer Ministries’ lack of helping the ...
- Phone Messages #12 October 3, 2021
14 minutes of calls with 14 callers. . A few notes from the callers some of which gathered at Canadys for the Feast Days services. Why didn’t they stay since Jesus was supposed to come? Brother Stair would have been preaching that they need to tarry. Why wasn’t this ...
- Christ Returns TODAY! September 28, 2021
Here we are finally. On the day when Jesus Christ returns – at least according to Brother Stair and many of his followers. Though not his faithful house at the Overcomer Ministry. Though they are having a service – or a replay of an old one anyway – they have already started on Rosh Hashanah ...
- Phone Messages #11 September 27, 2021
Sorting through the mess we found number 11 on the phone messages giving us another 12 minutes of 13 calls around the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). We are going to be turned into Hell on Sept 17th because of a drone strike WE did. Bro K is still blessing Brother Stair. So sad because he knows ...
- Phone Messages #10 September 9, 2021
This segment of calls opens with Brother Best still believing what Brother Stair said – unlike what Pastor Rice and the Overcomer have now stated – as such Jesus is coming this month. At least we can give him credit for holding to what Brother Stair said – unlike the current Overcomer Ministry. Brother Best ...
- Phone Messages #9 September 3, 2021
We have been dolled out the new weakly phone calls. With the intended intent of shaming all who don’t follow that Jesus is coming at the end of September. A caller that keeps propagating this is one in love with Pastor Rice to the point of worship as can be witnessed in his sacrifices of ...
- Phone Messages #8 August 28, 2021
This week’s weekly Phone Calls have 12 calls, for 14 minutes. All are using the Overcomer’s magic password – Maranatha (so they are allowed to be aired). Not realizing that Anamatha! is the word for the Overcomer Ministry. As we will show below. This latest release of phone calls has Bro Best proclaiming Jesus coming this year ...
- Phone Messages #7 August 21, 2021
This time we get a 16-minute spot (we cut down to 14.5 after silence was removed) of 15 callers leaving messages. We like to put God in it and notice the place and way these messages are inserted. Take notice of the insert of Brother Stair they placed in the messages. That was not us ...
- Phone Messages #6 August 13, 2021
The recent’est phone messages to the Overcomer Ministry brings us 11 minutes of men and women calling in. With the passing of the prophet, we see many prophet wannabes getting their messages out and preaching to the saints. Profound dreams and deaths are the topics this time. Pastor Rice (the one that’s becoming more and ...
- Phone Messages #4 August 1, 2021
Some callers are starting to address Pastor Rice and think that God took Brother Stair for a reason. This is what Brother Stan says also. This would mean that God seems to have forgotten to fulfill what He put in Bro Stair’s mouth…
- Phone Messages #3 July 23, 2021
The Overcomer presents more revelations of the teachings that have been taught by Brother Stair as revealed by his followers’ phone messages. Bro Stair’s teachings are slowly being turned into a worse apostasy propagated by the current regime in control at the Overcomer Ministry. They are diverging from the teachings of Brother Stair and this ...
- The Death of The Testator July 18, 2021
These messages are about the Life & Legacy of Bro Stair revealing many of his quotes and sayings from his own mouth. A must-see for all followers of Bro Stair and his Overcomer Ministry…
- Announcement #4 July 10, 2021
Pastor Rice is the new voice of the announcements at the Overcomer Ministry. He’s asking you to call in your prayer requests and to send your offerings because the millions of dollars they now have isn’t enough…
- Phone Messages #1 July 10, 2021
In the confusion of the Broadcast, a series of phone messages almost slipped by us that were aired for a very short time. We thought we posted them but realized we overlooked them. You’re not likely to hear them repeated and they are not the ones that are being repeated. Once you hear them you might ...
- After My Decease – Have These Things Always in Remembrance May 10, 2021
In the video listed below, Brother Stan provides us audio clips of Brother Stair on what Brother Stair stated would take place before his death and as to how he would die – if he were a true prophet. This is a video from his series The Death of The Testator on The Final Witness that ...
- Overcomer Ministry in Confusion April 28, 2021
The Revelation of the Revealer It’s sad that the Overcomer Ministry is relying on us to inform its listeners and financial supporters of what is going on now that Brother Stair has died. We have been the ones keeping you current on the events of Brother Stair for almost two decades on his teachings and how ...
- Announcement #3 April 19, 2021
The latest interruption tells us that the broadcast is paid up to the end of October 2021. This is because they are fully expecting Jesus to come in September this year (2021) at the Feast of Trumpets. As according to Prophet Stair.
- The Last Day of the Last Day Prophet April 4, 2021
It is with a sad heavy heart that we report to you the passing of Brother R.G. Stair. We have no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Eze 33:11). As likewise, we have heard from several saints (that left the Farm years ago) that were impressed to pray for Brother Stair over the past ...
- Passover 2020 [Updated] January 1, 2020
It would serve us well to remember that in 2000 Brother Stair told us that if he were to live till 2020 that it would mean that all his words were a lie, a damn lie. Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour ...
- Despising God November 22, 2018
Brother Stan with a strong, important, to the point message on Brother Stair’s current truth. With audio excerpts from Bro Christopher (2009) and Bro Stair (2002) condemning himself. Despite, betrayal, and usurping.
- The End of Brother Stair’s Ministry and Radio Broadcast October 11, 2018
The End Is Come Fall 2018 marked nine years since Brother Stair told the world that he was ending the broadcast and he would be removed in our site. As of 2023, we are now 14 years past this prophecied and promised end of the Overcomer radio broadcast. On the morning of Wednesday, 14 Oct 2009 (Brother ...
- They Went Out From Among Us April 10, 2018
There is an Us and there is a Them Certain Men If Any Man Draw Back Touching The Anointed Even As He Walked Bro Stairs’ old message on sin What Would Jesus Do
- Delivered From or Delivered Unto? February 23, 2018
The Three Paths of Sin. Exposed Wickedness. Gods Toilet Brush. Shipwrecked Faith. Disqualifications of Elders. Unruly Talkers
- Recent Accusations & Investigations October 3, 2017
Bro Stair removes YouTube videos due to the recent exposure. Hugging and touching sisters caused a backlash leading to an investigation, possible arrests. Viral videos cause 2017 Investigation. 16-y-o Natosha, merchandising Craig Mack, Press & Standard article…
- Another Gospel February 14, 2016
Brother Stair teaches that he has been charged to preach Another Gospel and references Paul in Galatians 1. “How would you like to have to again go out there and preach another gospel? Which I have been charged to do. Preach another gospel…”
- Greater Than Jesus February 13, 2016
In 2006 Brother Stair teaches that he is greater than John the Baptist and greater than Jesus Christ. In 2020 Bro Stair teaches that he is the Word of God manifest in the flesh dwelling among us.
- Jesus Coming before 2000 February 11, 2016
Bro Stair: “That’s what I’m telling you. Now, in essence, what I am telling you is that Jesus is coming before the year 2000, that’s what I’m telling you.” Caller: “I believe that.” Bro Stair: “Hay, hay, no doubt in my mind about it. No doubt in my mind about it.
- 2007 Prophecy February 10, 2016
Proclaimed by the last day prophet of God: Brother R.G. Stair on Labor Day 2007 from Grace Community Tabernacle in Henryetta, Oklahoma. I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally ...
- 2001 Prophecy January 3, 2016
Proclaimed by the Last Day Prophet of God: Brother R.G. Stair “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with ...
- 1987 Prophecy
January 1, 2016
My servant, I want you this day to speak unto My people and unto the United States of America; for the day of her judgment has now come up before Me…
- The Prophecy
1987 January 1, 2016
Proclaimed by the last day prophet of God: Brother R.G. Stair, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I command him. I will personally deal with ...